Think im taking the iPhone plunge...


[H]ard DCOTM x4 & [H]DCOTY x1
Nov 10, 2009
My nexus 5 has started giving me odd issues ... so im highly considering swapping to an iphone 6 or 6+ shortly (mainly due to the fact that my primary computer is now a MBA and an iPad Mini...).

Im looking for thoughts between the two, the 6+ when ive used it (albiet for short times) has been fine to use one handed for me, kinda think the 6 is a step back (Screen size wise from my nexus 5 which is about as small as I would want to go for a phone), thoughts on why go one over the other?....I intend to have a case, so bend gate should not be an issue correct?
I went from a 5s to the 6+ and couldn't be more pleased. I got used to the size difference in less than an hour. Now, I can't go back to smaller screens. The 6+ also has full 1080p and much better battery life than the 6.

As far as bendgate, I've never carried a cell phone in my back pocket, nor ever sat on it. If you check out some videos of other phones, like the new Galaxy S6, they suffer from the same problem. I use a DropSuit case on my 6+. Works great, not much added bulk, and only cost $14.
For me it will come down to a Nexus 6 or the 6/6+.

The battery life is definetly a plus (Currently get ~3/4 day with the nexus 5, that includes ~1hr tethering plugged in) .... really going to miss Qi though, might have to look into a Qi Case or one of the adapter things (rarely plug in my phone as it is)
Qi is nice, no doubt. I had it for my Nexus 7 tablet. I'll be more enthusiastic for it when they figure out how to do data transfers via Qi. :cool:
About 6 months ago I had to switch to an iPhone 6 from a Nexus 5 due to work. Not a day goes by that I don't miss my Android phone. If you are into customizing your phone, I think you'll struggle to adapt like I have.

As soon as I can, I am switching back.
Thats the thing, no longer really care about customizing anything. I just want it to work no issues, I basically do: Internet browsing, Music, Tether, e-reading. So i end up being very OS agnostic. I gave up on rooting my phone and stuff ages ago and just run vanilla android (Cant stand the manuf. skins)
You're gonna love the iPhone if running stock OS is your preference. I'm a serial jailbreaker, but have cut way back on the amount of tweaking/modding I do. Just don't have the time/energy to keep up with everything.
I upgraded from my IPhone 4S to the IPhone 6 and could not be happier. Since I carry my phone in my front chest pocket (Uniform for work) I opted for the Iphone 6 over the 6+ due to the size.
I upgraded from my IPhone 4S to the IPhone 6 and could not be happier. Since I carry my phone in my front chest pocket (Uniform for work) I opted for the Iphone 6 over the 6+ due to the size.

I'm 6'3 and I can't get my 6 out of my front pocket is seated in certain ways(in the car) and it barely fits at all in some of the pants I own.

The slim fit fashion trends of the day don't work with giant phones. I don't know how people use the 6+
I'm 6'3 and I can't get my 6 out of my front pocket is seated in certain ways(in the car) and it barely fits at all in some of the pants I own.

The slim fit fashion trends of the day don't work with giant phones. I don't know how people use the 6+
Gotta lose those skinny jeans, dude. :p

I must be an exception because I've never carried a cell phone in my pants pocket.
Don't do it, its a trap!

Honestly get what ever phone suits your needs, I would make sure you aren't going to make any compromises as that usually leads to you being unhappy with your purchase. I personally will only get a phone I can root, I don't change a whole lot of stuff, but the little I like to change I need root.

This is what I use root for:
Enable hotspot with out the lame $30 a month charge. I honestly used it twice last year, I'm not paying $30 for something my phone can already do when I just need to upload a few assignments.

Change dpi settings for spotify.

And remove the stupid bluetooth volume limit, this drives me nuts on phones now, you can warn me once that going over 75% will ruin my hearing but doing it every time is just stupid and annoying.
You're gonna love the iPhone if running stock OS is your preference. I'm a serial jailbreaker, but have cut way back on the amount of tweaking/modding I do. Just don't have the time/energy to keep up with everything.

