To those of you who have a cool rig, What's your actual job?

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Post 1

infotree said:
Paid very well, flexible hours, work out of home

Post 2
infotree said:
Paid very, very well, flexible hours, work out of home

Waitin for the next post......I NOW OWN CANADA!!!

just kidding. Thought your double post was funny :)
im 15 years old that does work for my parents to get allowance so i can save up and get a new part here and there. im trying to get some hookup in the skateboard industry cause word has it im one of the better kid in my area for being 15. having no job sucks though.
I apologize to all for the double post. My big fat fingers in midst of typing caused it to post before I was completed. Nothing was meant by double post ;-)
We have an identical thread to this in General Mayhem so please become a subscriber if you want to keep posting off topic subjects.

Mind the doors.
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