Thermal Issues with Antec P180v2


Mar 2, 2008
Figured I'd drop this question in here since most of you guys are thermal veterans. I am doing no overclocking at all, running a stock system with an E6850 (w/ stock heatsink) and an 8800GTX among other components and have some weird temperature issues.

With the side on my P180 and 4x 120mm fans (2 on the back pumping out air, 1 under the drive bay blowing in air and one in front of the PSU blowing out air) I usually idle at about 38-40C and under load approach 60C. Pop the side off and I idle at 31/32C and underload the most I have seen is about 54C. Now the load temps aren't that much different but the idle temps are vastly different. I am not sure if my airflow is correct but I wanted to create a bit of negative pressure to keep dust out. Anyone have any ideas why my temps are so different with the side on versus off?

I thought I had read that you should see cooler temps in a controlled airflow environment versus one where air can go in any way. I could have read wrong but who knows, thought I would ask some people with experience.
id say post a picture of the inside... it might be easier to point out anything you can change...
Unfortunately I don't have a camera up here with me, but lemme see if I can't diagram something out or take a stock picture of the P180 and try to place where all my components are.


My setup looks pretty identical to this. I have an 8800GTX with a Creative X-fi Platinum right under it and a Raptor drive in the lower HD bay. Just one optical drive in the top and I re-routed as much of the cables as I could behind the tray.