I do jailbreak, mainly for auxo and IntellscreenX

I do not wear skinny jeans, im 6' and muscular build that shit just doesnt fit if you are not a rail, so even a note with a zero lemon fits in 90% of my cloths just fine

As for tethering, I have T-Mo so its included in my plan, not a selling point any direction. Should note, I tether 2+ times a day for ~1-2 hrs a day.

Kinda made this thread to somewhat get an idea what I will *lose* going to an iPhone, and make sure im not looking over anything, my usage is listed earlier, im goign to loose my purchased app's and stuff but thats a fact of life I know goign into this (I have a handful of games etc. that I rarely use as it stands .... same with the iPad though I have plenty there...)

Side note, im hoping my friend at an Apple store might be able to help me get one that *may* not be on 8.3 lol, here is for hoping though....def. getting that discount though
If you buy soon you can still downgrade to 8.2(unless they stopped signing today, haven't checked).

I went from a Droid 2 to a Galaxy S3 and then iPhone 5. Never looked back once. S3 was supposed to be THE best Android phone at the time and it had some annoying lag and crashes, a custom rom just resulted in worse results(I got a "lean" one for performance too) and having to pull the battery a lot since there was a bug where the screen would just stay blank. Going back to stock just brought back the lag and other crashes. Haven't missed the customization either. If you need to do that you can always jailbreak. Almost anything is possible with a jailbreak, including tethering without the carrier knowing.
I'm 6'3 and I can't get my 6 out of my front pocket is seated in certain ways(in the car) and it barely fits at all in some of the pants I own.

I do not wear skinny jeans, im 6' and muscular build that shit just doesnt fit if you are not a rail, so even a note with a zero lemon fits in 90% of my cloths just fine
I'm 5'10", athletic build, dreamy eyes, and hate long walks on the beach.
we went from a 4s to 6+. It has all but replaced me carry my tablet now. And now with Hearthstone out for iOS I am happy.

We also both have an Otterbox Defender. I overpaid for mine and got it at AT&Tjust to have the same day install. Wife left her 6+ in the factor wrap sitting in the box until her case arrived from Amazon.
What did I miss about 8.3? I put it on my 6 yesterday and haven't noticed anything different?

EDIT: After googling I see a couple issues. The most pain in the ass one being battery life. I haven't noticed a difference and I am streaming music off of prime via wifi and to a bluetooth speaker via...bluetooth. So my phone is working all day and at this point today I haven't noticed any less battery life.
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Gotta lose those skinny jeans, dude. :p

I must be an exception because I've never carried a cell phone in my pants pocket.

They aren't skinny jeans or jeans at all. Tailored dress pants, the pockets aren't suitable for phablets, just barely an iPhone 6.

Where do you carry your phone? lol please don't suggest a belt holster, I'm not a trucker.
I wear jeans every day (Yay for semi-casual work environment) , and it sits in my desk 90% of the time lol, or out in the center console etc. etc.... but thats just me, its in my pants pocket for maybe 5% of the time im away from home.
Leave it in your pocket more so you get phantom vibrations in your leg. Good stuff.
Those are the worst! .... Looks like ill be able to get a discount (since im buying unlocked). Hopefully I can pick it up later tonight or tomorrow .
Where do you carry your phone? lol please don't suggest a belt holster, I'm not a trucker.
It's either in my hand, in a coat pocket (my leather jacket or a sports coat) or in a slim portfolio I keep with me most of the time. I think the last time I tried to carry a cell phone in my pants pocket was way back when I had a Nextel Motorola i90c. :p
So picked up a 6+ today, forgot about the sim being different than my nexus 5 .... after I got home and t-mo stores were closed lol .... so no playing with it tonight for me :( .... cant wait to get it setup, and really hoping (but highly doubt) that I have 8.1.2 on the phone ...
For reference, the unit I got still has 8.1.2 on it, so I will be jailbreaking it..... any specific tweaks I should look at for the iPhone (I only have some figured for the iPad)
For reference, the unit I got still has 8.1.2 on it, so I will be jailbreaking it..... any specific tweaks I should look at for the iPhone (I only have some figured for the iPad)
Wow, you definitely got lucky with 8.1.2 on your phone.

