Time Warner To Test Internet Billing Based On Usage

First, I have to say I'm happy Time Warner isn't here in Cedar Falls. I'm also happy that we have 2 Cable ISPs, with one of them being the municipal utilities company so Mediacom (the other cable provider) won't be getting rid of them. CFU (Cedar Falls Utilities) is starting to roll out FTTP as well, while Mediacom just sits around complaining about any community even trying to attempt to do the same thing CFU did.

Only downside is the damn apartment complex I live in provides Mediacom, and I can't switch.

As usual greed and a lazy administration will yet again help leave the US behind the rest in tech.While the US companies are trying to bleed americans dry of more money,others around the globe are offering cheap and insanely fast alternatives,at ever increasing speeds and ease of use.... :p

Up here in Canuckstan my wife and I are paying 62 a month for 8 down 1.5 up and free home phone with 6 extra services,as well as unlimtied long distance anywhere in North America.Tech savvy is great.Thats taxes included.