Tips for photographing systems?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 20, 2011
I'd like to take some decent photos of my quiet rig to show in some of the threads here. My camera is a Pentax WG-1 - a water-resistant point-and-shoot, nothing fancy, and I have a stand, for extra stability.

Please share your tips.
Try not to use flash if at all possible
Always resize pics for forum friendly posting
use a timer and a tri-pod to reduce the chance of shake
Have fun - good luck
Use a good camera,
use manual focus if possible,
plain backdrop/background makes for a more pro look,
use lamps to increase light (use bulbs that give of a white light and an even spread)
Take loads of photos, i usually take about 10-20 photo for just 1 item,
Use cool angles!