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even cod4 is piece of shit compared to this. seriously this game is for mature players looking to use a brain cell on a game.

i dont think i can EVER go back to a shitty old school FPS game like cod4 or in this case MW2. fuck that.

there's so many different flavors of pie out there...don't limit yourself to just apple :)
Irrelevant as this game does not cater to the CS/Cod people...and, since you wanted a benchmark, how many FPS are required for smooth gameplay in this game?

This is a silly thing to say TBH. It's going to be around 40 FPS, but it varies from person to person.

And for the record I'm a neutral party here :p
Lots of hate in this thread. Posted a single comment and was branded a CS/Halo/COD player......


Also on the benchmark vs demo.......I don't want to waste 2+GB of bandwidth (Confirmed by devs) when the game is coming out Friday on Steam which I will be downloading 7ish GBs. I'd prefer a 500mb benchmark so I know if I can at least start it up........
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This is a silly thing to say TBH. It's going to be around 40 FPS, but it varies from person to person.

And for the record I'm a neutral party here :p

Actually this game only needs ~30 FPS, unlike some games that are best at 60 FPS or above.
Lots of hate in this thread. Posted a single comment and was branded a CS/Halo/COD player......


Also on the benchmark vs demo.......I don't want to waste 2+GB of bandwidth (Confirmed by devs) when the game is coming out Friday on Steam which I will be downloading 7ish GBs. I'd prefer a 500mb benchmark so I know if I can at least start it up........

Good luck finding ANY demo on ~500 MB of a sandbox game...
Actually this game only needs ~30 FPS, unlike some games that are best at 60 FPS or above.

That doesn't really make any sense. If anything, this game does require high FPS because it's a shooter. A lot of other genres are fine with 30 or less fps like strategy or puzzle etc.
Every additional frame that is rendered up to your display's refresh rate limitation is another chance you'll see something move in the distance.
The game run very soft with low framerate , like Crysis .

I would not call only "FPS" this game . About the combat with the infantry ,most of the time, 99% of the time, you're moving over the terrain and you can not see easily the enemy . You have the advantage when you see the enemy before the enemy see you. Most important is to see the enemy before , not so much the accuracy of the shot . While it is important to be able to shoot fast when the enemy appears by surprise.

It is much more important to have a great distance vision, or an sharpen image , than the framerate.

But this is a very small part of the game. And also there is the part of tactic FPS with vehicules etc , even has a part like a RTS






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Best shots I have seen.
Amazing. I can't wait for this game. I want it to push my system.
Actually it completely depends on the person, as I've already mentioned.

i agree, for me 30 fps is too low in this game. i need around 35-40. i played Crysis @ 25-30 fps my first play through with my 8800GT. i'm sure i'll be playing ARMA2 with 25-30 as well. thankfully it's fun as hell and oh so addicting.

edit: kickass screens dennis.
Just a thought, but have you ever practiced room clearing tactics in a cluttered interior space using full length assualt rifles?

Yes and it's a million times easier than anything like what was in OFP/Arma and apparently Arma 2.

M16's, M4's, M60's (I'll admit it was a bitch), and M249's. Do IMT's, CQB's drills enough and you get pretty fast, much less take a full 2 seconds to turn around.

I'm not going to sit here and dog the game, because it looks like a successful launch. But the one major flaw is again brought back. I'm not asking for CS/UT level responses just something more tight. Maybe speed everything up by lowering your rifle to the forward ready or something.
Hey guys I'm about to pre-order of steam and had a few questions
1 - How would it run on my system? (I cant stand having around 30 FPS like Crysis)
2 - I am a beginner in the series. Is it a LONG learning curve?
3 - Whens the demo coming out?
upgraded from Vista 64 to Windows 7 64 and my framerate skyrocketed. i went from averaging 25-30 in Vista, to 35-40 in Windows 7. i updated the ARMA2 Benchmark thread with this info.

this makes the game playable for me.
Sounds like something worth trying, did you use build 7260 (RTM ecrow?)?
there's so many different flavors of pie out there...don't limit yourself to just apple :)

cod/cs is more like a cereal bawl(diff flavours/settings ie ww2, moder warfare etc, but all carrys the same gameplay ie same crounchy taste) while arma 2 is like a chinese buffet. sooo many choices you can eat and customize the way you like your dish to be

Lots of hate in this thread. Posted a single comment and was branded a CS/Halo/COD player......


Also on the benchmark vs demo.......I don't want to waste 2+GB of bandwidth (Confirmed by devs) when the game is coming out Friday on Steam which I will be downloading 7ish GBs. I'd prefer a 500mb benchmark so I know if I can at least start it up........

Name me a similar pc game that had a 500mb download and judging by your specs, you are able to run this game fine. i have the same gpu as you and getting 50-70fps on normal/high settings
sometimes this game can be so booring; like that mission where you have to drive to 3 points 30min driving and only see action at the last one.

does any one know what the default button to switch between seen the guy from behind and the first person view?
sometimes this game can be so booring; like that mission where you have to drive to 3 points 30min driving and only see action at the last one.

does any one know what the default button to switch between seen the guy from behind and the first person view?

