The "Remote Desktop" of Linux?


Mar 26, 2007
What do you guys use to remote into a linux based pc? I've been a windows guy and have always used Remote desktop, but that isn't usable with ubuntu... What would you suggest using? Anything other than VNC or LogMeIn?

I use VNC to remote into Ubuntu. I don't get why you would want to exclude it.
I use VNC to remote into my Ubuntu machines as well......sorry, but I can't help with anything else...

vnc. what's not to like?

ssh for CLI stuff or X forwarding

I dont even know of a better way under windows than vnc. MS Desktop Sharing is a joke. Linux has several really good vnc clients too.
and gnome (and thus ubuntu) comes with a simple vnc server/viewer by default

but generally ssh+xforwarding is alot better UNLESS you need to leave a GUI-app running when you disconnect
Non-GUI - ssh using putty.

GUI - NX server and client from a company called No Machine. Faster and smoother than any VNC flavor.
^^^ i am trying out NX Machine myself, but having to read through the documentation, seems i am missing something on getting it working, but hopefully will have it soon, heard that NX is much faster then VNC.
VNC or SSH with X tunneling, depending on what I need to do.

OP, why not VNC?
SHH is nice, if you like using text based commands for everything, but i am not that famialiar with it yet to do that, also i would like to do things like set up game servers, or just remote into a server at work and do things for testing, try out various things and not have to worry about learning to use SSH on top of that.

I am a visual person, i see no reason not to use a remote program if possible :D
SHH is nice, if you like using text based commands for everything, but i am not that famialiar with it yet to do that, also i would like to do things like set up game servers

This is a recipe for pwnage. If you don't know enough to use the CLI, you shouldn't be administering a public facing server. GUI tools are just a crutch and, generally, do more to obscure what you're really doing than help you learn what's going on.
SHH is nice, if you like using text based commands for everything, but i am not that famialiar with it yet to do that, also i would like to do things like set up game servers, or just remote into a server at work and do things for testing, try out various things and not have to worry about learning to use SSH on top of that.

I am a visual person, i see no reason not to use a remote program if possible :D

Well, a GUI is a massive waste of resources on a Linux server for one thing... and second, everything ameoba said. Plus, a GUI and all its subsystems are a BIG security risk for a public server (lock it down)!
I use x11vnc running through GDM startup script. This allows me to always view what is on the physical display. VNC is slow as hell, vs MS RDC but I deal with it since it's only for the very rare management of desktop machines.
Well, a GUI is a massive waste of resources on a Linux server for one thing... and second, everything ameoba said. Plus, a GUI and all its subsystems are a BIG security risk for a public server (lock it down)!

All my systems are behind firewalls, this Linux system will only have remote access from my IP.

I am a visual person i guess, i cant say i have tried out an SSH connection yet, i know i will at some point, but for now it is quicker for me to do it via GUI.

this linux system i want to get into is simple in a VM on my desktop at work for now, but going to my desktop via RDC then using the VM is slow and choppy.
This is a recipe for pwnage. If you don't know enough to use the CLI, you shouldn't be administering a public facing server. GUI tools are just a crutch and, generally, do more to obscure what you're really doing than help you learn what's going on.

I think that is a very general statement, i am sure many people run GUI's on public facing servers, while it may not be the fastes most efficient method for linux, as this is new to me this is what firewalls are for to only allow the access that should be getting to the system, you obviously dont open any type of remote access to any and all, i have been doing it for 8 years, all windows of course, and have never had a system compromised yet, beside isn't linux so much more it should be fine to run a GUI interface over an encrypted method?
Okay so thinking about it, it does make sense for me to use SSH, you guys were right :)

Since i noticed that even in the VM, most of what i do is in the terminal anyways, settings things up, configuring things and so on.
for my server, i use all ssh, since i don't need a gui on it.

for my desktop, i have been using NX machine or whatever it's called. it's very nice and is quite quick over the WAN. it's much better than VNC because it creates a separate login session and doesn't require you to be booted into your desktop before connecting. works well if you have multiple users.
^^ my thoughts exactly, RDC is awesome, lets me connect to work from home and do all my work as if i was in the office, heck of alot easier to set up then a VPN connection, worrying if i have all the applications i need at home, if i travel i RDC and bam, do what i need to, heck remote in from any computer i want and be able to get done what i need.
Actually GUI tools do have a place in administration.
Like using Doom to kill processes.
Or allowing mundane tasks to be distributed to junior level staff with minimal chance for them to screw up due to typos.

Flame me for enjoying gui tools for system administration, but before you do it you should have built your active directory domain with notepad, or at least be using emacs to flame me here. Oh and when I say boobs, no images should flash in your brain, only the letters b-o-o-b-s.

NoMachine works well and was easy to set up.
Download all three components (I think its 3) for the server portion like on your home PC, install them and then install the client on the remote machine like your work PC. Then do the proper port forwarding on the home firewall and use you work machine to control the home one. Then you can do your offshore betting while at work and no one is the wiser.

X forwarding over SSH over a WAN using cygwin on a windows box for remoting to a linux client sucks. NoMachine is faster.
I just started using xrdp. It seems to be working fine. No need to install a vnc client on win machines now.