The Official [H]orde "Get to Know Each Other" Thread

Hito Bahadur said:
Purdue's a nice place. I was there from 1999-2000 getting my masters. What program are you hoping to major in?
Thinking about EE right now and a minor in management.

Wanted to do aerospace, but no more jobs :(

I'm thinking looking into nanotechnology (going to see if I can fit the stuff in when I get there..not too sure on how the majors work out)

pageian said:
When I was at Purdue in the early 90's I had a roomate from LA. He was a freshman with a bad attitude, so naturally to him Indiana was about as backwoods as you can get. No one really liked the guy. As long as you go in with an open mind and realize that while Indiana isn't LA it is still a pretty cool place and Purdue has a lot to offer you'll be fine. Lafayette is growing and it's got some things to do now. Many people, me included, much prefer it to a place like LA. Just because LA is big doesn't mean it's good. Chicago is about 2.5 hours away if you need to get your pollution/traffic/gang/big city fix. Hope you enjoy it there, I did! :)
I was half sarcastic because everyone keeps asking me why I would do that, just preempting the questions. =P

I've been to many places outside LA, so it's not going to be that bad. Pennsylvannia for three weeks during the dorms without air that sucked.

I went to the campus two/three weeks ago, it's pretty's just like any other college town. The countryside is pretty different from where I am, but once inside Lafayette it's "busy" enough for me. ;)

Yeah, I'm looking forward to going...might not like the snow too much. :p

Anyone from the [H]orde out here? My housing contract is no good the day after finals and during Thanksgiving. I have a drum corps camp the day after Thanksgiving in Illinois and I think the band has to play during the winter graduation thingy (I can't think of the proper word)...soo that means I have no where to sleep for two days...aha crap. =/

...and I don't want to carry everything back over winter break, just some stuff. Does anyone happen to know about the storage situation? I think all the other freshmen are bombing them with emails about now.
I manage logistics projects for technology companies. Basically if you need to move a bunch of stuff fast anywhere on the planet; and have a team of installation techs/cranes/trucks/electricians etc... ready when it gets there, I'm you're guy. It's pretty fasted paced and keeps me moving for sure.

I also make some $$ writing (hey, no fair judging me based on my posts :p). Usually online stuff, but I've had 10 or 20 magazine pickups. I'm also a freelance gynecologist. :D

I live close to Purdue, check the boards for some good lan parties around town.

I got my B.S. in CS from CSU Pueblo.

I am a Network Admin for a smallish (50peeps) Non Proffit that works directly with Nasa, Airforce, DOD, and the big aerospace/defense contractors.

Oldie said:
I live close to Purdue, check the boards for some good lan parties around town.
mm...good...I plan on building a monster gaming rig before leaving for school and if I get no spare time, then it's a monster folding rig with a very expensive video card. :cool:

Lot of people on this board who are somehow associated with Purdue...crazy
i'm in logistics for a defense department agency in philadelphia. I'm in Operations Research right now, but was previously working on an SAP installation to replace all of our legacy logistics systems.


I'm a high school sophomore right now, but I am on track to get an AS by the time I graduate. Then I will get a Bachelor's in Computer Hardware Engineering, later a PHD. Player Hating Degree.
ICE_9 said:
Manufacturing Technician for Intel Corp. Their is a good chance I helped make that processor, chipset, etc your using right now. :cool: My degree is in Electronics Engineering.

What area (etch, dep, metal, backend, etc) do you work in? I'm curious as I am a microelectronics engineering student @ RIT. I could have sworn humans never touched intel chips. Hmm.
I have many jobs: Chief Buzzword Engineer, Manager of Synergy, and I am also a vice president of cherry-flavored soda dispension.

mwarps said:
What area (etch, dep, metal, backend, etc) do you work in? I'm curious as I am a microelectronics engineering student @ RIT. I could have sworn humans never touched intel chips. Hmm.

I'm from the 3rd circle. Intel Core Duo is the choice in the underworld when we play Doom and listen to Slayer ::throws the horns::
mwarps said:
What area (etch, dep, metal, backend, etc) do you work in? I'm curious as I am a microelectronics engineering student @ RIT. I could have sworn humans never touched intel chips. Hmm.
Backend. Way backend. And you are right, we aren't human, we are UBER-PEOPLE!!!
gwai lo said:
mm...good...I plan on building a monster gaming rig before leaving for school and if I get no spare time, then it's a monster folding rig with a very expensive video card. :cool:

Lot of people on this board who are somehow associated with Purdue...crazy

I think magnusvir is at Purdue rigtht now maybe... :confused:

My old roomate didn't like the snow either, I don't think he understood it. That's why he always walked to the co-rec in shorts in the dead of winter. He never understood why he always got sick, he thought that since viruses don't live in below freezing temperatures that he'd never catch a cold. :rolleyes: Ah, cultural differences. :p
pageian said:
I think magnusvir is at Purdue rigtht now maybe... :confused:

My old roomate didn't like the snow either, I don't think he understood it. That's why he always walked to the co-rec in shorts in the dead of winter. He never understood why he always got sick, he thought that since viruses don't live in below freezing temperatures that he'd never catch a cold. :rolleyes: Ah, cultural differences. :p
Yeah I thought so too..haven't seen him for a while.

