Thinking of buying this monitor (LG L245WP-BN)


Oct 6, 2005
I'm looking at the LG L245WP-BN clicky

This is my first lcd monitor and I'm looking for some input. :)

I just got a LG L245WP-BN and love it. Next to my 2407WFP it has much better color and blacks and has none of the lag issues of the 2407WFP-HC.

I would shop around as there are other places to get one much cheaper than newegg. As all the local places were out so I got mine for $615 shipped from PC connection, came flawless and was a Rev.2 made in october 2007.
i was able to track down,quite literally the last lg245wp-bn in canada,through some fine people at ncix..
i will get it probably around tuesday.
i also looked at the dell 2407wfp-hc,but there were too many issues with it,that dell will not be fixing.
here is a good link for all things 24"lcd
I was deciding between the LG, a Samsung 245BW, and a Hyundai. I ended up with the Samsung even though the LG has much better viewing angles because my number 1 use is gaming and I noticed ghosting with the LG monitor in COD4. For office work and image editing I would much rather have the LG. For some reason the stores around here have the LG on clearance now for $219 and I asked a salesman why and he said that it probably means they are discontinuing the model.
Well, actually I got the LG because I wanted to game too. I play CoD4 a bit too and have not seen any ghosting, but the newer revision that was supposedly a big improvement over the old.

Only saw one LG in person before buying and it was a floor model(they were long out of boxed) 246WP with Dec 2006 in its manufacture date, according to the bestbuy salesperson they had not had a new shipment since early summer that he could recall. Also saw one of the popular Westys L2410NM too, but like the LG all they had was a dirty floor model left and had even deleated the entries for both monitors in their store inventory.

Would be interesting to confirm if the retail store LG246WP were discontinued well before the online 245WP which I know from mine made it too autumn.
I got my l246wp manufact. Jan 07, for $340 total from circuit city. I had another one manufactured in may 07 that had the same info in the service menu so I guess its the same monitor just made 5 months earlier, how can I tell if its revision 2?
I got my l246wp manufact. Jan 07, for $340 total from circuit city. I had another one manufactured in may 07 that had the same info in the service menu so I guess its the same monitor just made 5 months earlier, how can I tell if its revision 2?

The cutoff was june 2007, but this was only for lg245WP. I don't even know if the lg246WP was made past then, from the crusty or long gone stock at all my local retailers that carried this monitor (BB, Circuit city and Fry's) you sure would not think any were made in the last 6 months. These panels are such a mystery though that I really do not know, some people see problems that you'd think would be more than a matter of taste and others have no signs of them even in the most early examples.
Both lg l246wp-bns that Ive had say l246wp on the back and l245wp in the service menu, the plot thickens even more hehe. I dont know what to think anymore, I even checked one in a best buy that it too said l246wp may 07 on the back but in the service menu it said it was a l245wp

The May 46 I had seemed to have a more refined picture, slightly more even backlight(this one is bright on the left side), and I seem to notice a purplish hugh more on this one when viewing it at angles. But it had 4 stuck pixels I couldnt fix so I took it back and got this new one(from a different store).

Overall from my experiences with it so far, it seems to have these qualities.

Even backlight, with no bleed
good natural colors
no stuck pixels
22ms response time which is nice

black levels still kind of off
I cant get it calibrated just right with my ps3 hooked up

But for only $340 total I think Im keeping this one and not taking my head out of my hole for a while.
Thanks for the replies and the link.
Too bad about the Dell, it looks like a good monitor.

What about OLED's? How long before we see them? Any estimation on their price? Should I wait??