Tizag Tutorials, What Else Is Needed?


Jun 21, 2003
After reworking our site a few times over the past few months, we will be putting in a ton of time this summer into Tizag.com, just adding content. Right now we try to offer lessons in a quick explanation and example format. This works great for fast learners, and those who learn best by example. We also have added a books section for those who don't learn very well by example and need a more in depth resource.

Right now Tizag.com has the following:
www.tizag.com/beginnerT/ - Beginner Tutorial (Needs a touchup)
www.tizag.com/htmlT/ - HTML Tutorial
www.tizag.com/cssT/ - CSS Tutorial plus Semi-advanced CSS Tutorial
www.tizag.com/cssT/liveExampleCss/ - CSS Layout Examples
www.tizag.com/cssT/reference.php - CSS Reference Sheet

You can check it out at http://www.tizag.com .

But before we spend countless hours on this site, I would like to know what web developers would like to see added to the page. Additionaly, what do you think of the page in its current state? We're trying to be one of the most complete HTML/CSS Tutorial site on the net, but we need to know what the people want :).
1) write compliant code
2) use div's instead of tables for layout
3) write compliant code
4) use some cool CSS stuff to show off what it can do, ie. div rollovers, absolute positioning, etc.
5) write compliant code

that good?
#4 is an excellent idea thank you for that thought. We could really use some more like this, anymore come to mind?

We do have an extensive list of CSS Examples that we plan on adding. We are holding off the implementation of the examples until our coder comes up with an example web page creator like the one he did for the CSS Reference sheet.

We are doing our compliant overhaul this summer, when we have a ton of time to dedicate to the project.
Originally posted by Failure
ack tables...

my eyes! :mad:

Haha, take it easy my friend. I want a pure CSS design just as much as you. If you know how to fix the issue with FireFox's displaying adsense improperly, then I would be more than happy to switch the site over to pure CSS :).


When you mouseover links another adsense menu will flicker on the screen, which would probably give someone a seizure if they were hovering through the menu.

Btw: It happens in both Firebird and Firefox, and we might be holding off from a pure CSS site until Firebird fixes their rendering issues. Unless we change our design around a bit.