tis a sad day for me


[H]F Junkie
Jul 22, 2001
My old Altec Lansing atp5 4.1 speakers died on me 2001-2010 rip I think a capacitor in the sub went. I hope it is possible i can repair them but i doubt it they made it pretty much to not be taken apart...:(

grabbed a cheap set from walmart for 24$ in the mean time...
The satellites were good but the sub sounded like someone blowing through a toilet paper tube. I know--coz I still have one in the closet (my box says ATP4 but they are actually the same set).
mine sounded good to me but i will admit the sub was no real powerhouse...
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The weakest point of the set is the unruly bass it produces. At the default setting notes that should have been punchy and spirited sounded paunchy and slurred. The subwoofer is able to deliver a surprisingly large volume of bass and at times this bass really got the music kicking. Unfortunately, the bass is not clean and controlled. Instead, the lack in bass finesse forced me to reduce the bass settings in some of my favourite tracks – something I rarely have to do. I love bass, and I am the last one to complain about strong bass, but the low end the subwoofer produced sounded a little bloated to me, and it distracted from the main material being presented.


This is one of a number of reviews I just googled and found similar observations.

I enjoyed these speakers greatly, no doubt, they were (fairly) affordable at a time where the PC speaker market was dominated by the very pricey Klipsch 4.0 Promedias and the Altec Lansing 641s. Logitech (with it's $140 Z-560) really brought affordability to the market in early 2000s and easily trounced these ALs. Too bad 10 years later the same satellites are being sold in the Z-5500s which people are paying $400 for, and people think that it's a great deal. Logitech was a great "budget" brand a decade ago, now they sell the same stuff for twice the price because they drove everyone else out of the market.
And now you cant even get a set of 4.1 and the lowest 5.1 price i found was $75 and those probably sound worse. And unfortunately im not able to really afford any speakers right now...

humm i wonder if i can fix my brothers old logitech 5.1 set something was wrong with the sub...
Well, these DID retail at $180. I'm not saying there are great offerings today, but I would think the Altec Lansing FX5051s are better and you can find them online for around $200 today.
im actually thinking going a different route not gonna get normal computer speakers i am thinking of getting together a surround sound system rather than computer speakers.
You'll never look back.

So true, i went to a stereo receiver and a pair of passive speakers and it's been an amazing change in the office. I never really had room for a good surround sound setup in there away, but if i had, I woulda gotten an old 5.1 receiver :)
Second the 'you'll never look back' post.

It is one of the best purchases I have ever made. Sure it is more expensive, but great sound quality in a room you spend a ton of time in is priceless.
im actually thinking going a different route not gonna get normal computer speakers i am thinking of getting together a surround sound system rather than computer speakers.

I did this when my Altec Lansing ACS something or other speakers went out as well. I really really loved them. Had some super deep loud bass and the satellites had great sounding highs to go with it. Paid around $200 when I bought them. Went looking for replacement computer speakers only to find out there is no such thing anymore. Everything available is 2.1 setup for $50 and the sub is the size of your fist.

I went too cheap on my receiver though and wish I had spent a little more time researching what I wanted. I just use my headphones 99% of the time now.