The Police Are Now Calculating Your Threat ‘Score’

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Much like a credit score, police are now using a "threat" score to determine a suspect’s potential for violence. I'm guessing a higher score isn't better.

While officers raced to a recent 911 call about a man threatening his ex-girlfriend, a police operator in headquarters consulted software that scored the suspect’s potential for violence the way a bank might run a credit report. The program scoured billions of data points, including arrest reports, property records, commercial databases, deep Web searches and the man’s social- media postings. It calculated his threat level as the highest of three color-coded scores: a bright red warning.
I think it sounds absolutely stupid.

I am all for the "one size fits all" option.

So every time they get a higher score on someone, whether anything else about the situation warrants it, they will roll with more people and with a bigger chip on their shoulder. And while they are bust over reacting they will be short hands to handle other problems, "Sorry, we were all tied up with an 8" :rolleyes:
Now they need to store this Threat Score in a database along side Credit Score, Social Security Number, Sleep Number. They can weight and combine those into one simple Human Score.
Data mining and Artificial Intelligence's greatest hour. It's too late to fight this crap it would seem. :rolleyes:
Now we need the map of the USA with a color gradient overlay representing the threat levels of citizens. Would be useful for house shopping.
Please say it shows everything in 3D for the 911 operator as it hacks the deep web and calculates the score.
brb, going to post to the deep web under my asshole neighbor's name.
I actually think this is a good idea. This will help them identify potentially less violent people and scale down accordingly. It might save some lives.
I like the fact computers can use historical, processed, and other data to predict the probability of something happening, but if I (as a nerdy white guy) do it, I'm labeled a racist.
Now they need to store this Threat Score in a database along side Credit Score, Social Security Number, Sleep Number. They can weight and combine those into one simple Human Score.

Bolded part had me rolling laughing haha
I actually think this is a good idea. This will help them identify potentially less violent people and scale down accordingly. It might save some lives.

Problem is this;

They already don't have enough to go around in most cities. That's why they are always arriving late if they come at all. I was amazed when my kid told me that in Tucson, the local cops don't even handle traffic accidents anymore unless there are serious injuries. In Tucson, fender benders don't even earn a Police report and they just let people fight it out with each other and their insurance agencies.

And there is no reason at all to scale back anything because of a "threat score" and that won't be how they use it although they may try and use that for a justification. This is a tool used for identifying where to focus more effort, at the expense of others.

And the reason you don't scale back a response based on something like this is because people who have never done anything violent in their lives still wig out and kill people. Cops need to roll like every situation could go bad cause you never know what someone will do and I don't put any faith in a computer knowing better, specially when the computer's data is being fed by humans.

That's my take on it.
I believe in honoring and obeying and sustaining the law. Unless that becomes corrupted, i'm all for keeping the peace.
Maybe they should show a threat score for their officers and make sure officers with itchy trigger fingers and brutality complaints spend their time doing grunt work that doesnt involve violence.
Police can do this manually right now using the same sources. Difference being is that you can see context. If you see an "8" out there, you'll react accordingly. But, that 8 could have been from some guy with overdue library books, a collection notice, pro-gun on a website and a divorce and living in a trailer park who downloads movies daily. Harmless when it comes to anything violent, but with that 8, they'll treat him like a violent criminal.

I don't mind the software. It's how the people interpret the results that I'm worried about. Looks like thug, gets treated like thug. You're an 8, you get treated like an 8....
They all get brutality complaints, it's par for the course in any large city.
Wait till insurance companies get ahold of this shit.
I actually think this is a good idea. This will help them identify potentially less violent people and scale down accordingly. It might save some lives.

Except who judges the "threat" level of all the various information?

I can see the PC version of this already:
White male = bad, Minority (can't use that information as that would be racist)
Immigrant = (can't use that information as that would be racist)
Donated money to a Republican = bad, To a Democrat = Good
Arrested during an occupy Wall Street protest = Good
Too much income or too many deductions on your Tax Return = Bad

An the biggest problem for me:
No information because you have never been arrested and don't use social media = Extra bad since you must be hiding something.
It's a slippery slope. This kind of thing genuinely scares me.

Except who judges the "threat" level of all the various information?

I can see the PC version of this already:
White male = bad, Minority (can't use that information as that would be racist)
Immigrant = (can't use that information as that would be racist)
Donated money to a Republican = bad, To a Democrat = Good
Arrested during an occupy Wall Street protest = Good
Too much income or too many deductions on your Tax Return = Bad

An the biggest problem for me:
No information because you have never been arrested and don't use social media = Extra bad since you must be hiding something.
I have that problem, too. I've never even been issued a traffic citation. But being white and successful (which I only owe to white privilege and patriarchy, apparently) I'm already guilty of everything to these people.
Is this info going to be made public so we can see what our score is? Need to know what to tell the tattoo guy...
. But being white and successful (which I only owe to white privilege and patriarchy, apparently) I'm already guilty of everything to these people.

There's are some things I hate about modern life. This is one of them. Such bullshit.
Im sure here in the UK they have been doing this in secret for ages
Well this sounds like a complete outrage to me!

The government KNEW this man was bright red and they did NOTHING until it was too late!!!!!

The government needs to arrest and detain all bright reds!

What if he had hurt a child, or looked at a child, or maybe driven by a store that catered to children. Enough is enough, 95% of the public agrees we need common sense threat score reform.
"I see your threat score is a little on the high side... you want to tell me about that?"

"I got caught hacking into police computers to pad my threat score..."
"I see your threat score is a little on the high side... you want to tell me about that?"

"I got caught hacking into police computers to pad my threat score..."



"How can I pad my threat score without getting arrested?"

Take MMA classes?
Served in Special Forces?
Shady Netflix habits?
400+ hours into GTA V?
Do you get more street cred with a higher score?
I wonder if google saw lots of random searches spike after these articles circulated.
Is this info going to be made public so we can see what our score is? Need to know what to tell the tattoo guy...

Why not, it's public in China and your friends score has an impact on your score so associations matter. That way they leverage pier pressure to keep people in line, including your neighbors.

So if you don't have the best score, your neighbors, friends, work mates, they all know and their scores drop. So all of them crawl on your back and give you shit to help you get your score up. Wait till your girlfriend starts raging on you for your score or dumps you cause you went to a privacy website and it dropped her score below her friend's score.
Visit Free-Threat-Score-Report-Dot-Com today for your free*** Threat Report!!
Anyone know any good sources for police armor piercing bullets that will accept money orders?

I would also like to order some cell phone jammers, pipes and pipe caps, water proof fuses....

wait I hear someone on the porch, brb.......