Time Warner Views Netflix as a Fading Star

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Media giants talk smack on competitors all the time, it's par for the course. That said, media giants with a track record like Time Warner should probably refrain from trash talking companies like Netflix, it just makes them look stupid.

“It’s a little bit like, is the Albanian army going to take over the world?” said Jeffrey L. Bewkes, the chief executive of Time Warner, in an interview last week. “I don’t think so.”
Keep thinking that. No need to invest in lobbyists to take down netflix. Meanwhile, I'll keep using your service for netflix.
I agree with their statement. Streaming movies is where its at! I stream all my movies from Vudu and Playstation store to my ps3. From what I hear the netflix streaming is really limited. If they don't catch up to the competition they are going to be in trouble. People want on demand they don't want to wait for a movie.
I cancelled my Time Warner Cable subscription years ago, but I have kept my Netflix disc & streaming subscription. I don't even use TW for internet. So, you go on making fun while I give them my money!
Meh you grow with it. A TV stations are watched more over the internet we'll recoup those frequencies and add those to our broadband downstream frequency pool. Shooting a guess a 6mhz analog station gets me around 40Mbps in docsis 3.0.

Eventually we'll be selling more internet and less TV but honestly netflix is a long way off from directly competing with cable.

Ive used Netflix HD streaming service and it just didnt impress me. HD cable stations are still growing and in larger demand.
I agree with their statement. Streaming movies is where its at! I stream all my movies from Vudu and Playstation store to my ps3. From what I hear the netflix streaming is really limited. If they don't catch up to the competition they are going to be in trouble. People want on demand they don't want to wait for a movie.

Honestly, it almost feels to me that Netflix streaming is simply a different service from something like Vudu. I don't know that I would consider them direct competitors at this time. Netflix doesn't have the best selection, but they also don't charge on a per-view or per-program basis. You just pay the monthly streaming fee and get all you want.

I would love it if Vudu had a subscription that would allow me to view as much as I wanted for a flat rate, but I don't think that fits their business model. They charge based upon consumption, and it would end up being a lot more expensive than my current Netflix usage. I've been looking at Vudu on the PS3 as my option for streaming new movies that Netflix doesn't have for instant viewing, though, so perhaps they can complement each other.
Honestly, it almost feels to me that Netflix streaming is simply a different service from something like Vudu. I don't know that I would consider them direct competitors at this time. Netflix doesn't have the best selection, but they also don't charge on a per-view or per-program basis. You just pay the monthly streaming fee and get all you want.

I would love it if Vudu had a subscription that would allow me to view as much as I wanted for a flat rate, but I don't think that fits their business model. They charge based upon consumption, and it would end up being a lot more expensive than my current Netflix usage. I've been looking at Vudu on the PS3 as my option for streaming new movies that Netflix doesn't have for instant viewing, though, so perhaps they can complement each other.

Yeah I agree that would be awesome! A flat rate with the selection of Vudu. But streaming is where movies are going. When I want to watch a movie I want to watch it NOW, not next month.
Well I for one have Time Warner internet and use Netflix and Hulu to watch TV. The only thing I am missing is sports. I just dont see the need to pay 60 bucks a month for 150 channels of crap and commercials. I would be willing to pay 30 bucks a month if Netflix would stream all of their content!
Yeah I agree that would be awesome! A flat rate with the selection of Vudu. But streaming is where movies are going. When I want to watch a movie I want to watch it NOW, not next month.

You are already waiting to see the movie, just with Netflix the wait is a little bit longer. If you cared so much about wanting to watch it NOW, then you would go see it in the theater and wait the least amount of time. The argument against that is it costs a lot more to see it in the theater than it does from Vudu, but it also costs a lot more to see it from Vudu than it does Netflix. So the best solution for you comes down to your level of impatience and the amount you are willing to pay.
When I mis-read the title, I said to myself "Well of course Time Warner is a fading star..." ;-)
What Time Warner fails to get is that being a hated company is rarely a sustainable situation. Even if you can hang onto them for a while at inflated prices, the customer bolts as soon as they discover a good alternative.

They bought AOL- one of the most hated internet companies, and proceeded to make them even more loathsome. Small wonder that the AOL/Time Warner merger is studied in business schools as one of the most foolish business deals in history.

