Thermaltake Armor A30 mATX Cube Case

looks like a recycled and modded Lanbox Lite

The top 230mm fan is blocked by PSU.
1X 90mm intake, 1X 230mm and 2X60mm exhaust, WTF?!!
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It's the illegitimate love child of a Lanbox Lite and an Antec 900.

With the big vents in the sides and so much negative air pressure, why even bother with the intake fan?
Converted dimensions are aprox: 10.61 x 11.64 x 18.24

The 60mm fans are for the suck though. I wouldn't buy it just because of that alone. :mad:
haha they said original design in the video.. Looks like a v351 knock off to me, except minus the 2 awesome 120's up front.
Yea... not impressed by this offering... Pretty much agree with everything said already

PSU placement is pretty terrible, over the CPU, and in the way of the intake fan. I don't know how you could make it a bigger obstacle of airflow if you tried.

2x 60mm..... ummm no... I don't want any more small fans then I can get away with.

Looks are bleh imo, I know that's subjective but it does look like they tried to take styling que's from Antec.... which is like styling your car after a Subaru.... o_O

Not that small...

About the only thing I like about the case is the mATX compatibility.....
Yea the PSU placement is the worst part of the case.. the PSU should be located in the front on the right hand side when facing the case so that the video cards could still clear it. And then the top could have 2x 120mm fans instead so that you can either fit really tall HSF's or you could mount a h50 type cooler right above the CPU..

As it sits I would still use that case.. if the street price was about 40 bucks or so shipped. But that PSU placement kills alot of the reason to have a case that large.. At 130 bucks like the video says I would much much rather spend the doe on a lian li cube. they look alot better.
Yea the PSU placement is the worst part of the case.. the PSU should be located in the front on the right hand side when facing the case so that the video cards could still clear it. And then the top could have 2x 120mm fans instead so that you can either fit really tall HSF's or you could mount a h50 type cooler right above the CPU..

Exactly what I was thinking. Then you could also Ditch the 2x 60mm fans to make it quieter.
Exactly what I was thinking. Then you could also Ditch the 2x 60mm fans to make it quieter.

yep.. would easily be able to have a 120mm on the back for that matter for a h50 & then keep the 230mm up top..
yep.. would easily be able to have a 120mm on the back for that matter for a h50 & then keep the 230mm up top..

Bingo! Better cooling, quieter, and no wondering how the heck you are gonna fit any heatsink.

Even if you didn't have a H50 / H70, there would actually be room for a real heat sink. I saw a review and I don't know how you would fit any heatsink in that thing! o_O

I link it in a second

There we go, right off the front page on Hardocp here. There is a pic of that PSU mounted and a MB underneath... Man that's just not going to allow for much room.
Can't say I like the design too much, I much prefer regular cube (looking) cases for sff.
Horrible in all aspects: layout is as bad as it gets and the style of it...well, i better not say anything offensive:D