Time to Bust it again...

In the spirit of that, I'll have to try and get a couple of more borgs today at work.

I wonder if there is any more levels, maybe they can be pwned!!!!1111oneone
I think that might be new... one has to wonder if they prepared that for our eventual return to greatness? ;)

Down with the Flog-O-Whatsit!

I'll have 4 more up this weekend.... all AXP 2200+
Gotta whip it out while the whippin's good :)
I'll see about setting up another coupe of P2.8s in my office...they're just sitting about - the hard thing is finding a hub or router to steal... :p

is it just me, or are we really making ~3x what we were making 6 months ago? wow :eek:
It's just proof of how much ramping both sides have done that we are catching them, and producing so much more than we were months ago. It's good for all of us! :D

and they still have more cpu's then we do.. now.. once we get another 500-600 up.. imagine what kinda ppd we will have :D
Y'know, k*, other people will get cpus too. You don't have to get all 500 by yourself.

But don't let me stop you ;)

i dont think i would be able to fit (or run) 500 in my apt.. you have seen it :p

26 will be pushing it.. granted i can scrap together everything i need :D
I drew up plans for a couch made of PC's the other day... I shit you not...
The wife said no. :(

Funny thing is she's going to let me setup a boxless garden in the sitting room off of our bedroom.... but I have to wait till end of September when we shut off the AC or figure out my power issues.

More boxen for Baked!
KodiakStar said:
i dont think i would be able to fit (or run) 500 in my apt.. you have seen it :p

26 will be pushing it.. granted i can scrap together everything i need :D
You could put 88 of these in a full size rack. That's 176 dual-core processors in one rack. With just 3 racks full of these, you could have 528 processors and thus achieve your goal. You don't need a bed, right? You could put the 3 racks where the bed is... and sleep outside your door! That way, you won't even hear the deafening roar of fans or feel the skin-melting heat of having 3 racks full of godly power draw in your apartment...

Or maybe just stick with a more sane solution. ;)

unhappy_mage said:
You could put 88 of these in a full size rack. That's 176 dual-core processors in one rack.

Or maybe just stick with a more sane solution. ;)

I'll take two, and the divorce papers! Thats crazy, but you gotta love the blades. :D

somehow, i don't think your apartment complex would be too happy about running a 208/220/240VAC line to your apartment... especially if they saw what it was for.

cool idea tho... i want one (rack)

*that sounds wrong... have you clicked today?*
I gotta give those guys credit... their little "inspirational" messages on that thing are priceless! :D

An attack of the [H]orde is always imminent. It's why we are the [H]orde. You don't really have one for anything else than attacking. Think about the Mongol horde. You think they would've been content to sit around and drink Foster's all day long? :D
Shadowchild said:
C'mon mage, the least you could do is drink Guiness or Kronenberg, not that Aussie junk.

And it is junk...to the Aussies as well, ask any of them, they'll tell you.
Maniacmous said:
And it is junk...to the Aussies as well, ask any of them, they'll tell you.

Actually, we've had that discussion with them a few times, and they get downright militant when you mention it, its quite funny.

I much prefer the comparison to the Mongol [H]orde, we've come to take your women, pillage your village, and borg your boxen!

p[H]ant0m said:
Actually, we've had that discussion with them a few times, and they get downright militant when you mention it, its quite funny.

I much prefer the comparison to the Mongol [H]orde, we've come to take your women, pillage your village, and borg your boxen!

take aussie women..... check
borg aussie boxen.......check
pillage the village..........working on it ;)

Bodega said:
take aussie women..... check
borg aussie boxen.......check
pillage the village..........working on it ;)

THAT'S where I went wrong....

I TOOK the boxen and BORGED their women.
Halfta get it straight next time.
C'mon, guys! I've been down a PC for the last MONTH while I've been saving up for a mobo, and I'm still moving up! We need to KEEP BORGING LIKE THE RELENTLESS [H]ORDE WE ARE! Let's kick it even more, meet the 500K PPD in the next two weeks, and CRUSH the Flog-O-Meter with the unstoppable might of the [H]ardHammer!

It beat the Phantom, let's let it do some more good!
Shadowchild said:
It beat the Phantom, let's let it do some more good!

*sniff* Hey man, that's not cool! ;) j/k

I'd certainly love to play some whack-a-roo with that thing!

Shadowchild said:
OCAU is ramping back up, we need to stomp on it!

I think it's more that we had our lowest output day in a while yesterday. I had my lowest score in days, even though I submitted 19 WUs when I average closer to 9-10 a day. Today doesn't look any better for me, as most of my machines are working on small WUs or crunching bigger ones all day.

Shadowchild said:
An attack of the [H]orde is always imminent. It's why we are the [H]orde. You don't really have one for anything else than attacking. Think about the Mongol horde. You think they would've been content to sit around and drink Foster's all day long? :D

Funny that, I've never actually seen anyone here drink a Fosters, though I have seen it done in London, NY, Tokyo and Toronto.

You'd be mad to drink the piss.

The power of adertising, I guess.