*** The Official [H]ard ORB ***

James Earl Ray said:
New 01 score.

3DMark 01 - 37030

Wow, VERY nice stuff bro.....VERY nice. :cool:

EDIT: What was your XT clocked at for that 37k run? I'm just wondering, cus my nature is still a few fps higher then yours. ;)
What's going wrong James?

Good score man! Get a good OS load on, and tweak it for more. 38K should be easy once you get everything straight.
Very Nice scores James.

You need to setup W2K Pro and DX 8.1 on that rig for 2001. You can easily get a 700-900 point increase, which would put you in the running for 39K on a h20 cooled card.

Great Job none the less....You are definitely a leader on the team :D
VO_Nuclear said:
Very Nice scores James.

You need to setup W2K Pro and DX 8.1 on that rig for 2001. You can easily get a 700-900 point increase, which would put you in the running for 39K on a h20 cooled card.

Great Job none the less....You are definitely a leader on the team :D

I agree, a Win2k setup along with A64 tweaker (which you may or may not already be using) would put you up to about 39k. Also, I took the time to find the fastest possible order to run the tests in, based on which ones gain the most from being run first.....this new order gained me 100 points over what I was using:

drag low, car low, lobby low, drag high, lobby high, car high, nature

I know you go more for "real world" testing without setting up special partitions and whatnot, but we're just saying is all......that these few things could/should take you to 39k......which is crazy for a watercooled XT-PE.....and makes me wanna get an FX-55 to try and hit the same clocks /w a Vapo. ;) :cool:
Your test order is similiar to mine.

I run DL - LL - CH - DH - LH -N - CL. I repeat my CL test until I can reach my base-line FPS, which I find before benching. I run nature at 5 less core and 10 less mem, to ensure that it passes thru.

It's also important to remember which test rely on which part of the system. if one particular test is low, tweak that part of the system and run it again.

So Manoj has attained a legit score of 10,200 in 3DMark05 with an Athlon FX 55 and 6800 GT SLI setup.

Link to his post.

I don't know what you want to do with SLI scores though. Are you gonna keep them separate from single gpu scores?

In the list I make for the 3DMark05 scores thread I listed him in first place (duh!) with his card type as 6800 GT SLI.
mentok1982 said:
So Manoj has attained a legit score of 10,200 in 3DMark05 with an Athlon FX 55 and 6800 GT SLI setup.

Link to his post.

I don't know what you want to do with SLI scores though. Are you gonna keep them separate from single gpu scores?

In the list I make for the 3DMark05 scores thread I listed him in first place (duh!) with his card type as 6800 GT SLI.
No worries, sooner or later one of us will beat that score :D
mentok1982 said:
So Manoj has attained a legit score of 10,200 in 3DMark05 with an Athlon FX 55 and 6800 GT SLI setup.

Link to his post.

I don't know what you want to do with SLI scores though. Are you gonna keep them separate from single gpu scores?

In the list I make for the 3DMark05 scores thread I listed him in first place (duh!) with his card type as 6800 GT SLI.

Until he actually comes by and posts his scores himself in this thread I'm not going to do anything.

However, when "we" do receive or first SLI score submission I'll have to create a second list for that benchmark to keep them seperate....I will NOT be putting SLI and single card scores on the same chart, as it's not yet a truely fair comparison.

I would love to jump on SLI right now, but I'm kinda stuck on ATI with this monster overclocker of an XT-PE I got, and I wanna wait to see what ATI can bring to the table for an SLI equivalent.
boostieboy said:
ok, last one i promise, 3dmark03, 6800u, 15007

Why are you saying that like it's a nuisance or like it's bothering me?

I started up these Top10's knowing that it'd be a little more work and time put into the forums, but I'm cool with it...cus i figure it's worth it.

EDIT: Oh, and 'grats on breaking 15k. :cool:
Hey corn, remember that rig I've been talking about forever? It will be completed within days, phase change and all ;)

Might wanna start benching so I don't knock you off your own top 10, I would hate to do that. ALl you gotta do is pull another 100 odd points to get into 9th :D

PS: I expect to be at very least in top 5 for everything, then when I get my card vmodded, well, we'll see :D BTW what guide did you use for your volt mod(s)?
Hey corn, remember that rig I've been talking about forever? It will be completed within days, phase change and all

Cool stuff, it's nice to see yet another one of us make the move to PS.....hopefully I'll be able to join you guys fairly soon.

Might wanna start benching so I don't knock you off your own top 10, I would hate to do that. ALl you gotta do is pull another 100 odd points to get into 9th

True, and you know what.....that 29k run was done with DX9.0C.....I could easily get another 300-500 points out of doing a seperate partition of XP with just DX8.1 installed....and I've since found a better order to run the tests in that has gained me another 100 points.......so don't worry, even for now that's not the best I can do....I've just been kinda slackin' lately. I'll wait to see what you can bring before I decide to start actually workin' again. ;)

PS: I expect to be at very least in top 5 for everything, then when I get my card vmodded, well, we'll see BTW what guide did you use for your volt mod(s)?

