Thinking about getting Net+


Jul 29, 2007
What are some good guides/books?

How much did you pay for the test? How many times did you take it? How long did you study before you took it?

The net+ is extremely easy.

Most of the questions involve you figuring out that adding a switch to a sample network setup when there is a hub currently as the correct answer. I "studied" all of 1 day and went and took it. Passed with flying colors.
i had good luck with my A+ using mike meyer's book, and am currently reading his network+ book...i like his style.
It's mostly memorization. If you've got even a basic level of network understanding you should have no issues. If you're still green, then you're going to need to study a bit.
its funny im taking a N+ course now and most of my intructors say n+ is a joke.
and they also say if you have a+ ccna you shouldnt bother with it.
that and from what im told the test itself is around $250.

im thinking about taking just to have the cert
ive got binary/subnetting/osi down, so i think im almost ready

if you take it send me a pm with your thoughts on it
its funny im taking a N+ course now and most of my intructors say n+ is a joke.
and they also say if you have a+ ccna you shouldnt bother with it.
that and from what im told the test itself is around $250.

im thinking about taking just to have the cert
ive got binary/subnetting/osi down, so i think im almost ready

if you take it send me a pm with your thoughts on it

If you have your CCNA and you're considering/taking Net+ you have your priorities mixed up.
If you have your CCNA and you're considering/taking Net+ you have your priorities mixed up.

i dont have any certs i am currently in school and among the first courses is A+ and N+
then ms courses and finally ccna .

i was just quoting what i had been told and have heard in passing about the N+ test
i dont have any certs i am currently in school and among the first courses is A+ and N+
then ms courses and finally ccna .

i was just quoting what i had been told and have heard in passing about the N+ test

I wasn't necessarily talking about you in particular, just anyone that fit that description.
Statement is quite true, however he/she is right in that the N+ is meaningless to any real IT employer. CCNA is even starting to reach the end of its "wow" factor.

The one thing I don't understand is how people can bash and say these lower level certifications are a "joke." It's always a good idea to pick up what you can along the way especially if you're trying to learn as much as you can.

If I was starting out I'd go and take those beginner certs just to get your feet wet in the field. If you feel like that this is your thing then go into the certs that qill require a bigger investment like Cisco's training paths.
Statement is quite true, however he/she is right in that the N+ is meaningless to any real IT employer. CCNA is even starting to reach the end of its "wow" factor.

How many innovations and nobel prizes go to universities... that statement is ludicrous. Maybe true at the craphole junior college some guys teach at, but at any respected institution, the statement is pure ignorance.
I wasn't necessarily talking about you in particular, just anyone that fit that description.
no harm done

The one thing I don't understand is how people can bash and say these lower level certifications are a "joke." It's always a good idea to pick up what you can along the way especially if you're trying to learn as much as you can.

If I was starting out I'd go and take those beginner certs just to get your feet wet in the field. If you feel like that this is your thing then go into the certs that qill require a bigger investment like Cisco's training paths.
i agree with you entirely , i have 3-4 years field experience, ive gone as far as i could without "any" certs at all. IMHO im gonna get every cert i can get under my belt.