they should really make Napoleon: Total War


Nov 9, 2004
seriously tho, without compromising between guns and swords, the napoleonic wars is just about the last thing possible for a total war game. i mean, if you talk ww2 or ww1, it really doesn't work cause lets face it, ww1 = trenches, and the eastern front with no trenches would just be boring. ww2 is impossible cause not many battles were fought in huge ass open battlefields... napoleon total war would be cool tho, i mean you got basically all the euro nations ganging up on france, and they actually fought battles in the open field. the only problem is with a lack of weaponry, but whatever, guns, calvary, artillery is good enough. besides, its getting boring just seeing strategy games with swords and bows anyways.
what about like american civil: total war.

yeah, they are running out of stuff for total war to work
they could redo the older games with the newer engine, that would be spectacular. I recently fired up shogun total war and was very turned off by the graphics/battlefield engine.
I only fought 2 battles manually in my entire long campaign in Rome: Total War
Ducay said:
I only fought 2 battles manually in my entire long campaign in Rome: Total War

why is that? to me that was one of the funnest parts
A Napoleon game could be pretty cool.

They could also do a Mongolia: Total War or something. Actually, they really could just take Age of Empires 2 and make a Total War game out of almost every one of the campaigns.

Saladin, Attilla The Hun, Ghengis Khan, the Hundred Years' War (though this may have been covered in Medieval: Total War, I never played that one), Vikings, or any of a boatload of others.
Only problem is alot of these would never sell. I would like to see RISK done to the Total War style (if it hasn't already been done and I've totally missed it)
As long as it Has "Liger" units in it, its like my most favorite animal ever.
Hopefully they have knumchucker units as well.
well i just want to see one with guns. i'm tired of swords swords and more swords. those 19th century guns with those troops in a straight line formation would be soo cool.
k1pp3r said:
why is that? to me that was one of the funnest parts

Yeah, not much to the game other than battles. Not to mention the computer is horribly incompetant at controlling armies, so you'd lose an awful lot of battles you could win otherwise. I think every one of my battle losses is a sea battle, I almost always get 10:1 kills/deaths or better on land, even against superior forces.