"The Volume is Dirty" & chkdsk


Aug 27, 2007
My fiancee's laptop has been pretty fuxored. Other than her dad loading it with unnecessary software, and Norton :)rolleyes:. I'm installing Trend Micro tonight). She was having issues just getting online. When you open up IE, it sits and loads, but nothing displays. A popup from the task bar was coming up, saying that there was an error writing on file on the HD. AIM has been able to connect though. It instructed me to run chkdsk, so I did. Now everytime it boots up, it runs through it, but was gettin errors and wouldn't ever complete.

I just came home from work and booted it up to work on it tonight, and it's been running chkdsk for a few minutes now.

I get the titled error, then it runs chkdsk. What does this usually mean? Is her HD done? Luckily I have Acronis to image her HD and I can restore that on a new HD, hopefully. There is one of my licenses for Office 2003 on here, and if I reformat, I lose that license and she loses Office, which cannot happen.

So is my HD dead? I'm trying to image the HD, and here's the error I get...

E000101F4: Failed to read data from the disk.

Failed to read from the sector 65,149,967 of the hard disk 1
bad sectors + bad temp files ect...full restore if not the drive might be sol.....defrag/chxk dsk what ya resultes?
During defrag, got a cute little blue screen.

"ntfs.sys - address f730764d base at f72f6000, datestamp 45cc56a7
beginning dump of physical memory
I'm guessing there is a bad sector on it.

I think I found a way to tell windows to not use that sector, so it will write the file elsewhere. Then I can image the HD and restore that to a new hd. Hopefully.
are you actually running chkdsk from a dos bootdisk?? It has saved my life more than once.
No. But it's running the 5step chkdsk. Under step 4, it...

"windows replaced bad clusters in file 2859 of name \locals\temp\content.ie5\index.dat"

That explains why AIM would connect, but IE wouldn't. I ran to Circuit city since the website showed good prices, but they didn't have any in store. Best buy closed doors on me as I walked up.

In the long run you're better off replacing a drive that has bad sectors. Even if Windows closes off the corrupted sector, they tend to multiply. Whatever caused the first bad sector will likely cause more.
I know, I plan on replacing it. (Read my above post about going to look for one, but not finding one yet). It's been running chkdsk for 2.5 hours now. 43% in stage 4/5
IE can load web pages now!! :) And I got a sucessful image too.

Just uninstalled Norton and such too. This thing is super slow to boot though. Same exact specs as my laptop (but hers is 20GB bigger hd), and mine boots instantly (fresh install). Hopefully it is just because the drive is dying.