The Official Halo 3 Discussions/Reviews/Gamertags thread!


Feb 13, 2006
Hey guys. Post your reviews, comments, discussions, and gamertags for Xbox Live here.

I'll post my impressions when I pick my copy up after school.

I won't get Xbox Live until I beat it on Lengendary, personally. ;)

Post your gamertag if you play here. I'll keep a master list in the first post here, and we'll have ourselves a little clan :)

Gamertag List:
[H] Name - GT
MRi6000 - Cody Ash
CreganTur - CreganTur
phobic - phobic99
DeathCloud - akindeathcloud
N3mi5is - N3mi5is
Artificiary - Artificiary
Ragenrok - D warrior
obviouslytom - Obviouslytom
Pt3000 - pt3000
alphaone - goalieguy314
fireburster - fireburster
L3th4l - L3th4l
Jabroni31169 - Jab31169
theNoid - superNoid
mETRo - Awesome Indeed
kelbear - Kelbear1
ampedxc27 - ampedxc27
Defective - Profcrab
Haven't picked it up yet... will after my classes are done.

Gamertag: Cody Ash
Picking it up after work today.

I love my wife: she's planned nothing for tonight so I can have the whole night to beat the snot out of Covenant.

Gamertag: CreganTur
For the love of god, post a Halo disclaimer fast! :p

I'll be picking Halo 3 up after classes today. I'm definitely going to run through he campaign first before jumping online.
I bought it today. I walked in the BX (Air Force/Army Store) here in Germany and there were people everywhere 30 mins after it opened. I walked to the games section and yeah, they had Halo 3. I bought only because everyone else was buying it. Lame? Yeah, but oh well.

Gamertag: phobic99
I should be getting one today at lunch. Will play it as soon as I get off work. Damn you work.

Shakes fist...angry god, ect.

tag: akindeathcloud
I'm in the same boat with work. I'll have it tonight. I likely won't be doing any multi-player until I complete the normal campaign, though.
I have work...

then class...

then an agreement with my wife that I won't buy another game until I beat the last game I bought (BioShock).

Plus I am leaving to NC on thursday.

So yeah, I won't be getting this one anytime soon
I have work...

then class...

then an agreement with my wife that I won't buy another game until I beat the last game I bought (BioShock).

Plus I am leaving to NC on thursday.

So yeah, I won't be getting this one anytime soon

Bioshock isn't too long, so you'll have it before you know it :) I'm actually going through it a second time right now and I'd guess that if you hack every single thing, take the maximum number of pictures, and search every nook and cranny there are about 15-20 hours of gameplay in it (depending on your FPS skill level and/or which plasmids you choose).
Hopefully my legendary edition will arrive in the mail today.

Fiance picked up her copy last night.

GT: N3mi5is
got it early thanks to 7-11 last night (7:15ish) and stayed up till 1. It's pretty good and I'm deff happy w/ it, only played the single player campaign. Brute chopper is awesome, the music is fantastic, gun play superb. I'd say it's better than h2. I'll be playing co-op tonight after I take a nap(had to wake up at 6:30 this morning). Not to be such a sheep but after all the hype and the wait it was really exciting playing this last night.
gamertag: PE5TILENCE
Hopefully my legendary edition will arrive in the mail today.

Fiance picked up her copy last night.

GT: N3mi5is
Awesome fiance. Congrats. :)

Mine shipped yesterday (Target pre-order pricing error), probably have it Thursday or Friday. Playing my friend's copy all day Thursday.
Hopefully getting it today in the mail :)

I probably will go on live way before I finish the SP ;)
so what are everyones opinions on the game (without spoiling too much)?

Personally I thought it was well done from a gameplay standpoint. The sound is amazing aswell. Graphics could have been better though, as they look a little dated compared to games like gears and bioshock (though I understand the environments in those games are different than that of Halo). Only problems I had were that the additional gadgets (the ones you use with the X button) seemed very out of place and not all that useful in the single player portion, and that though the game takes place directly after halo 2, for some reason there are a bunch of new weapons and vehicles and this goes pretty much unexplained (they could have atleast put something in there about a re-armament of the UNSC and Brute forces while MC was away, unless I missed it).

Multiplayer is alot of fun, though I can only do it split screen and on the local network here at school.
I picked up my copy from EB Games at midnight last night but only played through the first level (had to get some sleep for work today). From what little I got to play, the game was really fun and looked great.

The game-play itself really wasn’t any different from Halo 2 (everyone probably already knows that) but it’s a good example of -if it ain’t broke don’t fix it-. I’m really looking forward to playing on my lunch break / after work today though. :D

Gamer Tag - Artificiary
I'm just waiting for the UPS guy to show up. Last night I checked my friends list a little after midnight EST, and the first page (without scrolling) everybody was playing Halo 3 except for ONE person, who was playing APF2K8. It was kind of funny to see.
Left my wallet at home, at least I /hope/ that's where I left it... so it looks like I won't be playing today. I'd preordered it during the crackdown beta at the gamestop near the office 30 min from home. I might just go home and then back to pick up my copy so I can start a co-op campaign with my roommate, but ugh, that's a whole extra hour of driving.

