The new Zelda trailer is amazing

gamz247 said:
Yay! Now you can go defeat Ganon... again!

Seriously, what kind of lousy hero is Link to allow Ganon to rise to power and terrorize all of Hyrule like 6 times? Kill the fucker already!

I know you're joking but not all the Zelda series story lines are chronologically connected. Some are just a retelling. Kinda like how Doom3 was loosly connected with Doom (or a retelling I think..)

But ya, I wouldn't cry if Ganon wasn't in this one. He's had his day in the sun... Hell it'd be interesting if he was like a good/neutral guy or something in the new one.
Hal|9k said:
I'm not a console gamer, per se, but I have played all the way through one, and only one, console game. Wind Waker was absolutely seamless from beginning to end.

If you liked WW, you'll love Ocarina of Time. If you get the chance to pick up that and an n64, you wont regret it.
This is the reason I got Gamecube, for this very game. I knew they wouldn't let me down and make a Kick A$$ zelda game. THank you nintendo.
Osiris said:
If you liked WW, you'll love Ocarina of Time. If you get the chance to pick up that and an n64, you wont regret it.

I actually DO have them. I won my N64 SE playing in a Battlezone tournament about a million years ago. Ocarina's around here somewhere, too, I just never got into it. Maybe I'll play through in preparation for the new game. My favorite N64 game is still Donkey Kong 64, but Ocarina might change that, huh?
Hal|9k said:
I actually DO have them. I won my N64 SE playing in a Battlezone tournament about a million years ago. Ocarina's around here somewhere, too, I just never got into it. Maybe I'll play through in preparation for the new game. My favorite N64 game is still Donkey Kong 64, but Ocarina might change that, huh?
Conkers Quest!
Bane said:
Conkers Quest!

We used to play that when we had a break between classes at school. It was hilarious and great fun multiplayer. Nothing beats slicing up your mates with a katana :D
Hal|9k said:
I see Nintendo as the Apple of console gaming. The GC may not have as many titles as the PS2 (most of which are garbage, anyway) but what they do, they do extremely well.

I'm not a console gamer, per se, but I have played all the way through one, and only one, console game. Wind Waker was absolutely seamless from beginning to end. EVERYTHING about the game was flawless, including gameplay, graphics, sound, story, the feel of the control interface, hardware interaction, EVERYTHING.

Seems like everything the PS2 can do, the PC can do better. Wind Waker, OTOH, was a whole seperate experience. So long as Nintendo keeps that level of quality up, I'm all for them.

I'll be buying the new Zelda, too. Most definitely.
go play ocarina of time. the graphics might be outdated, but you will be absoulty blown away. i still play it on a regular basis becuase its so damn fun. if you dont have an n64, get the GC versoin of ebay.