This PSU any good?

I think so? *sigh*

Dave... What's it going to take, huh? You want me to just send everything to your buddy Jason when I'm done with it? ;)

It's made by Etasis for Silverstone. It's the same as their 650W unit except they lowered the overall peak wattage expectations due to the potential voltage drop at higher wattages due to the resistance created by the modular interface.

I liked it. Connectors were good. Cables were Ok looking (heavy mesh like the kind PCP&C uses.)

I didn't really like that all four SATA cables were on the same cable. I thought that was kind of odd. Sort of defeats the purpose of "modular" in a way. I mean.. if I only had two SATA drives, I'd have to zip tie the two unused cables out of the way. :(

Anyhoo... I think what Dave's point might actually be (correct me if I'm wrong, Dave) is that it may be way overkill for you. It's best to temper such a "what do you think" question with system specs.
Anyhoo... I think what Dave's point might actually be (correct me if I'm wrong, Dave) is that it may be way overkill for you. It's best to temper such a "what do you think" question with system specs.
Indeed my friend, indeed. ;)