The next generation Intel Ivy Bridge DX11 graphics will OWN EVERYONE!!!

...lmao good find.

Serious though, I dont get it, what are they trying to show? some 'new' dx 11 graphics? or the 'new' ultrabook.... (which is just a laptop). I still wouldn't buy a notebook w/ intel gpu if I planned to do anything that requires gpu power.
Um, wow, acting like playing a game which is just a video playback, not cool

You're surprised, dude? This is Intel. This is their bread and butter.

They were attempting to showcase the power of the GPU on the IB chip by running a demanding DX11 title. Since their many architectural GPU failures are only topped by their worthless drivers, it seems that IB won't offer anywhere near playable performance. Good news for AMD I guess, but they were never worried on the GPU performance front.
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i bet intel could make a kickass gfx card if they ever wanted to but they are prob paid by nvidia and ati to keep their gfx chipsets under performing.
i bet intel could make a kickass gfx card if they ever wanted to but they are prob paid by nvidia and ati to keep their gfx chipsets under performing.

Post of the year, imo.

And their drivers for their graphics are about as bad as it can get. If you remember the old ATi days where their drivers stunk in comparison to Nvidia, the worst days of ATi would be considered a god-send compared to Intel's mishaps over the years.
i bet intel could make a kickass gfx card if they ever wanted to but they are prob paid by nvidia and ati to keep their gfx chipsets under performing.
That makes no sense. completely different design.
i bet intel could make a kickass gfx card if they ever wanted to but they are prob paid by nvidia and ati to keep their gfx chipsets under performing.

highly doubt it.. theres just no reason for intel to waste money on creating a gpu. its not like AMD or Nvidia's gpu/igp sales are hurting intel's cpu sales. if anything they are helping intel.
So is this worse then the nVidia "wood screw" GPU from a few years ago?
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Hey, I can play GTA III on my 1.5-year-old laptop with an Intel GPU. So basically, their GPUs from back then were where Tegra 2 is now. And where a GF4 was 10 years ago...
i bet intel could make a kickass gfx card if they ever wanted to but they are prob paid by nvidia and ati to keep their gfx chipsets under performing.

Intel actually tried to make a graphics chip and failed. Google Larrabee.
That's so lame!
Wow, that almost makes AMD's incorrect transistor count with BD look acceptable... almost. ;)
Ugh...Intel drivers are worst then

wait they have drivers? my laptop with an intel chip still has the original intel drivers from 3 or 4 years ago which give me absolutely no controls for graphic settings and i've never seen any newer drivers for it..
You know what the worst part of this is? The shitty ultrabook struggled to playback that VLC video too. Watch the video again and you'll see it stutter several times and they can't even use the copout of it being youtube buffering since they committed to the lie of the demo being "controlled backstage". This is as close as anyone has ever come to topping the Nvidia woodscrew fiasco.
Wow, pathetic. Did they think they were going to fool geeks with the video control bar popping up? And then the solid 3 second delay before the video actually started with the audio going the whole time. "...because they are driving it from backstage." Riiiiight.
wait they have drivers? my laptop with an intel chip still has the original intel drivers from 3 or 4 years ago which give me absolutely no controls for graphic settings and i've never seen any newer drivers for it..

Yep go to and you should be able to find a driver for it.
Just WOW..
What a FAIL:D

So I can play BF3 with Ivy Bridge IGP in fullHD?:)