Thinking about giving Age of Conan a try

The starter area was real fun but after lvl. 20 it was boring. I think I got to around 35 before I gave up. I wasn't a fan of the combo moves system.

Edit: This was at launch so I'm sure some things have changed.
Is everything still instanced? thats what killed the game for me, everything else was pretty good but not having everybody in the same world was lame as hell, that's not really and MMO if you ask me.
I'm thinking of doing the free trial too.
I played at lauch for the first month, but it didn't do it for me.
However, I am a huge Conan fan, and I love the universe. Having more mature content and population is a big plus for me too.

Aaight, I'll download it tonight when I get home :)
Was looking at some of the reviews of Godslayer and I'm sold for another round. Will be installing when I get home (for the third time)
ya they have a really solid trial. i put 20+ hours in to several characters on the trial.
Alright, so I wanted to play the game on Wednesday night...but then it took about 7 hours to download :(
So I went to bed at around 1am with still like 3 hours left.
Last night, I lauch the game, and it still needs to update and stuff, so it took about another hour.
Long story short, I could play last night only for an hour or so, and I got to level 5 or 6 I think.
I made a Cimmerian/Barbarian (true Conan style, haven't made any research to see if they are gimped or OP, because I don't care at this point, just wanna check the game out).

Here are my impressions:

Graphics: They sure look nice, but I think I remembered them looking better. I think they are obviously much better than wow, but not quite as pretty and sharp as Aion.

Gameplay: I remember the combat mechanic to be kinda weird, but I really liked it this time!
Lots of fun, and I'm already wondering how this would play out in a PVP battle (directional attacks, and directional shields).
Combo system adds a bit more variety too (and I had completely forgotten about those fatalties-like sequences...they are a nice touch and help remind the player that this is a mature themed game!).

Quests: not bad so boars to kill...pirates and thieves and stuff big deal...the combat is fun enough so I enjoy killing no matter what/who.

Advancement: loot is alright, got a few swords and daggers and stuff so far.
Steady improvement, and one can feel the difference from one level to the next.

I know I'm still super early into the game, but the first time around I quit at about level 10, bored and unimpressed.
This time, the fact that I am actually excited being still so early in it is promising!

Can't wait to play some more this week end!
Heh, heh, this is the reason I always buy hard media for MMOs. While you still might need to download hefty updates when reinstalling, at least most of it is there on disk. The game out-of-the-box with no updates is still around 15gb (4 double layer dvds) if I remember.

Always thought AoC was the prettiest of all MMOs, esp. after the DX10 upgrade. The "god rays" look sweet, if not a little overwhelming, when turned all the way up.
Keep playing giga and let us know what you think.
I tried this during the start up and stopped in the 40s, got kind of bored at the lack of community/friends aspect of the game(im a ffxi player for many years)
i tried this the other bored after lvl 34...

went back to aion for the free weekend last into a great guild and having fun again..and yes, i am surprised myself

just doing time till swtor comes out next year.
Back online and enjoying. Ordered god slayer and looking forward to it.

One issue I'm experiencing is many building shadows flicker. I'm thinking its an sli issue since I never saw on my 4870x2. Any advice (other than turning off shadows)?

Update: figured it out after searching the aoc forums. On sli and crossfire something seems to go awry the first time you run the shadow caching. Just need to delete some caching file and it fixed itself. Running DX10 at 3600x1600, no aa, all options max except had to set shadows to high and lower viewing distance about 10%. Ultra shadows brought my fps down below 30. Looks superb in surround.
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Back online and enjoying. Ordered god slayer and looking forward to it.

One issue I'm experiencing is many building shadows flicker. I'm thinking its an sli issue since I never saw on my 4870x2. Any advice (other than turning off shadows)?

Try changing the DX level or the particle level. 3.0 seems to work best (and be compatible with grass, I felt like such a boob when I set it to 3.0 after ten months and suddenly there was this incredible looking grass everywhere). Other than that I don't know, have a fiddle with the ambient occlusion and shadow filtering/resolution settings.

I got the godslayer expansion and there is a lot of new content throughout the game, and not just at the upper levels. You really get the most of it with a new playthrough, especially playing in the new Khitian starting area - it just looks phenomenal on a machine that can run it. You also get a potion which gives you one talent point in the alternate advancement system, which is great. Stopped playing just because I couldn't afford a month and ran out of momentum and sync with the friend I was playing alongside.
I played some more this week end, although not as much as I wanted to (damn real life stuff!!).
I got my barb to 13, my Conqueror to 14, and briefly tried a Ranger who I took to about 10 I think.

So far, I really love my barb and conq. The fighting mechanics make a melee class a lot of fun!