The bundling of cable TV stations- requiring consumers to buy 200 channels so they can watch 3 shows that air on only two different channels, is a prime example of how to make yourself a hated company. As soon as the consumer can watch their 3 shows for less, they are going to leave. Most people I know who haven't cut the cord either aren't technologically savvy enough to figure out how to set up a streaming box, don't have access to a sufficiently quick internet connection, or mostly watch sports.
Was time warner the one that overpaid for AOL?

or was it AOL that overpaid for something else?
King George: Those pesky colonists will never be able to do anything aganist the might of the British Empire!
I have Time Warner roadrunner and if Netflix takes away subscribers from their cable tv service they might enact monthly download caps.
I have Time Warner roadrunner and if Netflix takes away subscribers from their cable tv service they might enact monthly download caps.

Already in the pipe bud :(. You'll see the announcement with the next 6 months if they haven't started your area already.
Already in the pipe bud :(. You'll see the announcement with the next 6 months if they haven't started your area already.

At which point verizon or one of the other competitors will pickup their slack.

I use TW for internet and cable..

and netflix

Fuck TW.. you cant even get HD content on ON Demand... what a load of shit.. even for HBO...
Laugh it up TWC, laugh it up.

Until someone else can provide a selection of movies and TV shows in both disc format as streaming format that is as large as Netflix provides if not larger, Netflix will be king. And Netflix isn't showing signs of slowing down.
the financial market has the exact opposite view

Hey you guys, this is about Time Warner not Time Warner Cable. They are different companies. Time Warner Cable is no longer affiliated with Time Warner, having been spun out to shareholders in March 2009.
They bought AOL- one of the most hated internet companies, and proceeded to make them even more loathsome. Small wonder that the AOL/Time Warner merger is studied in business schools as one of the most foolish business deals in history.

Time Warner doesn't know its head from its ass.

<end thread>
I like how everyone in that article acts like downloading becoming such a big thing was a freaking surprise.... Like it happened overnight or something.

About 10 years ago the whole streaming TV/Movie thing was 100% accurately predicted to be exactly where it is today. In addition there were further predictions that broadcast TV in the US would basically cease to exist entirely by 2020 as everything and everyone moved to subscription services for on-demand viewing. This should have been extremely common knowledge in the industry, so if anyone in the industry is like Starz or anyone else got caught out on a deal, or is surprised by Netflix switching so effectively from disk to streaming, they are complete idiots.
Ha, Netflix is booming if anything. Hell, even I subscribed to it for the first time in September and for $9.00 a month I'm more than adequately satisfied. Now they're even bringing more HD streaming which further justifies my purchase and gradual distancing from such services as ON Demand.
Hey you guys, this is about Time Warner not Time Warner Cable. They are different companies. Time Warner Cable is no longer affiliated with Time Warner, having been spun out to shareholders in March 2009.

My bad, here is the twx graph

... Most people I know who haven't cut the cord either aren't technologically savvy enough to figure out how to set up a streaming box, don't have access to a sufficiently quick internet connection, or mostly watch sports.

I'm a newb when it comes to streaming movies, TV and such. Could you perhaps point me in a good direction? I'm tired of my fiance and I paying 60 bucks for cable TV, I never watch it when I'm home alone. When we're together we only watch a few shows, NCIS, a few others and whatever is on HGTV.
I like how everyone in that article acts like downloading becoming such a big thing was a freaking surprise.... Like it happened overnight or something.

About 10 years ago the whole streaming TV/Movie thing was 100% accurately predicted to be exactly where it is today. In addition there were further predictions that broadcast TV in the US would basically cease to exist entirely by 2020 as everything and everyone moved to subscription services for on-demand viewing. This should have been extremely common knowledge in the industry, so if anyone in the industry is like Starz or anyone else got caught out on a deal, or is surprised by Netflix switching so effectively from disk to streaming, they are complete idiots.
Netflix is one of the only few modern companies I like. They seem to be in the interest of the consumer and doing everything they can to please them. I like that.

They are not like the asinine fucks out there who have been pissing every consumer off as of late with their "this is what the consumer wants," and to be so far from the truth of it. Especially, in this economy.