Good tweaks (some free/some paid):
Attachments+ for Mail
MyWi 8 (if you want free, unlimited tethering)
Springtomize 3
Virtual Home

Also, set the Preferences in iTunes so it does not automatically upgrade your OS when you connect the phone.
The 6 and 6+ are both great. Personally I think the 6+ is a bit too big as I like to carry my phone in my front pocket, but I know many that really like them.

I am surprised free tethering you guys still need, my plan with ATT has included it for free for awhile now. Don't use it a ton, but when you need it you need it.
I think I either mistyped or you mis read. I have T-Mo, so tethering is included in my plan....side note, I played with it a bit yesterday and for some reason my hotspot wasnt found, however after leaving it on and plugging into my PC it then recognized it as sharing internet, any ideas?
Did you turn on Bluetooth? I think that needs to be enabled for it to work.
Yup (use bluetooth with my UP 24 so it was def on), I think what it was is that I didnt se e/ receive the option to choose between wifi and bluetooth/usb for tethering when i turned on the personal hotspot.
I have T-Mo's Unlimited Talk/Text/Data (LTE) plan. Tethering is free, but not unlimited. After 2GB, it cuts off unless I want to pay extra. No need to with the MyWi 8 tweak.

Sometimes, I have difficulty getting my PC to recognize my hotspot, too. No idea why.
Oh, I have 5gb on my plan for tether (I have an UnCarrier plan though)
Yup (use bluetooth with my UP 24 so it was def on), I think what it was is that I didnt se e/ receive the option to choose between wifi and bluetooth/usb for tethering when i turned on the personal hotspot.

Personal Hotspot turns on for WiFi, Bluetooth, and USB when enabled. If you want WiFi off, disable WiFi, etc.

As for tweaks, my absolute number one tweak is F.Lux. I use it on all my iOS devices, PCs, and Macs. Once you use it, you don't want to go back.

If Apple integrated F.lux into iOS, the only thing keeping me jailbreaking would be TetherMe (For tethering on Cricket and changing APNs). I wouldn't bother Jailbreaking my iPads if iOS had F.lux built in.
I need to give F.Lux a go on the iphone, I ended up turning it off on my iPad after a week or two (but enjoyed it previously maybe im just getting more mellow...)
I went from a note II to a 6+, it's a change for sure, but I love the 6+. Super simple to use, and battery life is superb! I'm a heavy user and I can go all day without needing to charge it.
They aren't skinny jeans or jeans at all. Tailored dress pants, the pockets aren't suitable for phablets, just barely an iPhone 6.

Where do you carry your phone? lol please don't suggest a belt holster, I'm not a trucker.

I work from home (perks of startups!), so I'm not one to worry about how to carry my phone, but when I had my Note 3 I'd always be concerned about carrying it around with me, and dropping it, since I hate the way it fit into not only jeans, but as you said, dress pants (which I wear 3-4x weekly with meetings). There's really nothing you can do to get a massive phone to fit into a pant pocket, other than just hold it in your hand. Maybe take your keys out as well (even if it is a FOB and not actual keys), so you don't feel odd just having a phone in your hand, hah.
I work from home (perks of startups!), so I'm not one to worry about how to carry my phone, but when I had my Note 3 I'd always be concerned about carrying it around with me, and dropping it, since I hate the way it fit into not only jeans, but as you said, dress pants (which I wear 3-4x weekly with meetings). There's really nothing you can do to get a massive phone to fit into a pant pocket, other than just hold it in your hand. Maybe take your keys out as well (even if it is a FOB and not actual keys), so you don't feel odd just having a phone in your hand, hah.

I'm glad somebody else understand lol... it's annoying.

There is a positive though, it's simply impossible for me to wiggle my phone out of my front pocket in my car, so i'm never guilty of texting and driving.