I didn't particularly care about Halo 3 until watching the GameTrailers review last night. I'd only pre-ordered because it's a default buy since everybody else will be talking about it (Same reason I just installed Planescape:Torment even though it's such an ancient game). But after seeing some of those singleplayer scenes I'm actually getting interested in playing this one. I didn't care much for Halo 1 or 2 which I bought used for the same reason I decided to get Halo 3, but this one looks like it might be relatively better than the last two. The landscape looks like there's more variety and good lord, those huge ______________ looks like a ton of fun to fight. I'm starting to look forward to this one.
I picked up my copy at walmart this morning, but wont be able to play till tonight, will eidt post with review.

Gamertag: D warrior
Picked up my Legendary Edition last night and was surrounded by tons of annoying high school students. I didn't get to play the game last night since I had an hour drive back to my house but I look forward to playing it tonight to help release some tension from work.

Gamertag: Obviouslytom
pre-ordered mine from bestbuy weeks ago....only to have my 360 die last week. So I'll pick up my copy today at lunch, read the manual over and over, and wait 3-4 weeks to play it.

Anyone know if the additional content disc in the limited edition is playable on a regular DVD player? or is it an interactive thing that you have to use on your 360?
just kidding, havent played any of the 3, goin thru 2 now cause i got it from a buddy is goin thru 1 worth it?

pickin up 3 today,

gamertag: pt3000
I thought about picking up my Legendary preorder from the EB last night, but decided not to considering that I just don't like being around a bunch of annoying kids. Since this is one of the highest volume EB's in the region, I figured it was going to be a zoo from being crowded when sleep is something I need right now. I'll probably pick it up tonight if I can figure out how to schedule enough of a break. Has anyone who ordered the Legendary or CE have discs that were loose and scratched up? This is my biggest fear as I just don't have time to be running around right now.
two guys i work with got the LE with the loose scratched disks last night. Rest of us pre ordered with bb and getting them at lunch.

Got it at midnight, have not slept yet. I think im nearly done with SP, and ive had many a ass whooping online... but god damn, am I having fun.

Very tired now
Does anyone know how many people you can have on an xbox 360 playing multi player? i know for the co-op single player campaign its only 2 per 360, but i can't find anything on regular (deathmatch, etc) multi player.

two guys i work with got the LE with the loose scratched disks last night. Rest of us pre ordered with bb and getting them at lunch.


I just grabbed a standard edition from walmart and onw of the 4 taps that hold the disk was missing, the disk was loose in the case and there was 1 small scratch, it should still work and a disk scratch fix kit will fix it but still, wtf. Crappy packaging FTL
There is a thing on, regarding scratched disks, and they specifically mention Halo 3. It looks like you can get a replacement, if your disk is damaged. Unfortunately it looks like you have to send in the disk. That really sucks... Don't get me wrong, I understand why, but it still stinks.
I thought about picking up my Legendary preorder from the EB last night, but decided not to considering that I just don't like being around a bunch of annoying kids. Since this is one of the highest volume EB's in the region, I figured it was going to be a zoo from being crowded when sleep is something I need right now. I'll probably pick it up tonight if I can figure out how to schedule enough of a break. Has anyone who ordered the Legendary or CE have discs that were loose and scratched up? This is my biggest fear as I just don't have time to be running around right now.

I picked up my Legendary preorder from gamestop this morning. The game is in a plastic case just like the standard edition and the 2 extra disks are in a plastic case with a double sided insert.. No scratches what so ever.. The quality of the helmet is great and they give you room to put your copies of halo 1 and 2 in there too... pretty nice..

GT : L3th4l
Just picked up my pre-order from bestbuy. I pre-ordered the standard version, but decided to up it to the limited when I got to BB. The customer service person told me to check the discs for scratches......sure enough, it was scratched. Together, we opened 8 limited editions right at the counter, 7 of which had either the game disc, the extras, or both loose & scratched. The 8th was in perfect condition, and I took it.
Got it @ midnight The Legendary Edition pre-order from Gamestop, Game disc was fine, havent opened the extra discs yet. Helmets fine as well, Its pretty sweet
Got home popped it in, Yup its Halo
Goin to fire it up here again in a few,. Graphics are cool. Game plays the same pretty much so i dont have to re-learn anything except i cant aim for shit lol. beating it first before i hit live and get maned and like the last halo, ahh good times :p
I got it at midnight and I've spent about 1.5 hours with it so far. The first two levels have been pretty good, but they've also been a little cramped. I'm hoping there are some larger, more open levels as I get further into the game. Also, the saved films feature freakin rocks.
Preorded from game stop last year maybe january cant remember. Gonna swing by tonight after work. I was on the fence the whole time about the LE set. Soo I figure I'll late fate decide. If I walk in and theres a LE there I'll spend the cash if not regular edition for me than:)

I checked their online inventory 3 times today it shows 4+ of the LE dunnot how often they update it but we will see :D

Edit: For those that do have the LE edition whats your honest oppinion worth the $130 plus tax or what?
I preordered it from this deal on this forum just yesterday. So i probably wont get it until next week. But my gamertag is: Robdawg128;)
Edit: For those that do have the LE edition whats your honest oppinion worth the $130 plus tax or what?

$130 was a little much, but upon opening it and seeing the quality of the helmet and all the extras(the box it comes in has an outer sleve that is a poster, with another poster inside) i'm pleased with it.. It really comes with alot of extras..
just picked it up at target. I dont leave work for another 2 hours though :(

GT: akindeathcloud