The official ARMA 2 Thread, Watch these Videos and join the Hype!

what's the rest of your system specs?

Antec 900
ASUS P6T Deluxe V2
Intel Core i7 920 Nehalem 2.66GHz
G.SKILL 6GB (3 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600
Thermalright Ultra-120 Extreme CPU Heatsink With LGA1366 Adapter kit
EVGA 9800GX2
EVGA 8800GS( Dedicated PhysX)
Lite-On 20x LH-20A1L DVD Drive
Western Digital Caviar Black WD6401AALS 640GB ( Storage Drive)
OCZ Vertex Series OCZSSD2-1VTX60G 2.5" 60GB SATA II MLC Internal Solid state disk (SSD) ( OS/Boot drive )
Sound Blaster Xfi Xtreme Gamer fatality edition PCI sound card
Windows 7 Release Candidate
Probably of GX2, that would be my guess... give em time things will get better.
AMD_Gamer, do you have crappy performance or just a bunch of bugs/glitches? your system should run the game better than mine, and mine is *playable* at 1680x1050. what res are you playing at?
Sorry guys but this game is complete crap on my system.

When i zoom in to see something far away objects start to appear out of nowhere its really dumb.

And I dont even want to start about all the strange bugs.

I just hope a future patch fixes everything.

I also have a problem with objects appearing out of "nowhere" but it seems to be related to view distance and object detail (try putting an A-10 really high into the air with some code in it's initiation line and some enemy tanks and infantry on the ground, you'll see what I mean). It's like an LOD problem.

The HDR and post processing effects can be turned off by a mod by Kegetys
hopefully in a future patch the option to turn off HDR will be in the options menu.

Sucks to hear about the SLI\GX2.

I'm really wondering about the LOD problem though, it makes doing long range things like 3KM tank battles or spotting enemy movement from afar in an aircraft next to impossible.
So when is this being released in the US? I can't find any info on the official site.

Never heard of this game until this morning, and after watching at least a dozen videos of gameplay, I'm dying to play it now haha.
Releasing on Steam on 26 June 2009

Available for pre-purchase now for $49.99 USD
So when is this being released in the US? I can't find any info on the official site.

Never heard of this game until this morning, and after watching at least a dozen videos of gameplay, I'm dying to play it now haha.

same thing happened to me. i didn't give ARMA2 a second thought until AMD_Gamer started this thread, then after watching the youtube videos i was all about playing this game. release dates vary. steam says 6/26 for me, but for some people in the US it apparently says 6/30. EB/Gamestop say 6/29.
I haven't played the first one, would you guys say this is similar to the Project Reality BF2 mod? I rarely(ie. never) pay $50 for a game but this seems tempting.
I have a 4 or 5 friends who I know would LOVE this game. It would be fun for all of us to be in a squad and communicate over Vent.
Let me know what happens when you drop that GTX285 in there. There is a deal I'm tempted to jump on, but I wanna hold off until I know how it performs.

using ARMAII Mark:
4870 512MB score: 3049 (avg fps 30.49)
GTX285 1GB score: 3002 (avg fps 30.02)

see this [H] ARMAII Benchmark Thread for my settings, pics of results, etc. i would say i'm bound by my CPU. Q6600 @ 3.0GHZ does not seem like enough for this game. i haven't tweaked a thing for this game yet, not sure if it would change the results at all (doubtful).
Yup. patch 1.02 has come otu and you can disable blur etc :) aint got the game yet. sodding pissing about lol
View distance is nice in this game.
See that village in the upper right corner ?
Yeah, you can go there.
On foot, bicycle, motorbike, car, APC, tank, helicopter or jet fighter.
It is all there.

*pic removed*
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View distance is nice in this game.
See that village in the upper right corner ?
Yeah, you can go there.
On foot, bicycle, motorbike, car, APC, tank, helicopter or jet fighter.
It is all there.

is it playable for you at those settings?
Are you guys playing this game or something? Where are these screenshots coming from? Is there a demo or something?

Another thing... Does ARMA stand for something? And how was the first one?
Are you guys playing this game or something? Where are these screenshots coming from? Is there a demo or something?

Another thing... Does ARMA stand for something? And how was the first one?

The game is out.
ARMA stands for Armed Assault.
The first was great if your into tactical shooters with emphasis on realism.
Performance is not great though. In fact, the performance of ARMA 1 and ARMA 2 are about the same, but of course ARMA 2 looks and plays much better.
It isn't out in the US until June 26th though, so technically it's not out yet for the majority of the people who will read this.
Ok i got the game playable but When I zoom in and out objects and textures change, like if I zoom into a forest all of the trees change it looks very strange, also if I zoom into a distant town to take a look all of the buildings change like they are being refreshed for some reason, the buildings will like flash really fast then reappear and then when you zoom out it does it again. My view distance is at 2600.

The game is playable but does not look right to me.
Whats settings are you playing at? And at what rez?

It varies a lot.

