Thermaltake armor case feet


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2005
does anyone know what size screws these use? The first day i got it i had to remove the feet to make it fit under my desk and now when i go to screw them back on, of course i lost all the screws. So if anyone still has them and if they wouldnt mind just unscrewing one and measuring them so i can go to home depot and find replacements it would be really appreciated
does anyone know what size screws these use? The first day i got it i had to remove the feet to make it fit under my desk and now when i go to screw them back on, of course i lost all the screws. So if anyone still has them and if they wouldnt mind just unscrewing one and measuring them so i can go to home depot and find replacements it would be really appreciated

i'll see what i can do for you when i get home from work
I tried them, took one of the screws out from the other sides panel and it fit width but the length was very short. I mean the amount that comes through can be meassured in milimeters to a small amount of centimeters
u ever get this squared away?
the screws have the same thread but they are slightly longer than the "standard" case screws...
so if u got any spare screws laying around, u might be able to find something...

i can take a pic if u want.
hehe nope, never did. went through like 100 screws or so.. i hate to be a bother but if u could, a picture would help. maybe even just throw me the dimensions of how long the screw is and the width of the head
ok...i was actually mistaken about the length...its exactly the same as other case screws i have laying around.

the screw on the right side is the on from the foot.

wow, i feel like a complete moron now.. u see the giant hole in the middle, i thought the screw went in there! no wonder i could never get it to work! haha wow im soo stupid, thanks alot for all ur help. sorry if i was a pain in the ass, lol.
wow, i feel like a complete moron now.. u see the giant hole in the middle, i thought the screw went in there! no wonder i could never get it to work! haha wow im soo stupid, thanks alot for all ur help. sorry if i was a pain in the ass, lol.

haha. at least we got it figured out. :)