Thinking of XFX 7900GT


Feb 20, 2006
I got a card picked out, but people have been saying there have been problems with it, especially with dual core (will be running AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+, people were saying they had problems with intel duo, so maybe it is just with that proc?)

I wanted to know if any of you have any experience with this card, and could provide me with any advice!

Thanks in advance
I believe the only problems with them just dealed with the card itself. I have an XFX 7900GT Extreme myself and have no problems. And I hope none arise in the future.
I have an XFX 7900GT Extreme (520/1500) and I haven't had a problem yet. I was an early adopter too. Almost forgot that I have a 3800X2 @ 2.4GHz.
I am at a month on my XFX 7900GT at 525/1600 and it is problems yet.
I have two XFX 7900GT Extremes running in SLI. They have been running great for about a month but were a pain to get working properly. I had to overclock them a lot to get them to work properly but maybe that's just the SLI.
ive got the xfx 520mhz one and im working on about 2 months or so I believe and it has run very very well, kinda wished I woulda have saved a little more and waited a little longer for the price drops on the x1900.. but the card is well worth it.
I have an early release XFX 7900GT "470mhz stock clocks" and I have had it voltmodded to 1.55v @ 670mhz and have never had a problem. I am currently running at 1.4v @ 630mhz just for heat reduction. I am also running a dual core opteron 165
i have the 7900gt 520/750 model. it had artifacts after two days. RMA'd it which took 20 days and got another one that artifacts. spend a few extra dollars and go eVGA, XFX has terrible customer support and with the 7900 series having so many issues it isn't worth saving a few bucks with XFX
y0bailey said:
i have the 7900gt 520/750 model. it had artifacts after two days. RMA'd it which took 20 days and got another one that artifacts. spend a few extra dollars and go eVGA, XFX has terrible customer support and with the 7900 series having so many issues it isn't worth saving a few bucks with XFX

On the contrary, I've seen more reports of issues with the EVGA 7900 series than any other manufacturer, including the big ones like BFG.

My XFX 7900 GT has been running fine now for two months.
yes, but eVGA priority cross ships you a card and you'll have a replacement within 2-3 days instead of 20. and the instance isnt any larger with eVGA, the just sell more cards