this o546 looks gold


Dec 15, 2005
Hey guys, jsut got my 0546 from David Graham up and runnin, so far its looking golden. under the vapo i;ve hit three gigs, most stable so far is 2.9 with soem proper burn ins this jsut might be a 3gig stable proc. this pic was at 1.44V (in bios) 3x ldt; 9/10 ram divider. i'll be posting back later today and the next few days reporting my max stable OC etc. for now here is my max pic
Holy nice overlock! On only 1.424 too. That chip is a keeper.

Now try to get it to 3.0ghz. ;)
3ghz with vapo? geez... i was hoping whoever ran one with vapo would get higher than that, i'm at 2750 on plain ol water, the vapo wouldn't be worth it for just a 250mhz boost...
I was able to get damn near 3GHz on air with an Opteron 170, so you should be good for at least 3.2, I'd hope. Or else it's not so golden is it?
i guess im just so happy cuz hte 0541 under the vapo would crash right when clocked at 2.7 no matter what. 3gigs stable is all i wanted, and still what i hope for, its burning at 2.9 only held 3 for about 10 minutes before core1 got errors, i'll def try for a ~3.2bench but i dont see it being 24/7 d2ol stable. not unless bruning makes miracles

Eclispe you got any dual 32m superpi @ 3.1?
nah, i had a brain fart when i posted that and didn't realize you had a dual core. that's from a 146, single core :p

that definitly makes your oc a lot better in my eyes, but still lacking a bit for being sub-zero
i just gotta screen ot 3.1 unstable of course; ran a single instance of superpi 1m at 2955 for my first sub 30 sec superpi (wich is kinda a land mark for me as my last three procs were hitting 30 seconds :/) dual super pi 1M still has both isntances at 32secs.
aight jsut a screeny of a 2 hour dual sp04 stable prime. what i dont get is no matter what clokc i run sp04 at it shows 2.7 on the my sp04. i boot into 07 and clock gen up or down and it shows 2.7 on sp04, even thought clock gen, cpuz and the my computer properties windwos shows different =/ i'll boot into 2.8 tomorrow and see if the sp04 shwos differetnly
just dropped my 0546 XPMW 170 and its 2550 at def V on air.

Using the rig in my sig.

I will get a little braver maybe tomorrow.

But so far I like what I see.
3.0 on 1.45V not bad. The low vcore doesn't make your vapo do much work. Most DC Opterons I've seen have very high cold bugs so glad everything worked out for you.

Time to clean ur desktop..
lol i love these clean up your desktop posts.

{NcsO}ReichstaG: just incase you were talking to me, it's DFI lan party UT nf4 ultra D, ram is 512*2 of OCZ platinum EB ddr 400, after xmas im gonan get 2*1gig stick of that new ocz extended memory or whatever i read about a few days ago. ddr 500 of course

Omega: the temp of my evap line is in my task bar in these pics, you might have t scroll to see it, -32 idle is standard in a warm room. these days in the cold i'll boot into -45 but in an hour or so im back ot -30 goes to -28 or so underload. Bios reads right at -23 usually so id; assume actual chip temp is in the -20's and gets up to -15 or so.

thunderstruck: yea i ;ve seen a lot of the opteron have the -30 cold bug single and dual, i've seen a lot more fx57's with them though =/ i have sitting here an new danfoss SC12, im scared to put it in,for the few that have gone wiht this comp its added a crap load of wattage dissapation and gets them at -60 idle and underlaod at -50. im afraid of the cold bug so im staying stock for a while, mabye save it for the next gen chips.

update on chip: burned ot today for 6 hours at 3 gigs, and right when i get about half way thuogh the first cpu test in 3dmark 05 it reboots. played css for about 2 hours no probs. but still cant consider it 3 gig stable jsut yet :< im srokign on it thoough, i was able to 3dmark at 2.9 getting a 9250 wiht card at stock clock.
Elysian said:
3ghz with vapo? geez... i was hoping whoever ran one with vapo would get higher than that, i'm at 2750 on plain ol water, the vapo wouldn't be worth it for just a 250mhz boost...

but you figure 250x2 my friend. <3 dual core
i odnt get the relevance of yoru post slarty. show me what your dual core does.
sorry didnt realise yours were daul core results does explain the voltage and cooling required though to get your clock speeds
its all good, (tbh i;ve referenced like 3 guys to your post now showing what a 148 should be capable of :D)
the said:
Elysian - give me yoru 0530 and i'll run stalbe probl y@ 3.2 3.3 even with the 10x multi for a 0546 to be 250mhz above the real golden boys is pretty impressive. everyone else i know wiht an 0530 under a phase can dual 32 mil pie @ 3 gigs with under 1.4 volts. im kinda surpised your not running that higer tbh =/
i was at 2800 when i lived in washington state, but it was much cooler there, so it was doable... right now i'm pretty much maxxed out on my water cooling rig, itd be nice if i had a 1/2" setup instead of 3/8"... maybe one day i'll upgrade, but i was thinking of messing with a peltier setup before that happens... had a 156w peltier way back in the day when i had a p4 2.0, ran that thing at 2.9ghz with it, and ran my [email protected]... figure with something a bit more powerful than that and my water rig i could run a bit cooler, we'll see...
pelts are fun, aside from the 600watt ones out today that i read about a few months ago its hard to use them on procs these days. of course you cant judge a pelt by this wattage rating but the general idea is the 226 watt pelts most of us use, if cooling 100 watt heat load generate about 400 watts on the hotside. its hard to cool that, then add the fact we're getting up in the 180's with these chips today tis really really hard to cool the hot side of hte pelt (~600 watt range :(). i put my old 226 on my x1800xt jsut to see waht it could do, got me to around -10c idle oc. and back up to 15c underload. i read about a guy with at 3000+ and the 600watt pelt running @ 6c underload. that seems like the pelt to get. if your into setting up all the relays and swtiches and stuff tis a ton of fun. we all built our own power supplies, we we later rebuilt to use for lifters.
the said:
pelts are fun, aside from the 600watt ones out today that i read about a few months ago its hard to use them on procs these days. of course you cant judge a pelt by this wattage rating but the general idea is the 226 watt pelts most of us use, if cooling 100 watt heat load generate about 400 watts on the hotside. its hard to cool that, then add the fact we're getting up in the 180's with these chips today tis really really hard to cool the hot side of hte pelt (~600 watt range :(). i put my old 226 on my x1800xt jsut to see waht it could do, got me to around -10c idle oc. and back up to 15c underload. i read about a guy with at 300+ and the 600watt pelt running @ 6c underload. that seems like the pelt to get. if your into setting up all the relays and swtiches and stuff tis a ton of fun. we all built our own power supplies, we we later rebuilt to use for lifters.
my water block is a swiftech mcw-6000, if you've ever looked at it it has a very very large surface area, it actually takes up all the space in the stock amd retainer... yet the IHS is only so large, so its not getting efficiently used... thats something about water blocks that really bothers me... a peltier would be a bit more efficient use of the water block, especially since i have it backed by 2 pumps that can definately pump their fair share... though then i'd have part of the surface of the peltier that isn't getting used lol...
funny thing about all that available surface area is, if you remove the IHS you hsoudl see like a 6c drop in temps across the board since the IHS metal is as effecient as it could be =/
the said:
funny thing about all that available surface area is, if you remove the IHS you hsoudl see like a 6c drop in temps across the board since the IHS metal is as effecient as it could be =/
not gonna remove the ihs, i chipped the core on my x2 3800+ in 2 spots doing that... but luckily it still works, i have since replaced the IHS on it and it runs in another box...