the world is gonna end

damn :p I sold my amd machine and picked up a cheapy D920 setup >_< but I have some high end OCZ DDR2 800 @ 4-3-3-8 and a 975X mobo I'm going to play with :)

goodbye amd :( for now

btw I sold it cuz I wanted $$$ :p
wee96 said:

people who are just concerned with extreme overclocking and other synthetic things typically don't run a "normal" memory setup. Instead they'll often just run with one small stick of highly overclockable ram.

Anyway, welcome to the fun realm of intel cpus, eclipse. I've had a lot of fun with my 560J since I got it. 4.0ghz on stock voltage/stock cooler :cool:
the x30 series are really good Ocers... the 805 is really sweet too.. However outside of the 6 and 9 series Intels are ovens..


Right b4 spring and the nice weather came to NY... I left my PC on priming or even idle... WARMEST and actually most comfortable bedroom in the house!! :)
Eva_Unit_0 said:
people who are just concerned with extreme overclocking and other synthetic things typically don't run a "normal" memory setup. Instead they'll often just run with one small stick of highly overclockable ram.
haha, it's more my temp stick of ram, the 2x1gb ballistix is what i'm supposed to be testing out.

that 256mb stick is hella sweet though :p
Eva_Unit_0 said:
people who are just concerned with extreme overclocking and other synthetic things typically don't run a "normal" memory setup. Instead they'll often just run with one small stick of highly overclockable ram.

Anyway, welcome to the fun realm of intel cpus, eclipse. I've had a lot of fun with my 560J since I got it. 4.0ghz on stock voltage/stock cooler :cool:

I said huh because of the choice of wording the guy used, it was lame.
Just a hint:

I notice that raising the PCI-E on certain mobos will do a lot more for overclocking than raising the voltage on 65nm chips. My particular 631 does exceptionally well undervolted, but with PCIe punched up as high as possible.
ZenOps said:
Just a hint:

I notice that raising the PCI-E on certain mobos will do a lot more for overclocking than raising the voltage on 65nm chips. My particular 631 does exceptionally well undervolted, but with PCIe punched up as high as possible.

yes that's a good point too. I don't know about 955x or 975x, but on the 945 chipsets bumping the pci-e frequency to ~118mhz gives a lot of extra room on the chipset in terms of fsb speeds. My Abit IL8 wouldn't even post above 224fsb with the pci-e at the default setting, but setting it at 118 makes it run perfect.