"Titanfall developers say, PS4 doesn't have enough power to run it"

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is talking about things like AI, but even then I really doubt his claim.

And what is the AI going to really be doing in a multiplayer only game anyway ?
And what is the AI going to really be doing in a multiplayer only game anyway ?

trying to kill you. also defending the base while you are converting it to your own and then occupying that base after you do.
Yeah. I'm sure it look better in person than in heavily compressed, low bit-rate, internet video but the texture quality at some points in the demo was like a bad UE3 game.

There is a HD 60fps copy on the net. It does look mega dated. I mean it is the source engine. No plans myself to get this game. esp when dev's make up BS excuses.
someone said they were looking forward to planetside 2 and that it wasn't available on pc ps 2 has been a free to play title on the pc for over a year I was in the beta 2 years ago. go dl it from soe its a great game better than the first planetside.
There is a HD 60fps copy on the net. It does look mega dated. I mean it is the source engine. No plans myself to get this game. esp when dev's make up BS excuses.

Show some respect. At least these ex-COD developers have finally moved on from idtech3 :p
There is a HD 60fps copy on the net. It does look mega dated. I mean it is the source engine. No plans myself to get this game. esp when dev's make up BS excuses.

It's sad when so many of the media pointed to this game as the "Winner of E3".
trying to kill you. also defending the base while you are converting it to your own and then occupying that base after you do.

Even if its just ai the cloud is computing, it still doesnt make sence how the 360 can handle it or even how the lag of cloud computing wont affect it. I can understand single player with scripted events being able to time it, but anything more?
It's sad when so many of the media pointed to this game as the "Winner of E3".

People in the games press at E3 got a demonstration of the game being played live for them. Everything I've heard from people talking about that demonstration makes it sound like it could turn out to be a fairly good game.

Even if its just ai the cloud is computing, it still doesnt make sence how the 360 can handle it or even how the lag of cloud computing wont affect it. I can understand single player with scripted events being able to time it, but anything more?

I haven't seen anything saying that the 360 version can't use all the same cloud computing stuff as the XB1. From what I understand a lot of the Titanfall cloud stuff is going to be handled on dedicated servers used for multiplayer. I don't see any reason why that couldn't be the same for the 360. That said, the 360 version is being done by a different studio and no one is really talking about it.
Even if its just ai the cloud is computing, it still doesnt make sence how the 360 can handle it or even how the lag of cloud computing wont affect it. I can understand single player with scripted events being able to time it, but anything more?

the lag for AI opponents in the cloud would be no different than another player assuming you and another player are the same distance from the server.

its not like Onlive where the cloud has to take care of your input controls and relay the result back to you.

the dedicated server needs to know your location in the map to have you show up for another player they can use that same information to deal with an AI that wants to kill you or protect you.

the AI are essentially just extra players created in the cloud, to allow for the battlefield to feel more alive, and taking load off the cpu. not off the gpu.
I love how people are somehow calling a few dedicated servers "the Cloud" #queue_suspensful_music

what a load of marketing doublespeack crap
Does everyone that does business with MS catch their lying virus?
What is this shit? I thought these people wanted to be taken seriously.......

The implication from other articles is that MS is offering their servers and operating costs to devs for a large discount. In exchange, you become a PR wagon for MS.
I read the article and the developer never mentions the PS4. Only that they needed the MS Cloud servers to "implement more and better AI, physics, and environments, eliminate the “host advantage” that plagues many online games", etc., etc...where do they say it won't run on the PS4? Is this troll bait?
I read the article and the developer never mentions the PS4. Only that they needed the MS Cloud servers to "implement more and better AI, physics, and environments, eliminate the “host advantage” that plagues many online games", etc., etc...where do they say it won't run on the PS4? Is this troll bait?

Aren't most posts here troll bait?
His statement is kind of vague, but I'd argue that the PS4 has all those features. There's nothing that I'm aware of that would prevent a PS4 game from taking advantage of Microsoft's cloud infrastructure.
Cant we all agree that the PC will be simply better than both? Im not sure why these console fans keep thinking that their subsidized CPU in a tiny box offers more.
If it can run on the 360, which it is releasing on as well, I'm sure PS4 could handle it fine.
What is basically being said is that the PS4 can't do it because MS will be controlling the server access to the game. In other words they have exclusive access to provide the servers for the game from what it sounds like.

Multiple people have said that Sony will have cloud capabilities it's just not something they are promoting because they don't need to, in their eyes it's simply a feature that is there if developers want to use it. Sort of like their stance on the PS Move, cloud computing is not something exclusive to Microsoft. Sony and Nintendo can do the same thing, nothing is technically preventing them from it.
What is basically being said is that the PS4 can't do it because MS will be controlling the server access to the game. In other words they have exclusive access to provide the servers for the game from what it sounds like.

Multiple people have said that Sony will have cloud capabilities it's just not something they are promoting because they don't need to, in their eyes it's simply a feature that is there if developers want to use it. Sort of like their stance on the PS Move, cloud computing is not something exclusive to Microsoft. Sony and Nintendo can do the same thing, nothing is technically preventing them from it.

Microsoft seems (or claims) to be devoting a lot of money to their cloud computing network/system. If they actually have the quantity of servers available that they're claiming, that alone might be the reason they are making that claim.

Although I can't see too much of a reason that the cloud computing system is going to help all that much in the first place outside of MMOs and multiplayer games.
His statement is kind of vague, but I'd argue that the PS4 has all those features. There's nothing that I'm aware of that would prevent a PS4 game from taking advantage of Microsoft's cloud infrastructure.

Why would Microsoft give Sony access to thier servers?
The Developers can create thier own servers to host games along with the AI.
Currentlly most PS3 games are hosted on the console itself, but having a server hosted and having AI going on at the same time is a big hit to the CPU.

Cant we all agree that the PC will be simply better than both? Im not sure why these console fans keep thinking that their subsidized CPU in a tiny box offers more.

No one ever said it offers more, but to the regular consumer consoles are simple and easy to use. Not everyone likes dealing with PCs and the issues that may arise wether it be hardware/software troubleshooting.
Although I can't see too much of a reason that the cloud computing system is going to help all that much in the first place outside of MMOs and multiplayer games.

AI for MP/MMOs is hosted on the servers hosting the games. It wont need to compute anything else other then that. The console should handle any Singleplayer game as it will only be used on the console and not share the computing power with others connected to an online game.
Its possible that devs may have to use the cloud for singleplayer games if its to advanced, and i think that is the stupidest thing a dev could ever do.