The Next Big Thing?

GoHack said:
Isn't it having more memory on the video cards rather than the GPU itself?

The talk is having the need for 512 meg for the next generation of video cards. A recommended 2 gigs for the next M$ OS, Vista, itself.

Big problem w/writing programs, when it comes to memory, the more memory you have to work with, the sloppier the programming becomes. Notes, sub-program ideas, you name it, even stupid group pictures, are left into the final product.

Then there is the time factor too. Time means money, so they can't spend the time squeezing the programs into less memory, cleaning up their notes and dead end sub-programs, and so don't. What's written for a 256 meg video card most likely could be written to use a 128 meg, but that would take time.

Maybe more efficent compilers that takes memory conservation into account? Better program management, where a programmer is only allocated a set amount of memory? Better trained programmers, such that there's more to programming than just wrting code.

At 1600x1200 (and especially higher, up to 2048x1536), even 7800GTX's and X1800XT's chug along when you add in some nice AA. I think that since we didn't see massive improvements in games when the 512mb cards came along, it's probably not the ram that's the bottleneck. I mean, look at BF2, AOE3, and even Q4 (non-ultra quality) (and maybe FEAR too, I haven't played it myself though, only the demo, which was reportedly poorly optimized). All those games don't NEED 512mb of video ram as seen by small improvements in comparitive benchmarks. And yet current gen cards aren't even closet o rendering these games at passable framerates with 8x AA, even 4x at 1600x1200 and up. Especially when you put it in Super Sampling mode or (in nvidia's case) transparancy AA. I saw some comparative screenshots (yea, it might be different in game, but not by much I think) of different levels of AA when the GTX came out, and MAN, does 8x look GOOD. It was a huge improvement over 0x, 2x, and 4x.

8x transparancy SS AA @ 1600x1200 goodness is what I want, but in modern games, that just doesn't happen.

I totally agree with the other stuff you said though. Time pressures are becoming more and more evident in the games that come out today. For instance, I recently rented Price of Persia Warrior Within. It's a great game, but I visited the forums, and over half the posts must be about some bug or glitch! It even happens on CONSOLE versions.

And it's not just games, look at graphics cards. When transparancy supersampling AA hit the scene with the GTX, it made half the textures in Halflife 2 go to solid white! And the X1_00 series, I'm sure ATI wanted to take more time and put out a product that was actually a better value than the competition, not just very slightly better and lots more expensive. Money drives our economy these days, and there's not way to stop it, at least I can't think of one.
Cypher19 said:
No. D3D10 is purely graphics.
The D3D part IS the whole. The term "DX10" isn't even supposed to exist according to Microsoft. The only update will be Direct3D10. All of the other DirectX APIs have either been deprecated (e.g. Show, Play, Music) or don't need to be updated (e.g. Sound, Input).

I was under the impression that DirectX 10 would be like the others (8,9 etc.) where it woulds also incorporate networking and sound and the D3D part would be for graphics. So now DX10 is purely D3D?
A CELL inside GPU's that would be an advancement.We are going to see that hopefully,maybe in an NV GPU of the future,now that SONY and NV are partners ? Who knows.Of course this could just destroy the competition entirerly...
tornadotsunamilife said:
I was under the impression that DirectX 10 would be like the others (8,9 etc.) where it woulds also incorporate networking and sound and the D3D part would be for graphics. So now DX10 is purely D3D?

The only update to the DirectX API is Direct3D, so yes.
It'll probably be some kind of multi-core GPU Nvidia card... to just piss off all of the SLI users. One card will have 4GPU processors! :p
Then the SLI people would just get two of THOSE. lol.

Back on topic though. I think this news on the [H] about the 8800 and nforce5 (If I interpret G71 and NV5 correctly) is definitely gonna be the next big thing. Especially if they manage to get them out by the end of Q1 or so. I think nvidia should just go a head and make a pro version, so that in 2007 everyone can buy a 9800 pro and do some comparative benchies. Nvidia 9800pro vs. the ever-popular ATI 9800pro. And when Nvidia has literally 10x the performance I think it will be obvious who is the better company. Cause that makes sense. :p . rofl.
Russ said:
Then the SLI people would just get two of THOSE. lol.

Back on topic though. I think this news on the [H] about the 8800 and nforce5 (If I interpret G71 and NV5 correctly) is definitely gonna be the next big thing. Especially if they manage to get them out by the end of Q1 or so. I think nvidia should just go a head and make a pro version, so that in 2007 everyone can buy a 9800 pro and do some comparative benchies. Nvidia 9800pro vs. the ever-popular ATI 9800pro. And when Nvidia has literally 10x the performance I think it will be obvious who is the better company. Cause that makes sense. :p . rofl.

rofl why are you not working in nvidias marketing department :p