Thermaltake making cases I like? It must be the end of the world!


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2005
I guess the planets must be aligned because I actually like some of the newer Thermaltake cases that are coming out!

The Spedo series: - while having the worst name ever, are actually a pretty well designed full tower case with a lot of features I like. Ridiculous amounts of 120 and 140 mm fan mounts everywhere. The front panel desing may not be award winning, but miles better than some of its Xaser brothers.

The Element S: - This is a dang nice looking case with a compartmentalized design that makes sense and a ton of airlfow and a good looking door. Can't go wrong with black and red either.

The V9 series: - This appears to be a blatant ripoff of the original Antec 900 with some of the layout of th Antec 300, but at least it looks like it took the better features of both. Saw this in person in Fry's the other day and was actually impressed. Again, very nice with the black and red design.

Believe it or not, this is not a paid advertisement for thermaltake, just a pleasant surprise. I have not been a fan of Thermaltake design for a long time but I'll give credit where it is due when somebody comes out with something good.
Uh oh, their putting the PSU's in the bottom, it is the end of the world :eek:

The one with a separator is a nice idea, and if they have all the cable feed holes then it should look tidy, just don't know about the external look of the S, and this isn't the first time a reference case has been used that looks like another one, the Xaser 3 was basically a chieftech dragon with a much smarter designed HDD bay (unlike the floppy drive bay style everyone else used).

If I was still shopping for a case it would be the Spedo advance.
The spedo case looks good but I can't get past the name. I live on the coast and there is a huge (6' 4") indian/russian guy who jogs on the beach no matter what the weather in his spedo. If I got this case I would feel dirty every time I hit the power switch. :eek:
I've never understood the intense hatred towards Thermaltake cases. I'm just as big of a fan of Lian Li and Silverstone as the next guy and I don't have any blue/red/green L.E.D.s lighting up my pc, but the Armor and Kandalf were pretty good cases and the old Shark was a good value for the money too.
I've never understood the intense hatred towards Thermaltake cases. I'm just as big of a fan of Lian Li and Silverstone as the next guy and I don't have any blue/red/green L.E.D.s lighting up my pc, but the Armor and Kandalf were pretty good cases and the old Shark was a good value for the money too.

I actually just picked up a shark case, not as bad as I thought it would be. I don't know how it compares to their current line up, but I having the shark and some of the older cases, they were never as well finished as lian li and cooler master imo.
I've never understood the intense hatred towards Thermaltake cases. I'm just as big of a fan of Lian Li and Silverstone as the next guy and I don't have any blue/red/green L.E.D.s lighting up my pc, but the Armor and Kandalf were pretty good cases and the old Shark was a good value for the money too.

The Armor and Kandalf were pretty good cases unfortunately plagued with things like mediocre front panel design (doorlets?) and horrible windows with gaudy fans. I don't have anything against the function of really any of Thermaltake's cases, they just weren't my preferred look.