The results are in!


Feb 5, 2006
12 neophytes and 3 people that know how to run an OS for gaming purposes.

Background Programs: Disable all background applications - especially virus, trojan and spyware scanners and messaging utilities. These applications can and do use up valuable CPU resources, take up precious RAM, cause memory conflicts and crashes to desktop, but most importantly they interfere with read/writes to your hard drive effectively slowing it down and causing even more in-game stuttering and longer loading times. Full instructions on how to identify your startup programs and services and how to correctly disable unnecessary ones are in my TweakGuides Tweaking Companion.
'Eh. Even if I had STALKER, I'd still have my AV running. I don't disable anything while gaming, but I only have around 30 processes.
STALKER is known to be a pretty horribly coded game. The graphics are pretty good but not enough to warrant the kind of performance a user (like me) receives on a Mid-high end box.

I'll admit that article is great, well written.

However, I still maintain that STALKER should have been optimized to run better on current hardware. I understand that my X1950 is not the newest out but it's not the slowest out either. It is the fastest of the last generation.

I believe you, based on other threads I've seen, took this opportunity to use this article to showcase your opinion (of turning off ALL background apps) in order to run a game at max speed. However, you really should look for an actual review or article that turns off all the background applications and then benchmarks a few games to analyze the difference.

That said, it's a helpful article and a pretty well written guide.
12 neophytes and 3 people that know how to run an OS for gaming purposes.

Background Programs: Disable all background applications - especially virus, trojan and spyware scanners and messaging utilities. These applications can and do use up valuable CPU resources, take up precious RAM, cause memory conflicts and crashes to desktop, but most importantly they interfere with read/writes to your hard drive effectively slowing it down and causing even more in-game stuttering and longer loading times. Full instructions on how to identify your startup programs and services and how to correctly disable unnecessary ones are in my TweakGuides Tweaking Companion.

last time i had a crash relating to a virus program was back in the days of 98. sorry...nice try though. btw, what does it take to realize that STALKER is buggy as hell and will prolly crash regardless if your system is bare or has all kinds of shit on it?
If I may:
These applications [a/v, spyscanning, messaging] can and do...cause memory conflicts and crashes to desktop,
No, actually, they don't. Protected memory and all that. Quite simply, there should be no way for one app to touch another's memory space, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Now I have no problem believing that poorly coded apps will crash, which is what this boils down to. Gatticus, if that was the point you were trying to prove, then you have succeded.

However, if you were trying to prove that any serious gamer would disable all these fancy gizmos that we have installed, then you will need more than a simple guide online. You will need to first define what a "Hardcore gamer" is. You will then need some way to determine who is and is not a hardcore gamer. This will be tricky, because it's not like you can go door to door to observe. You will then need to take a poll of this subset and find out who does and does not exercise what you would consider good practice when playing games.

As you can not do any of this with any measure of success, I must therefore conclude that this is a huge dickwaving fest for you. Your desperate need to be right in the eyes of your peers forces you to create these threads ( 2 now? ), in the hopes that someone out there shares your viewpoint, thus validating your opinions and raising your selfworth. If I may, I would suggest you go outside. Throw the ol'frisbee around with a few friends/siblings/parents. This will do more for your self-worth than some random poster on the internet validating your beliefs.
Oh, well. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink it.
Your desperate need to be right in the eyes of your peers forces you to create these threads ( 2 now? ), in the hopes that someone out there shares your viewpoint, thus validating your opinions and raising your selfworth
Two of his own.... and one of someone else's. Each of the other two were locked.

I believe you, based on other threads I've seen, took this opportunity to use this article to showcase your opinion (of turning off ALL background apps) in order to run a game at max speed
Of course. Why else would he post it? Its been the same thing from the start with this guy- I just don't know why the mods haven't already locked this thread yet (True, nothing wrong in this one. But that is taking it out of context with the rest of his crap).

Game developers are obviously quick to say "Disable everything". If you have a problem- they don't want to deal with a virus program that had sniffed out the little trojan they left in the code.
I don't care what you say- these programs don't use up any resources. Mine don't even register as having any CPU usage. Both Defender and AVG are running with 2MB of RAM. That is NOTHING to anyone with a system made after XP. And to a real gamer (which I don't think you are) that has 2+GB of RAM, it is a drop in the hat.

Oh, well. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink it.
More like leading it to poison.
Tweakguides has been around for a long long time, but some of their guides are a bit out-dated. For example, if an AV program was using 10 MB of memory, in a system with 256 or even 512 MB total, that's a big deal.

If a process, such as an AV program, sits idle, using 10 MB of memory in a system with 1 GB or 2 GB of memory, does it really matter? Is it going to make a difference in your gaming experience? No. It's certainly not worth the time to shut off these apps, nor is it worth the hassle, or the risk.
I don't care what you say- these programs don't use up any resources.

Alone, no- they have take up very little impact. But when people have 40-50 processes running in the background taking up 300-400MB of RAM it does make a difference.
Alone, no- they have take up very little impact. But when people have 40-50 processes running in the background taking up 300-400MB of RAM it does make a difference.
True, but you are now talking about the OS. The only way to get around that problem is to buy a console, like a PS3 or an Xbox360. The OS will always use some overhead, that's a given. The point people are trying to make is that these apps running idle in the background have no real impact on gaming.

I'm starting to think that some people really suck at these games, and try to blame their computer instead. OMG, I was killed....damn computer!!!!!!!!