I tweaked the graphics also, put everything to max, and started turning some stuff down or off, until my FPS reached fluidness again. The game looks really good.

I got my cousin to sign up for the trial also, and surprinsingly (he is a wow fanboy lol) he really liked it.

I will comment some more when I reach level 20 and if I'm still having enough fun to actually purchase the game.

Which brings me to a question I wanted to ask: Should I get the expansion? I'm afraid it's nothing more than a new race, new zone and more content for endgame. I think someone mentioned that it does add value to the game in the early levels too, so I'm thinking about it...
Alot of talk about this game. Haven't played inawhile. I keep getting a urge to buy expansion. I know that I will get bored with it though withen a week or so.
I played some more this week end, although not as much as I wanted to (damn real life stuff!!).
I got my barb to 13, my Conqueror to 14, and briefly tried a Ranger who I took to about 10 I think.

So far, I really love my barb and conq. The fighting mechanics make a melee class a lot of fun!

I tweaked the graphics also, put everything to max, and started turning some stuff down or off, until my FPS reached fluidness again. The game looks really good.

I got my cousin to sign up for the trial also, and surprinsingly (he is a wow fanboy lol) he really liked it.

I will comment some more when I reach level 20 and if I'm still having enough fun to actually purchase the game.

Which brings me to a question I wanted to ask: Should I get the expansion? I'm afraid it's nothing more than a new race, new zone and more content for endgame. I think someone mentioned that it does add value to the game in the early levels too, so I'm thinking about it...

It doesn't raise the level cap, but it adds an alternate advancement system which you can actually start levelling before you reach 80, and a lot of good stuff like unique earned mounts, armour and weapons, and new playfields, raids and dungeons. I think you can get a copy of the expansion with the full original game (which is what I did when I bought the expansion, accidentally) and it isn't pricey at all, so I would say go for it. Just read the game description well to see if it's the copy which includes the expansion or is without.

I mean, you're mostly paying for the expansion now anyway since the full game is only like £2 for an unopened copy and a free first month, so it seems like a no-brainer to me.
It doesn't raise the level cap, but it adds an alternate advancement system which you can actually start levelling before you reach 80, and a lot of good stuff like unique earned mounts, armour and weapons, and new playfields, raids and dungeons. I think you can get a copy of the expansion with the full original game (which is what I did when I bought the expansion, accidentally) and it isn't pricey at all, so I would say go for it. Just read the game description well to see if it's the copy which includes the expansion or is without.

I mean, you're mostly paying for the expansion now anyway since the full game is only like £2 for an unopened copy and a free first month, so it seems like a no-brainer to me.

Yeah the game by itself costs $9.99
The expansion by itself costs $24.99
Both bundled together cost $29.99

I guess when/if the time comes to upgrade to a paying account, I will just get it :)
Downloading now. A friend and I are giving it a chance again. He has a 80 bear shamen and I have a 80 assassin. Well see how it goes.
Well I jumped back in last week and am completely hooked. They've added a TON of content since last I play early this year. There's so much to do now I haven't even had a chance to travely to Khittai to check out the Godslayer stuff (although I'm only lvl 58).

Anyone know of a mod to add custom soundtracks? I'd love to add some Mastadon, Baroness, High on Fire etc. to some of the areas. You know, make it even more metal :D

The game is still a system killer... running 2x GTX 480 OC'ed I only get 25-35 FPS in DX10 with highest settings with no AA at 5760x1600 -- sometimes much lower.
harmattan what server you on? I got my necro to lvl 49 so if anyone wants to lvl together let me know. Im on set ingame name is shedo
I have recently tried lotro and wow and I have got really bored pretty quickly. I am going back to Conan. It has much better atmosphere and the combat feels much more intense and fun.
I'm waiting on the engine rebuild which is supposed to happen next month. Said to tighten up DX10 performance greatly.
Yeah...I haven't touched the game in a while now...for like 2 months...

I was having a lot of fun, but then kinda got a little bored of the same stuff over and over again...

I'm thinking I might just be sick of the MMORPG genre altogether...

I know I can't wait for TOR, but I think it has more to do with my StarWars fanboism than with Bioware's take on it (I honestly don't think it's gonna be all that different from other MMOs)...but still, I'm very curious and hoping it will be good enough for me to be hooked for at least a couple of months...

All in all, AOC is a good game...for those who still enjoy the genre...
Age of Conan is a great online RPG/ MMO. It had a rough launch, but that was 2 years ago and the game has much improved via patches and updates since then.

I have been playing the game for several months, new to the game, never played it before. I went into it looking for a Conan game because I was in the mood for a low fantasy hack and slash based on Howard's stories.