Gaming rig
-Intel Core2 Quad CPU @ 2.83GHz
-8192MB ram
-ATI 4870x2
-Dell 30'' 3008WFP (2560x1600)
-TrackIR 5 Pro
-Saitek X52 Pro
-Microsoft Sidewinder X8 mouse
-Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
-Vista Home Premium 64bit

I actually play at different resolutions and settings depending on how much is going on in the mission I am playing. The Dell 3008 has a built in scaler so when I play at non-native res it still looks good and not like a blurrry mess. Unfortunately the framerate fluctuates a lot and also drops when I am in helicopters and jets. So I will pause the game and change settings. I am pretty OCD about playing at the best settings possible with acceptable framerate at any given moment.
But mostly I can pull 30-40 fps at 2560x1600 at mostly high settings with moderate view distance. Lowering shadows helps a lot. Fillrate has to stay at 100%. I have motion blur disabled by a mod that helps framrate too.
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I'm thinking of upgrading to i7 for this game. The E6600 just doesn't cut it. The only time I get playable FPS is in small scenarios I create in the mission editor. This is with fairly low settings too.
It varies a lot.

Gaming rig
-Intel Core2 Quad CPU @ 2.83GHz
-8192MB ram
-ATI 4870x2
-Dell 30'' 3008WFP (2560x1600)
-TrackIR 5 Pro
-Saitek X52 Pro
-Microsoft Sidewinder X8 mouse
-Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
-Vista Home Premium 64bit

I actually play at different resolutions and settings depending on how much is going on in the mission I am playing. The Dell 3008 has a built in scaler so when I play at non-native res it still looks good and not like a blurrry mess. Unfortunately the framerate fluctuates a lot and also drops when I am in helicopters and jets. So I will pause the game and change settings. I am pretty OCD about playing at the best settings possible with acceptable framerate at any given moment.
But mostly I can pull 30-40 fps at 2560x1600 at high settings with moderate view distance. Lowering shadows helps a lot. Fillrate has to stay at 100%. I have motion blur disabled by a mod that helps framrate too.

is your cpu the Q9550? i'm interested in what's causing the huge gap in performance between our systems.

Q6600 (3.2GHZ)
4870 512MB (775/1050)
- and also tested -
GTX285 1GB (694/1584/1296)
4GB DDR2 800
Vista 64bit
Catalyst 9.6
186.18 WHQL

Game settings:
100% fillrate
1600m view distance
all settings normal, except for post process low

i'm averaging 30 fps, i'd say equal time spent between the high 20's and low 30's. i get these results for both of the graphics cards i listed. changing cards has zero affect on performance. as far as i know this indicates i'm limited by my cpu. got any tips for me to get better performance?
is your cpu the Q9550? i'm interested in what's causing the huge gap in performance between our systems.

Q6600 (3.2GHZ)
4870 512MB (775/1050)
- and also tested -
GTX285 1GB (694/1584/1296)
4GB DDR2 800
Vista 64bit
Catalyst 9.6
186.18 WHQL

Game settings:
100% fillrate
1600m view distance
all settings normal, except for post process low

i'm averaging 30 fps, i'd say equal time spent between the high 20's and low 30's. i get these results for both of the graphics cards i listed. changing cards has zero affect on performance. as far as i know this indicates i'm limited by my cpu. got any tips for me to get better performance?

Yes, it is the Q9550 but I don't think that should make a big difference seeing as your clocked at 3.2 GHz. For your 4870 512mb card I think the only one core and the 512 mb makes the difference. My 4870x2 uses both cores as far as I can tell. About your GTX 285: that should be faster than the 4870 you have, so thats a little strange. Also just to be clear my framerate can really drop in some situations, it is not 30-40 all the time.
is your cpu the Q9550? i'm interested in what's causing the huge gap in performance between our systems.

Q6600 (3.2GHZ)
4870 512MB (775/1050)
- and also tested -
GTX285 1GB (694/1584/1296)
4GB DDR2 800
Vista 64bit
Catalyst 9.6
186.18 WHQL

Game settings:
100% fillrate
1600m view distance
all settings normal, except for post process low

i'm averaging 30 fps, i'd say equal time spent between the high 20's and low 30's. i get these results for both of the graphics cards i listed. changing cards has zero affect on performance. as far as i know this indicates i'm limited by my cpu. got any tips for me to get better performance?

Meh, that's a shame as my system is the exact same as yours. High 20 FPS makes me :mad:
Meh, that's a shame as my system is the exact same as yours. High 20 FPS makes me :mad:

same here, i'd say low to mid 30's is my threshold. anything less is no bueno. you should still download the demo (when it's released), performance for this game is all over the charts. also it seems XP gives much better performance than vista, at least as the game sits right now.
same here, i'd say low to mid 30's is my threshold. anything less is no bueno. you should still download the demo (when it's released), performance for this game is all over the charts. also it seems XP gives much better performance than vista, at least as the game sits right now.

win7 gives better performance then vista
Hey all,

I just found this helpful site benchmarking the latest video cards. ARMA 2 is a beast!
Link to PCGames Hardware

Does this make the game "future proof" since your future hardware will eventually handle it?