NUM pad Enter
Messing around in the editor. Spawn a Hind, set it's special to Flying and give it a waypoint on top of you to seek and destroy. See how long you can survive (not Utes, it's too hard). Sometimes the AI misjudges the terrain and crashes into the rocky mountains. There are nice crevices of rock to hide in and launch RPG-7s from.

I also made this video to show how objects are drawn in ARMA compared to ARMA II (what AMD_Gamer was talking about) and if you can stand the six minutes of commentary to show exactly what is up with the "objects disappearing" crap.
it is an impressive looking game. maybe you should reserve judgment until you've actually played the game/demo. i've played Crysis and STALKER:CS and i would say this game impresses just as much. like any game, there are some areas done poorly and some done very well.

the controls are a bit clunky in tight spaces. it really is difficult to move around in building interiors. controls were clunky in ARMA1 as well. again no game is perfect and it's easy to look past. give the demo a shot when it's released, you may be surprised. if not, then move along.

My only real gripe was that people were OMGWTFBBQ at the graphics and expected to see something relatively impressive, I simply don't share peoples enthusiasm, maybe I just have higher standards, I dunno...

Anyway why are people allowed to make positive comments about its appearance using screenshots and videos but I cannot make a negative one, simply because I have no played it yet...please...

Careful, she will tell you to get over yourself!
Insert a smiley "roll eyes"...

Correct, unless you're a mod or the forum rules have been re-written suddenly overnight, I will continue to post my opinion in a forum designed for posting opinions, I'm sorry if you don't like that, you'll get over it.

Just a thought, but have you ever practiced room clearing tactics in a cluttered interior space using full length assualt rifles?

Actually yes, something rather similar, at the last LAN party I was at we broke out the airsoft replica rifles and dicked about all week, weilding a full scale full weight rifle even in a tiny student house isn't a problem, even for me.

Not that it should matter, why would you sacrafice gameplay for realism in such a stupid way?

Yeah, people do seem to think it's beautiful. I'm leaning that way too. Why is this an issue?

It's not an issue, I just disagree with you, the only issue is people getting all emotional about it and deciding suddenly they're moderating the forum and demanding people leave the thread because they have a different opinion.

I disagree with it not being "anything special". The visuals are in no way revolutionary

Yeah and pretty much my only gripe is defending the position that the game looks anything special, so we're in agreement?

Suddenly disagreeing that it doesn't look beautiful has turned into me bashing every aspect of the game.

You've played OFP, so you know how big a pain the controls were when it came to making sharp, aggressive directional changes. ARMA 2 is similar to OFP in that respect. Maneuvering in tight spaces is a pain in the ass no matter how skilled the player is at working with the KB/M (I like to think I've pretty good at using the KB/M by this point).

Straining my memory it was to do with changing movement direction because it seemed to lag behind your view. This seems like an artifact of making the game use 3rd person view, most games built primarily in 3rd person and sort of have 1st person added in seem to suffer with this, Thief3 comes to mind, the movement in that was awful.

I see no reason to endure it, if it's a feature is a stupid one, I can make perfectly sharp turns in real life, even if I couldn't it still doesn't make any sense, it'd be like adding a feature that knocks you out if you sprint into the wall...

meh anyway, the graphics are forgiveable if the game is good enough, I'll definitely give it a shot, despite some of Operation Flashpoints problems it was still a good game. I also have a strong desire to support developers making more traditional PC games staying away from multiplatform development and this looks like the perfect title.
"Actually yes, something rather similar, at the last LAN party I was at we broke out the airsoft replica rifles and dicked about all week, weilding a full scale full weight rifle even in a tiny student house isn't a problem, even for me.

How about doing that wielding a real G3A3 in yours hands, with a magazine fully loaded and your bayonet attached, while carrying 20kg of equipment at the same time ? ( kevlar vest mini-shovel, grenades, 180 7.62mm rounds kevlar helmet M71 etc )

Ok i know that our rifles in greek infantry are long heavy and outdated but even if you try to clear a room with lightweight rifle fitted for CQB ( such as g36K , M4A1, steyr aug etc ) all that equipment in your back is going to slow you down, you won't be able to sprint for more than 10 minutes unless you're a marathon runner and your agility will be severally constrained.

To me airsoft guns are a joke, they don't weigh like the real thing and most importantly their recoil is ultra low, like firing a peashooter :p
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How about doing that wielding a real G3A3 in yours hands, with a magazine fully loaded and your bayonet attached, while carrying 20kg of equipment at the same time ? ( kevlar helmet mini-shovel, grenades, 180 7.62mm rounds kevlar helmet M71 etc )

Ok i know that our rifles in greek infantry are long heavy and outdated but even if you try to clear a room with lightweight rifle fitted for CQB ( such as g36K , M4A1, steyr aug etc ) all that equipment in your back is going to slow you down, you won't be able to sprint for more than 10 minutes unless you're a marathon runner and your agility will be severaly constrained.