If you hit a decent clock on your FX you should have no problem hitting Top5 in 3DMark2001, but depending on how you do with your XT's clocks I might still be able to push ahead a bit farther on my own clocks and lengthen my lead in 05 and push a bit more in 03 too. ;)

Here's a link to get you started on the GPU voltage.....go check XS for specifics on the vDDQ and vMem....as I dont have links on hand.
Well guys, inbetween working on my catalyst comparison I managed to sneak some time to do a LITTLE benchmarking.

I finally got my 3DMark2001 partition setup with DX8, which gained me about 300 points...so I'll play with that tonight....but here's what I did get. I pulled a 7,340 run in 3DMark05 to take #1....but i did it in my benchmark partition and forgot to save the project to submit from here. :( I wasn't even using the fastest drivers I had found for 3DMark05 so far, so I should actually be another 40 points or so higher when I come back with the score.....I doubt it, but maybe I can push for 7,400......and this is sitting at my desk at only 4.08GHz people....so not bad. ;)
James Earl Ray said:
Thems fighting words! :D

Well I know you've got enough to take down both of my scores, but I'm enjoying this while I can.....worked a fair bit to take two #1's in these A64 dominated lists.....give me that much. :p
cornelious0_0 said:
Well I know you've got enough to take down both of my scores, but I'm enjoying this while I can.....worked a fair bit to take two #1's in these A64 dominated lists.....give me that much. :p

Congrats, but Pwn'd, thats harsh! :D
James Earl Ray said:
Me too! You are kickin major ass lately. What drivers did you use for 03 and 05?

The official 4.12's from ATI are the fastest I've found for 3DMark05 by about 25 points or so....and for 3DMark03 the 4.12Beta catalyst's from ATI have been best by about 30 points. ;)

I'm about 1/3 done my Synthetic catalyst comparison.....check it out in teh video card forum.....but I'm not giving any results till I'm done......by the 7th for sure.
Guess i should add my scores i just did :)


eva2000 - 34,056
AMD64 3700+ @10x 271HTT = 2710mhz - 256MB Powercolor X800XT PE @610/605 (stock heatsink air cooled) - DFI NF3 250Gb


eva2000 - 15,517
P4 3.4E 550 SL7J8 @ 17x249FSB = 4233mhz - Powercolor X800XT PE @617/602 (stock heatsink air cooled) - DFI 875P-T


eva2000 - 6,938
P4 3.4E 550 SL7J8 @ 17x249FSB = 4233mhz - Powercolor X800XT PE @612/603 (stock heatsink air cooled) - DFI 875P-T
eva2000 said:
Guess i should add my scores i just did :)


eva2000 - 34,056
AMD64 3700+ @10x 271HTT = 2710mhz - 256MB Powercolor X800XT PE @610/605 (stock heatsink air cooled) - DFI NF3 250Gb


eva2000 - 15,517
P4 3.4E 550 SL7J8 @ 17x249FSB = 4233mhz - Powercolor X800XT PE @617/602 (stock heatsink air cooled) - DFI 875P-T


eva2000 - 6,938
P4 3.4E 550 SL7J8 @ 17x249FSB = 4233mhz - Powercolor X800XT PE @612/603 (stock heatsink air cooled) - DFI 875P-T

Good stuff bro, keep it comin'.
computerpro3 said:
my prommie shipped :D :D :D

Nice stuff bro, be sure to keep us posted on it's arrival and installation.....I just love seeing person after person move to PS....while I sit here with my pidly "little" water cooling setup.

Hopefully I'll have news at the end of the month that I'll be becoming the proud new owner of a Vapochill LS....we'll see. One things for sure though, if I can get the LS strapped onto my temp limited 3.4E.....I'm gonna start mixing things up again on the Top10's. :cool:
James Earl Ray said:
Here is a new one!

3DMark 01 - 38020

Wow.....VERY nice.....I thought I'd have a way to boost you a little more, but you're already running the official 4.12 drivers....which are as of now the fastest in 3DMark2001.

Good God man, what are we gonna have to do to get you to make a seperate partition for 3DMark2001 using Win2k and DX8??? It'd end up gaining you well over 500points.....as I gain about 300 just from going to DX8 with my P4. ;)

Hehe, that reminds me.....I gotta redo 3DMark2001 now that I've got my seperate partition for 3DMark2001 setup with DX8.....I might be able to make up those last 443 points I need to finally hit 30k. Gah, stupid Prescott. :p

EDIT: haha, you finally beat my nature score....congrats bro. :p
centvalny said:

Very nice, good to finally see you back in the game.

I know I'm gonna regret this.....but.....would you mind doing 3DMark03 and 05? I know you'll probly end up taking my two top spots away from me, but I wanna see how my XT at 675 stacks up to yours with a damn near 3.4GHz FX55 in 03 and 05. I have yet to run 03 or 05 at 700MHz, and MIGHT tomorrow....but for now I'm curious to see what you or James can do.

I just have this feeling that one of you has scores to overthrow me but wont post them cus you're "letting me have" this moment. ;)