those with home web servers...


Jul 19, 2007
trying to figure out some good ideas for a home web server...

my internet is 10m down/ 768k up

my "web server" is a 5 year old Compaq

2.8GHz Intel Celeron 4
512MB PC2100 DDR
Windows XP Pro SP3 ( fresh reinstall yesterday)

WAMP 2.0h

anywho was just wondering what you guys that have a web server use yours for...

when my shared host expires in August... I will probably host my blog at my house (

jsut kinda figuring out what else I could use it for.
I use mine for filesharing mostly, I keep the installers for every program I've ever downloaded on there for easy access from anywhere. It used to run a site pulling tens of thousands unique visitors a day, so it is considerably overpowered for what I use it for.
i use mine for ftp, webserver (although having some problems with that currently), fileserver , email , rmote desktop when i'm at work and active directory

specs in sig
My current web server a virtual machine running in windows 2008 w/ hyper-v. Its a ubuntu LAMP server that hosts 2 different web sites.

Prior to that, it was a winxp machine with abyss, mysql, php, pearl, and kerio mail server. On one of my web sites, I have a forum that I am using more or less as a work log space. I am currently working on how to make a windows xp web server using abyss, support more then 10 simultaneous connections, and how to make it work on a dynamic IP connection, even if port 80 is blocked. I should make it my goal to get that wrapped up today.

What I like about having the server here is I have a folder on my desktop mapped to the share so I can drag and drop the files right to the web.

I also have a WHS box I use for file storage and PC backups. It's setup to backup my win2k8 server and my laptop.
My other box runs win2k8 with 3 virtual machines on it, counting the LAMP server.

Edit: Here's my how-to I slapped together.
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I run an old HP laptop with a 1.5ghz P-M that I have downclocked to 600mhz with 2 gigs of ram. Its running an ubuntu LAMP setup and I use it mostly for ftp, personal web, and torrenting.
thanks guys for your imput! I am leaning toward the ftp idea.... I'm a fanboy of the filezilla ftp client/server apps so will probably just use those.

Also was talking to a friend who runs a private friends only near-cd quality internet radio station. I'm considering doing that as well.
I had a webserver running off a dual Pentium Pro 200! :D

but it was God awful slow running NT 4.0 Server even with 768mb of RAM.
thanks guys for your imput! I am leaning toward the ftp idea.... I'm a fanboy of the filezilla ftp client/server apps so will probably just use those.

Also was talking to a friend who runs a private friends only near-cd quality internet radio station. I'm considering doing that as well.

thatis going to take alot of bandwidth pending on how many people connect, with your upload speed i would think i would get saturated pretty quick.
thatis going to take alot of bandwidth pending on how many people connect, with your upload speed i would think i would get saturated pretty quick.

exactly what i was thinking, you might also wanna see what your monthly limit of bandwidth is with your provider because odds are your breaking TOS. Which is always a pain when zap there goes your website and internet.

It's a bad day when that happens especially when your a web developer and need your blogs for an income ect.
for your bandwidth issues you could set up some QoS and take care of that. I just run my server on my desktop, yeah it's a "bad" idea but w/e lol.
Why you gotta be dissing the Pentium Pro???

I wasn't dissing it by any means! It was a fun project, that cost me a lot actually. And trying to find enough SIMMs to fill all the slots wasn't easy either.
exactly what i was thinking, you might also wanna see what your monthly limit of bandwidth is with your provider because odds are your breaking TOS. Which is always a pain when zap there goes your website and internet.

It's a bad day when that happens especially when your a web developer and need your blogs for an income ect.

I use suddenlink, and as far as I know.. we don't have caps YET. ( yet being the key word.. ) plus anything hosted would be semi private. ( friends and family only )

oh and I am currently hosting a small lan party site that is only in beta... we have a hosted version of it @ but squery doesn't work on it. ports are blocked so if the lan actually happens this year, this will be an intranet deal.
I use suddenlink, and as far as I know.. we don't have caps YET. ( yet being the key word.. ) plus anything hosted would be semi private. ( friends and family only )

oh and I am currently hosting a small lan party site that is only in beta... we have a hosted version of it @ but squery doesn't work on it. ports are blocked so if the lan actually happens this year, this will be an intranet deal.

Issue is most home ISP have rules against running servers (http/ftp mainly) in their TOS so make sure to read over it good cause if they find a server they can shut you off ASAP, why they often have buisness accounts.
I'm running an Ubuntu 8.10 emachines from back in 2005 , don't even remember the specs :p Only for the purpose of web hosting for my music for others to get and my music library to access from work or anywhere.
Why don't you just get someone to host for you. The cost of running your own site (pc power) and the problems you will have (bandwidth) does not make much sense when you can buy large website/ftp packages for as little as 5 bucks per month.
Ockie has hookups? If so, PM me. I think I need to move my shizzle off site...
my webserver, running lighttpd, is mostly use for torrentflux-b4rt, kplaylist, squirrelmail, and just hosting some pics or files friends would want quickly.

I don't use it for anything really intensive- I don't want my ISP bitching at me, or start closing ports
I always used a vm on one of my esx servers. Centos 5.x with Apache, PHP 5 and mysql. Nothing special, but something to play around with nonetheless