To me airsoft guns are a joke, they don't weigh like the real thing and most importantly their recoil is ultra low, like firing a peashooter :p

Yea we get slowed a bit after 10-20-30 minutes but that's different. Sprinting to an objective and tiring is different than turning around, raising your rifle and squeezing the trigger in 1/4th of a second. IIRC you can't sprint forever in OFP/ARMA already so why lag the turns? I think old dude earlier who mentioned it is a side effect of being 3'rd person was right, because thats exactly what it felt like.
Yea we get slowed a bit after 10-20-30 minutes but that's different. Sprinting to an objective and tiring is different than turning around, raising your rifle and squeezing the trigger in 1/4th of a second. IIRC you can't sprint forever in OFP/ARMA already so why lag the turns? I think old dude earlier who mentioned it is a side effect of being 3'rd person was right, because thats exactly what it felt like.

I think the problem is the way your character holds his weapon, when you move the mouse to the left, only your hands will respond in order to point the barrel where you want to, you must move your mouse even further to turn your whole character and instead of your gun, something like goldeneye with R button pressed, red steel ( horrible example i know :p ) or red orchestra

There is a relative setting for that in arma1, the more you lower it the less movements you'll have to make in order to turn instead of aim, (still movement and aiming were too clunky for my taste ) don't know about arma 2
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That doesn't really make any sense. If anything, this game does require high FPS because it's a shooter. A lot of other genres are fine with 30 or less fps like strategy or puzzle etc.

This is not counterstrike.
How about doing that wielding a real G3A3 in yours hands, with a magazine fully loaded and your bayonet attached, while carrying 20kg of equipment at the same time ? ( kevlar helmet mini-shovel, grenades, 180 7.62mm rounds kevlar helmet M71 etc )

Ok i know that our rifles in greek infantry are long heavy and outdated but even if you try to clear a room with lightweight rifle fitted for CQB ( such as g36K , M4A1, steyr aug etc ) all that equipment in your back is going to slow you down, you won't be able to sprint for more than 10 minutes unless you're a marathon runner and your agility will be severally constrained.

To me airsoft guns are a joke, they don't weigh like the real thing and most importantly their recoil is ultra low, like firing a peashooter :p

I loved my G3, beforethe dansih army wen't Dimaco c7...lots of stopping power.

I was in recon so I had to have this puppy (with 2 rockets), besides my normal basis (uniform, gun, ammo, equipment.):
How about doing that wielding a real G3A3 in yours hands, with a magazine fully loaded and your bayonet attached, while carrying 20kg of equipment at the same time ? ( kevlar helmet mini-shovel, grenades, 180 7.62mm rounds kevlar helmet M71 etc )

Ok i know that our rifles in greek infantry are long heavy and outdated but even if you try to clear a room with lightweight rifle fitted for CQB ( such as g36K , M4A1, steyr aug etc ) all that equipment in your back is going to slow you down, you won't be able to sprint for more than 10 minutes unless you're a marathon runner and your agility will be severally constrained.

To me airsoft guns are a joke, they don't weigh like the real thing and most importantly their recoil is ultra low, like firing a peashooter :p

I have to disagree - some of the airsoft rifles do feel and weigh very similar to their real counterparts... My little brother had an AR and it was pretty close to my M4A3, but you are right on the recoil, what recoil lol. I have a 7.62 NATO AR as well as my 5.56, I love it, but it has pornstar recoil and I can't imagine trying to swing it around quickly in a CQB setting.

Gotta remember, most of these airsofters that have 'tactical gear' would fall over if you put a real plate carrier on them!
I have to disagree - some of the airsoft rifles do feel and weigh very similar to their real counterparts... My little brother had an AR and it was pretty close to my M4A3, but you are right on the recoil, what recoil lol. I have a 7.62 NATO AR as well as my 5.56, I love it, but it has pornstar recoil and I can't imagine trying to swing it around quickly in a CQB setting.

Gotta remember, most of these airsofters that have 'tactical gear' would fall over if you put a real plate carrier on them!

The M43A only weighs 2.82 kg, the G3 is 4.4 kg...
I'm intruiged but there's NO way I'm blind purchasing something like this. A demo is a must for me because the gameplay will make or break it for me regardless of anything else.
I'm intruiged but there's NO way I'm blind purchasing something like this. A demo is a must for me because the gameplay will make or break it for me regardless of anything else.

they should be releasing the demo soon. it's a good idea to wait and make sure the gameplay appeals to you.
It's not an issue, I just disagree with you, the only issue is people getting all emotional about it and deciding suddenly they're moderating the forum and demanding people leave the thread because they have a different opinion.

no one is demanding you leave the thread. the point is we have heard your opinion. how many times do you need to say it?