*** The Official [H]ard ORB ***

centvalny said:
At least arc and orb active again ;) .

Ya for sure.....I'm getting closer....gonna have my hands on some nice GSkill right away.....and hopefully I'll be able to get ahold of a 3200+ and an Ultra-D so I can at least get playing with the system itself and go for some SuperPi times and X300 WR's. :D
Apologenetic said:
I'm would kill for some PC4400, this corsair 3200 is killing me, won't overclock for crap...

Just goes to show that not all TCCD overclocks great......I can't wait to get my GSkill.....its gonna kick ass. :D
My delema is only owning one computer and trying to sell it's memory online. Bit hard to get new stuff once it's out...
Apologenetic said:
My delema is only owning one computer and trying to sell it's memory online. Bit hard to get new stuff once it's out...

True, usually happens to me, but I've got my parents comp in teh house i can jump on to post and check email if I'm currently in the middle of a "sell my stuff to upgrade" time.
cornelious0_0 said:
True, usually happens to me, but I've got my parents comp in teh house i can jump on to post and check email if I'm currently in the middle of a "sell my stuff to upgrade" time.
I want to sell all and start from the same point but with a better combo of components ;)
centvalny said:
I want to sell all and start from the same point but with a better combo of components ;)

That's always the funnest way to do it.....doing upgrades slowly and farther between makes it seem like you're not doing much of anything....sadly, I dont quite have the funds to straight out start from scratch.

Even though I'm moving to a s939 pretty soon.....I'm settling for a 3200+ and an X300 cus i can't afford an X850 and FX-55 right away....but i just wanna get the thing running.
Why would you buy those low level parts? What about the high end stuff you made your records with? Why would you downgrade??
Apologenetic said:
Why would you buy those low level parts? What about the high end stuff you made your records with? W :D hy would you downgrade??
Fx55 90nm will be released soon...thats what I want
Apologenetic said:
Why would you buy those low level parts? What about the high end stuff you made your records with? Why would you downgrade??

I'm not downgrading as you make it sound.....I sold the stuff to pay for some other things, as I currently had gotten bored with Intel. I'm buying those low level parts 'cus i can't AFFORD to buy all high end stuff.....and I wanna get this s939 setup running without waiting forever saving to build it highend from teh beginning. Considering I've never HAD an A64 setup I'd like to start like this so i can at least have some time to practice up on the 3200. ;)
nice cool weather in nyc last nite, got me over the hump on alot of these benchies.
my stuff:
fx55 with a stock vapo
dfi nf4 sli-dr
twinmos utt, stable up to 254, better than my cpu max
x850xtpe with stock volts and watercooling

3dm01 39160 | 3dm03 16394 | 3dm05 7414 |
jikdoc said:
nice cool weather in nyc last nite, got me over the hump on alot of these benchies.
my stuff:
fx55 with a stock vapo
dfi nf4 sli-dr
twinmos utt, stable up to 254, better than my cpu max
x850xtpe with stock volts and watercooling

3dm01 39160 | 3dm03 16394 | 3dm05 7414 |

VERY nice man.....it's kick ass to see a new face around here.....and especially one with some exceptionally nice scores.....don't stop now....be the first to 40. :D

Now get back and pull a little bit more out of that 850 and take 3D05 for the 3DMark trifecta. :D
jikdoc said:
nice cool weather in nyc last nite, got me over the hump on alot of these benchies.
my stuff:
fx55 with a stock vapo
dfi nf4 sli-dr
twinmos utt, stable up to 254, better than my cpu max
x850xtpe with stock volts and watercooling

3dm01 39160 | 3dm03 16394 | 3dm05 7414 |
Its cool now in nyc, your vapo can work harder ;) Try upped htt a bit and go for 40K...
centvalny said:
Its cool now in nyc, your vapo can work harder ;) Try upped htt a bit and go for 40K...

