Thermaltake Kandalf, Lianli PC V2100+, or CMStacker 810?

Which case?

  • Thermaltake Kandalf

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • Lian-li PC V2100 Plus

    Votes: 14 50.0%
  • Cooler Master Stacker RC-810

    Votes: 8 28.6%

  • Total voters


Oct 9, 2005
I've narrowed an important search down to these three. I ordered the Kandalf a few days ago but now am having second thoughts.

So, could I get the opinions of the more experienced?
Stick with the Kandalf, its a great case. Some people may not like the look of the front door, but besides that it cools wonderfully.
I'm having second thoughts about the Kandalf only because, reading through old threads, many seem to say that TT is overpriced trash.
incomudro said:
^^^ You would be so right.

not true at all. You people need to stop bashing Tt for stuff that they fixed a while ago. All the new products are great, and they arn't overpriced anymore. Also, Tt has excellent customer service.

The kandalf looks better than the stacker too, but thats just personal opinion.
I voted Stacker 810... but the fact that I got one sitting on the floor waiting to be modded and h2o'd might be considered as a bias. :p

And I will say its not perfect, but what case is? That's what they made dremel tools for after all... grinding away the stuff that gets in your way. :D
If you're not going to mod, the Kandalf does come with a window, and I still beleive it will provide better airflow than the stacker. You can also buy extra drive bay converters (5 1/2 to 3 1/2) that will allow you to put more 120mm fans in the front.
I see one could fit more fans into a Stacker than a Kandalf, but regardless the Kandalf still has better cooling?

I think I've ruled out the Lian-li. It looks far too cpmlicated on the inside for me and its not very stylish...
the kandalf is just plain old ugly and newbish looking , imo (that's my disclaimer if you dont agree with me ;) )

stacker is nice. do not know much more about it other than that.

v2100+ probably still has a cooling problem like the rest of the v series. trust me, i know. i placed 3 120mm on top to suck out all that hot air. it's only a big heating issue if u run some really hot vc's or in sli.
stacker and kandalf are pretty much the same, so go with whatever looks better to you. the kandalf has a huge vent on the top, the stacker has a huge vent on the side... with the kandalf you have a 3 hdd rack up next to the psu, with the stacker I /think/ they go into the regular drive bays. the kandalf comes set up for watercooling, it has holes pre drilled for the tubing, which I think is pretty neat.
lian li makes the best cases for computer on the market. Simple as that.
Sedgie! said:
Remember that I am NOT interested in modding, just in optimum cooling.

Remember? You never specified the first time. :p

Unoid said:
lian li makes the best cases for computer on the market. Simple as that.

I beg to differ... Soldam ... I'll let the cases speak for themselves.