Well, I understand enough of that, gets cold here too...I remember when I was on campus they said it was "good" day at 50 something degrees. Everyone was wandering around like it was high 70's.

aha...should be lots of fun
mwarps said:
What area (etch, dep, metal, backend, etc) do you work in? I'm curious as I am a microelectronics engineering student @ RIT. I could have sworn humans never touched intel chips. Hmm.

That's cool, I'm from the Rochester area, been down into RIT a few times, know a lot of people who went there. Pretty good school.

On a somewhat related note, you guys don't know what snow is until you've been through a western NY winter. Rochester/Buffalo average annual snowfall is 85" :eek: :D
I'm the Lead Tech support for a software company here in Spokane WA - help manage the in house systems as well.
I also run - Geek and Gamer group in the Inland Nortwest, and helped get GameFestSpokane going and continue on - must be a glutten for punishement as I aslo build custom systems for people on occasion.

Training is Electronics and Comm repair in the Marines, and a degree in Electronics Engineering (yah, love the hardware)

That is all...
Former life : MSgt, USAF, In-flight refueling operator / instructor / evaluator, KC-135R (4500 hours flight time), retired after 24 years service to the flag. Duty, Honor and Country.

Current pitiful existence: Senior Technician and Level 2 Technical Support at a local ISP. Duties include server upgrades, level 2 tech support calls, tending the CMTS / CNR pair, customer computer repairs, cable modem / network installation and troubleshooting.

Yes, I have days when I eye the local phone number for the AF Reserve recruiter... :p

Just for the record: Who the HELL is in charge of all these danged civilians? ;)

Strikemaster said:
Just for the record: Who the HELL is in charge of all these danged civilians? ;)
If you mean in this forum, as scary as it is it would probably be moose...and if you are talking in general...i dont know but moose could do a better job and that is WAY too scary :)
roftranspo said:
If you mean in this forum, as scary as it is it would probably be moose...and if you are talking in general...i dont know but moose could do a better job and that is WAY too scary :)
Quoted for Undeniable Truth :eek:

roftranspo said:
If you mean in this forum, as scary as it is it would probably be moose...and if you are talking in general...i dont know but moose could do a better job and that is WAY too scary :)
ummmm....thanks? :confused:

:D :D
I dont work anymore, retired army, 100% disabled veteran. I am just happy to wake up each morning and see the ceiling.


alkoholik said:
nope, i work for an en-route center in ny
If that was also during 1992-1996, we may have spoken on UHF. One of my alternate jobs on the tanker was taking radio calls when the copilot was trying to fathom how to open his flight lunch... :D
T-3 said:
I dont work anymore, retired army, 100% disabled veteran. I am just happy to wake up each morning and see the ceiling.


Thank you - and here's to many more ceilings!

Don't know about anyone else, but your statement hit a nerve - even tho I served in the Marienes (Ret. GySgt) I still couldn't help but feel something inside that really meant somthing. I'm getting soft in my old age... either that or I totally honor and respect my fellow vets.


pageian said:
so naturally to him Indiana was about as backwoods as you can get.

It's not just him, its that way to the rest of us Hooshahs too. :D
Event Videographer, Sports Photographer, Computer repair and upgrades.
I'm self employed and work as a sub contractor in the above fields.
Desktop Engineer (XP Image Builder/LANDesk Admin)
For a finacial company in KC

My work toy and, office putting concrete in the new I-40 bridge pier. I pump concrete.
p[H]ant0m said:
It's not just him, its that way to the rest of us Hooshahs too. :D

Lol, that may be true but sometimes I still miss it. Guess I'll always be a Boilermaker, err.... I mean Hoosier at heart. :D ;)
My Name is Erik
And I have an addiction for folding....

*Thanks for the new chop material Damien
My work sig says Lan/Wan Engineer & iSeries Specialist. Basically I keep my office of 100+ users happy and do some AS/400 admin stuff on the side for a PBM (Have fun guessing that one). Company is based out of Long Island, but my office is in Latham, NY.

Strikemaster said:
Former life : MSgt, USAF, In-flight refueling operator / instructor / evaluator, KC-135R (4500 hours flight time), retired after 24 years service to the flag. Duty, Honor and Country.

Just for the record: Who the HELL is in charge of all these danged civilians? ;)

Ahh.. the real Air Force -- You deserve thanks for your service. I was USAF for 4 years as a ditty-bop operator back in the early 70's in Japan & Taiwan. I felt good about making E-5 under 4, but it never felt very military after basic & tech school. I wish now I had made myself more attractive for the NSA opportunities. Now I'm a pharmacist with an expensive folding hobby :p

Just for the record: Danged good question !!

sawatt said:
My work sig says Lan/Wan Engineer & iSeries Specialist. Basically I keep my office of 100+ users happy and do some AS/400 admin stuff on the side for a PBM (Have fun guessing that one). Company is based out of Long Island, but my office is in Latham, NY.

PBM= Pharmacy Benefit Manager :)

RPhArrow --\\\-------------------->
I pulled this and the what do you do for a living together since they turned into the same thing. :D