As an online RPG based on the Conan IP this game rocks! Leveling my Barbarian from 1 to 72 has been a blast the whole time.

If you have the PC rig to crank up the detail and the view distance, you will be playing in some of the best looking, well designed, deeply detailed game environments to be had. Even compared to single player RPGs, this game is good looking, even stunning.

Not only the graphics but the motion quality and design of all the characters in AoC is fluid and life like. The horse and rider animations are the most complete and realistic I have seen in any video game. You have to see it to believe it!

Of course the combat is a high point of the game. There are sequences called fatalities that show head lopping, limb severing, sword twisting, and lots of blood. And this this not done with comic graphics or a cartoon art style!

The music is also very good, some of the best in any RPG I have played. As the quality music did so for Diablo 2, the music in AoC really elevates the gaming experience.

I have read that AoC is really 3 games in one and I agree with that assessment. There is PvP, there is the leveling and questing from level 1 to the level cap of 80, then there is the post 80 end game content.

The only part I have much experience with is the leveling and questing from 1-80. I haven't done any post 80 raiding and just a little PvP.

I think many of the negative posts about AoC are peeps who played the game at launch and haven't been back recently, or disgruntled PvP players. I don't see how any gamer looking for a satisfying Conan action RPG would play this game and walk away thinking Age of Conan does not deliver.
Age of Conan is a great online RPG/ MMO. It had a rough launch, but that was 2 years ago and the game has much improved via patches and updates since then.

I have been playing the game for several months, new to the game, never played it before. I went into it looking for a Conan game because I was in the mood for a low fantasy hack and slash based on Howard's stories.

As an online RPG based on the Conan IP this game rocks! Leveling my Barbarian from 1 to 72 has been a blast the whole time.

If you have the PC rig to crank up the detail and the view distance, you will be playing in some of the best looking, well designed, deeply detailed game environments to be had. Even compared to single player RPGs, this game is good looking, even stunning.

Not only the graphics but the motion quality and design of all the characters in AoC is fluid and life like. The horse and rider animations are the most complete and realistic I have seen in any video game. You have to see it to believe it!

Of course the combat is a high point of the game. There are sequences called fatalities that show head lopping, limb severing, sword twisting, and lots of blood. And this this not done with comic graphics or a cartoon art style!

The music is also very good, some of the best in any RPG I have played. As the quality music did so for Diablo 2, the music in AoC really elevates the gaming experience.

I have read that AoC is really 3 games in one and I agree with that assessment. There is PvP, there is the leveling and questing from level 1 to the level cap of 80, then there is the post 80 end game content.

The only part I have much experience with is the leveling and questing from 1-80. I haven't done any post 80 raiding and just a little PvP.

I think many of the negative posts about AoC are peeps who played the game at launch and haven't been back recently, or disgruntled PvP players. I don't see how any gamer looking for a satisfying Conan action RPG would play this game and walk away thinking Age of Conan does not deliver.

That is a pretty good statement for AOC. I was in the first batch of Beta until a few months after launch and the game was released prematurely (with the entire beta community screaming) with practically no post lvl 40 content, broken PVP and missing some promised (or at least advertised) components, like dx 10.
That being said, it is a fantastic MMO, from the combat to the amazing visuals, you do really feel immersed in Hyboria. The sound is fantastic, and the best I have heard in any of the MMO's I have played.
A lot of the negativity for AOC in my opinion is two fold, the people who played the first couple of months and pushed to 80 as fast as possible, who are rightfully miffed, and the forum re-posters, who just regurgitate what some review or forum poster stated in some near launch tirade, without every playing the game they are experts in why it is a complete failure.

While it does not have the millions of players WOW has, it does have about 150000-20000 players currently. The community is pretty good, or it was a few of months ago when I last played. The new expansion has added tons of new quests and adventures for all levels and they have long since added many more post 40 quests.

I am rambling,

Long story short, if you have not played AOC, give it a shot, just go in without any pre-conceived notions or expectations and I am willing to bet you will be surprised at how good the game really is.
After re-subbing I played for 1 month tops. From what I've seen the only thing end game is grinding faction.

Long story short, if you have not played AOC, give it a shot, just go in without any pre-conceived notions or expectations and I am willing to bet you will be surprised at how good the game really is.

Plus the game is absolutely free for the first 20 levels, so what have you got to lose?
AoC is a great game. I really enjoyed the time I spent in it. What eventually drove me away from it, however, is the faction grind at level 80. While I certainly didn't expect to obtain gear as quickly and easily as in WoW, I did expect to be able to gear up at a reasonable rate in AoC. This is not the case in RotGS. You will grind for months for minimal gain.