Thinking about buying a ASUS Ips monitor


Fully [H]
Jun 7, 2008
Will I get any big difference from a TN to a IPS or should I wait for higher refresh rates? Or are the Asus IPS panels overated?
I'm reading on Newegg the text is bad on the IPS panels something I almost need and you can see the pixels.
Well one thing is for sure, don't wait for higher refresh IPS monitors because there will never be any.
Thinking of just trying that 21.5 asus on Newegg I hope it's not too bright for me where I can't even use it though....that will be my biggest fear...
What do you mean ips is too bright? Do you know that you can set monitor color temperatures to 3400K (sunset colored yellow display light)
Well it gets too bright or after using it for a week my skin starts to burn =)
I tried the RGB Normal and Cool temps but foudn Cool to be nicest so I'm kinda wondering if a IPS panels would help with my symtoms which could be the TN panels dithering. basically use a CRT that I had in storage for a few years currently I have a TN ASUS but it's not what I consider the best thing in the world.
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