Hehe, imagine what he could do with a modded Vapo....backer block would really work some magic here I'm thinkin'.....I wanna see that FX hit 3.4GHz and watch the numbers fly. :D
cornelious0_0 said:
Hehe, imagine what he could do with a modded Vapo....backer block would really work some magic here I'm thinkin'.....I wanna see that FX hit 3.4GHz and watch the numbers fly. :D
Thats would be perfect..freezin ambient temp + modded vapo.....and DFI :)
centvalny said:
Thats would be perfect..freezin ambient temp + modded vapo.....and DFI :)

It's what I'm planning.....just need to get some kind of fund started to help me afford the Vapo.....I might as well pickup the rest of the setup, pick up the Vapo...ship it off to get it modded.....and just wait 'till the 90nm FX's show up to drop a grand on a new CPU. By then I WILL be looking at a 40k rig....but it's still depressing that it's so far off in the distance. :(
SLI baby :)

3200+ @ 300HTT/270mhz mem = 2700mhz

eva2000 - 23,921

3200+ @ 302HTT/271mhz mem = 2718mhz

eva2000 - 10,976

3200+ @ 271HTT/271mhz mem = 2710mhz

eva2000 - 31,477



Looks like I can grab 10th spot on the 05 List.....


Just out of the runnings on 01 and 03...

All AIr cooled............
ThomasE66 said:
Looks like we're both pushing the limits of those dual 6600 GT's ;)

yea these suckers dont have much left...some better cooling might make a difference though, and possibly more voltage through a bios flash, not sure if its going to be possible though. also sucks that one card is holding my memory speed back. one card will do 1.16 and the other does ~1.24 iirc
Veedo said:
yea these suckers dont have much left...some better cooling might make a difference though, and possibly more voltage through a bios flash, not sure if its going to be possible though. also sucks that one card is holding my memory speed back. one card will do 1.16 and the other does ~1.24 iirc

I haven't hit my outright limit yet, but I'm getting close.
with the cold weather, i was able to bench at 3240 on the cpu, previously 3210 was the best i could do. how much does getting the baker mod on the vapo help, and how does it help? i'm itching to see some 3.3-4 action on this fx...

i picked up a few tips and will try to break 40k without vmodding the card.

nice scores eva, how do u like sli for everyday gaming? i had a hard time deciding between sli and the x850, i'm really happy with x850.
with the cold weather, i was able to bench at 3240 on the cpu, previously 3210 was the best i could do. how much does getting the baker mod on the vapo help, and how does it help? i'm itching to see some 3.3-4 action on this fx...

Just a Baker block alone would probaly net you a few MHz, but not 150-200. The main difference in his block and the stock LS is deltaT from idle to load. Recovery time is also alot quicker.

For the best results, I would send it to Baker and have him put his block and enlosure on it, as well as tune the cap tube and maybe change the condensor. I would also get him to relocate the temp probe, since where it sits now gives way off readings. Those few mods should net you the 150-200MHz more you need, provided your chip is good.

VO_Nuclear said:
For the best results, I would send it to Baker and have him put his block and enlosure on it, as well as tune the cap tube and maybe change the condensor. I would also get him to relocate the temp probe, since where it sits now gives way off readings. Those few mods should net you the 150-200MHz more you need, provided your chip is good.

Yep, that's basically what I wanna do once I can drop the cash on a VapoLS. :D
thanks for the congrats guys. i'm gonna try and break 40k tonite on 01. if no go, i'll have to vmod. what's the average stock voltage overclock on water for the x850xtpe? just wondering how my card stands in the general mix of things.
jikdoc said:
thanks for the congrats guys. i'm gonna try and break 40k tonite on 01. if no go, i'll have to vmod. what's the average stock voltage overclock on water for the x850xtpe? just wondering how my card stands in the general mix of things.

You're actually doing QUITE well....a very nice starting point for sure....these things sure are clocking nicely....I've seen anywhere from 600-660 or so on water with stock voltages...so you've got nothing to worry about.
ok, i played around some more with test order and memory timings, even got lobby to run consistently with 1.5-2-2-5-7-15, with trrd 0. the good news is, i made it to the 1st page of the orb! the bad news, i don't think i can break 40k without volt modding. if anyone's got any more tips on how i can grab 323 more points, please lemme know. i've done just about everything suggested to me on this thread so far.

3dm01 39677
If you had a X800XT PCI-E instead of the X850, you would be in the 40K range. The X850 cards are clock for clock slower than the X800XT. I haven't found out why yet, but I know its true.

I think you about maxed the system without some vmods. If you could squeeze more CPU power, you could break 40K. I would throw 24/7 stability out the window and go for broke. My week 38 FX did very well in the cooler, and I think yours has more in it.
VO_Nuclear said:
I would throw 24/7 stability out the window and go for broke.

No kidding, I'd be doing the same thing myself at that point...without question.

Oh well, I'm gonna see how much other then SuperPi 1M I can bench with my 1700+ @ 2.42GHz.....gonna see if I can manage and Radeon 7000 WR's. ;)