Thermalright XP120 + Aluminum fan = modding (pics)


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 9, 2002
So I got a Thermalright XP120, a very popular heatsink that doesn't include a fan. I also bought an aluminum fan, not realizing how a fan would normally attach to said heatsink. Upon greedily opening both packages and slapping the 2 together....hmmm, no worky worky. See, the problem is, the XP120 uses 2 small wire clips to attach the fan to the heatsink. They assume your fan is plastic, and has a little edge (or lip for those of you with filthy minds) around each screw hole. Aluminum fans don't have that edge.

So, how to mount the fan?

Here's how. Couldn't have been easier. I actually tried 2 slightly different methads, as shown below:

METHOD 1: No grill, 8 short wire ties.​







METHOD 2: added filter, 4 long wire ties.​




So the important thing here is that you use quality wire ties. If the wire ties break off from old age and/or heat, the fan's gonna fall off. Also, make sure the head of the wire tie is on top. It acts like the head on a screw.
Pretty sweet, that mesh grill looks pretty good too like that. I'll have to pick up a XP120 and use one of my alu fans now. :D
holy crap that is nice man. I have the same fan and heatsink combo as you. However, my idea of taping the fan to the heatsink only worked for a day because the fan fell off.

Now I'm using a plastic 120cfm delta fan instead of the aluminum one.
Looks like the definitive aluminium monster. The destroyer of worlds, if you will.

Nah, not nearly as bad as a Delta 80mm HO fan. My computer scares me at night... :eek:
It's hard to stick your finger in there with the filter on it.

I'll be mounting it in my case when it gets here.
simple but effective :) just goes to show you dont always need something complex to get the job done.

Reminds me i gotta keep up some 2 120mm alu fans soonish
I got the case, and got the fan and heatsink all mounted up. I'll grab some pics tonight and post them for everyone.
Nice job.

Any noise problems from fan vibration on the heatsink ? It may be worth putting some small rubber or felt spacers between the heatsink and corners of the fan to keep the two aluminum pieces from directly touching.
The heatsink comes with 2 long rubber strips that go between the fan and the heatsink. No vibration at all.
Humour said:
That could slice your finger off if you got it trapped in the fan xD

The fan blades are painted plastic still... at least they were on mine.