thermaltake tsunami dream case help


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 8, 2005
ok this guy sent me and computer today...and its a thermatake tsunami dream case.....there are 2 dvd drive in tehre...and thermaltake has some patented slider that locks the dvd roms in the heck do i take it out!! help!!
The case uses plastic rails that screw on the sides of drives, at the front of the drive, there should be a plastic like tab that you push in, and should slip on out
i dont see anyhting i think this guy put it in wrong or something.....the dvd drive dont even poke all the way out like it should...its like a tad short of makeing it all the way..please help
Is the second front panel open, it opens just like the first, but you have to make sure that the key is completly turned to unlock both panels
yes sir it is...i see the purple rails on the side but its not sticking out
There should be tabs on the front of the rails on both sides, push those in and it should slide out.
the point part is sticking towards the inside of the case...i think this guy put it in on the reversed the part that is sopposed to be touch the dvd rom is touch the metal...i think
just re edited last post, picture should show how it should look, with that tab sticking out. if the the pointy end is showing, you will have to remove the drive from the inside of the case, and if somebody actually mounted the rail backwards like thats, they need to get smacked up side the head.
: (....this thing is like super stuck...the ONLY way is to break the damn case....lemme get soem pics in 1 minute
EDIT with 1 new pic

i just called thermaltake tech support....and they said they cant help me : (........



I saw the last pic of the inside side, it looks like that the tabs were forced inside, so you are going to have to use some to force the tabs to stick out the front or try to pull the drive out from the inside.

Who did this by the way?
this guy i traded over the net.....ive been yank as much as possible....iono what to do man....thanks for ur help tho...ur really nice for walking me through this....but i dont think there much i can so mad!!
It looks like you can use a flathead and force the tabs back out, if you can do that you should be able to pull them out if it's not damaged.
im quite mad man....he forgot to give me power cord...the top cover was broken...and this thing.......damn
I used to own a XaserIII tower so I know how these plastic tabs work, and you really, REALLY have to push hard to force the tabs all the way into the slot like that... This guy must be an idiot. I really don't have any bright ideas of how to remove those drives without slightly damaging your case...
You might want to try removing the PSU, then try to pull the drives inside the case, rather than force them out.
I bet he used a rubber mallet to hammer the drives in, I assume since it was a trade that your stuck with it now... :(
It's people like the guy that installed those drives wrong that makes the acronym RTFM very popular.
if it was ebay, leave him some shodyd feedback, as for the tabs, unscrew the drives, pull them out the back... the drive rails are probably shot... just try and find some new ones...
owell i got 1 for 2 out but i broke the rail...owell thanks for the input guys i think the thread should die now...but thanks alot...this has been many hours of hell
Good luck to you. Hope things work out (no pun intended) fine for you.
That guy is a fargin moron. I've got 4 of those rails i'm not using. Pay for shipping and you can have them to replace the broken ones. Or better yet, get the guy who sold you the comp pay for shipping.
Nah, Tt would probably send you replacements. I had a OEM case only Tsunami and they sent me the drive rails and screws right away. Tt customer service rocks!
holy old thread revival bat man! and if you had read it, you wouldda noticed hes already got the problem under control...
Yeah... or we can send him replacements... or he can buy them... whichever... =)
0mega said:
holy old thread revival bat man! and if you had read it, you wouldda noticed hes already got the problem under control...

I didn't revive it, it was sitting up there and I replied. Musta bin the guy before me.

:edit: Musta happened when I got linked to a month old version of this website. Sorry guys!
Unscrew the drive cage and send it to thermaltake?

Thats really gotta suck... take a dremel to the plastic and pray for the best.