The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

ATIXpro moded to xtpe & MSI NX6800U
centvalny, I really like what you did with the ramsinks on your 6800.....very creative....I bet it helped. :)

Edit: Just looked at it some more and the MSI badge is WAY out of place. :p
:eek: You set your nice cards on carpet??? Have you heard that computer components dont like static electricity? :eek:
saturnine2 said:
:eek: You set your nice cards on carpet??? Have you heard that computer components dont like static electricity? :eek:

OMG dude, i didnt even see that.....get with it dude....I otah slap you silly. ;)

Hmm.....maybe when a card is THAT pimpin' it LIKES static electricity.....they like, absorb it.....and become more powerfull then you could possibly imagine............mwahaha. :D
Here's my text from another thread and a pic of my card with the new NV5 cooler:

Got my cooler installed yesterday. Just one important tip to those who have yet to install the cooler. The instructions specifically say to apply a thick wad of thermal grease to the memory chips and a thin one to the VPU. I thought they did this because the memory coolers sat off a little bit to make sure the VPU came into contact first. More margin for error cooling your memory than your VPU I supposed. Well my cooler actually sat flush against the memory chips. When I laid on a thick coat of AC5 on the memory ( I know not a good idea since using AC5 on memory chips) I could net get good contact with the VPU. My intial tests with the card were dissapointing so I pulled the cooler back off and found the contact patch was only about 60% of the VPU. The side of the VPU that sits closer to the memory didn't have a good contact. I then used the thin coat of the enclosed thermal grease on the memory and AC5 on the VPU, cranked down the screws a little more (squeezing the rubber washers more than just a little) then puttled it back off to verify I had a good contact patch. I did. Cleaned off and reapplied the thermal compunds yet again and put the card back in. This time I got a drop of 5c at load from my stock baseline. :)

If I had to do it again I would:

1. Check the memory contact visually before applying any compound. If the memory is flush only put on a thin coating.

2. Test the thermal contact patch by applying a "test coat" on the memory and VPU, putting the cooler on, then taking it off to visually inspect for full contact.

3. If everything looks good clean off and reapply the compounds and cooler and put it back in your rig. If the contact patch on the memory is less than great but the VPU is good you might have to apply a thicker coat to the memory per the instructions. If the memory looks good but the VPU isn't 100% and tightening the nuts further may damage your card, you might be looking at a RMA due to manufacturing tolerrances not being very good. You also might consider lapping the memory pads untill they drop a little so your VPU is able to sit flush against the coolers. Since the VPU sits a little bit higher of even with it's shim, taking that off won't help.

Hopefully will save some others from having to mount their video card coolers multiple times. Unless you're into that sort of thing ... ;)
Gundamit said:
Here's my text from another thread and a pic of my card with the new NV5 cooler:

Got my cooler installed yesterday. Just one important tip to those who have yet to install the cooler. The instructions specifically say to apply a thick wad of thermal grease to the memory chips and a thin one to the VPU. I thought they did this because the memory coolers sat off a little bit to make sure the VPU came into contact first. More margin for error cooling your memory than your VPU I supposed. Well my cooler actually sat flush against the memory chips. When I laid on a thick coat of AC5 on the memory ( I know not a good idea since using AC5 on memory chips) I could net get good contact with the VPU. My intial tests with the card were dissapointing so I pulled the cooler back off and found the contact patch was only about 60% of the VPU. The side of the VPU that sits closer to the memory didn't have a good contact. I then used the thin coat of the enclosed thermal grease on the memory and AC5 on the VPU, cranked down the screws a little more (squeezing the rubber washers more than just a little) then puttled it back off to verify I had a good contact patch. I did. Cleaned off and reapplied the thermal compunds yet again and put the card back in. This time I got a drop of 5c at load from my stock baseline. :)

If I had to do it again I would:

1. Check the memory contact visually before applying any compound. If the memory is flush only put on a thin coating.

2. Test the thermal contact patch by applying a "test coat" on the memory and VPU, putting the cooler on, then taking it off to visually inspect for full contact.

3. If everything looks good clean off and reapply the compounds and cooler and put it back in your rig. If the contact patch on the memory is less than great but the VPU is good you might have to apply a thicker coat to the memory per the instructions. If the memory looks good but the VPU isn't 100% and tightening the nuts further may damage your card, you might be looking at a RMA due to manufacturing tolerrances not being very good. You also might consider lapping the memory pads untill they drop a little so your VPU is able to sit flush against the coolers. Since the VPU sits a little bit higher of even with it's shim, taking that off won't help.

Hopefully will save some others from having to mount their video card coolers multiple times. Unless you're into that sort of thing ... ;)

I noticed the same thing, it seems really hard to get good contact with the nv silencer 5, my first mount with mine got me worse temps than stock, remounted it and got better temps than stock but not by a whole lot, however it did get me very stable at ultra extreme speeds which I liked (didnt have enough time to do really stressful stress testing but doom was nice and stable), then I tried to remount it again and tight the fasteners up a whole lot and broke one off (BE VERY CAREFUL OVER TIGHTENING THE FASTENERS THEYRE FRAGILE!) happily newegg accepted my rma but gave me a refund because theyre out of stock, as I see it theres two problems with the silencer: it doesnt have a gt pci bracket for ultra users and its hard to make good contact. Also it doesnt seem to cool as well as they claim Im not sure what their test conditions were, but my stable overclock did go up a good 15mhz or so. So it seems like a good product but needs some improvement.
Gundamit, that is GREATLY I'm hoping to be able to grab stock on an NV5 this week. I appreciate your insight into the mounting/tightening of the Silencer....hopefully it'll prevent me from having to do it twice. I have seen a few reviews where they did have their load temps go down by 10C or so.....and with my case temps I'm expecting about the same.....providing I get the thing mounted well enough.

Gee, if I can get another 15MHz OC I'd be MORE then happy....that'd be my everyday 24/7 gaming clock at 440MHz, and my benchmarking OC at it does 425/435 on the core with my stock cooler. The memory I'm not to concerned about.....but ppl seem to be seeing gains from BOTH overclocks while still maintaining the lower maybe I'll be able to get a bit closer to 1.2GHz on the ram for benchmarking.....cus it can do 1175 right now.

Again, thx for the post....I hope to be able to have pics up of my card with before and after shots of the NV5 installation.
cornelious0_0 said:
Gundamit, that is GREATLY I'm hoping to be able to grab stock on an NV5 this week. I appreciate your insight into the mounting/tightening of the Silencer....hopefully it'll prevent me from having to do it twice. I have seen a few reviews where they did have their load temps go down by 10C or so.....and with my case temps I'm expecting about the same.....providing I get the thing mounted well enough.

Gee, if I can get another 15MHz OC I'd be MORE then happy....that'd be my everyday 24/7 gaming clock at 440MHz, and my benchmarking OC at it does 425/435 on the core with my stock cooler. The memory I'm not to concerned about.....but ppl seem to be seeing gains from BOTH overclocks while still maintaining the lower maybe I'll be able to get a bit closer to 1.2GHz on the ram for benchmarking.....cus it can do 1175 right now.

Again, thx for the post....I hope to be able to have pics up of my card with before and after shots of the NV5 installation.

You should get around a 10-15mhz stable boost on the core Id say, maybe even with lower temps than before. Memory Im not sure though.... I didnt get to do extensive testing but I think my stock Ultra cooler might have been better at that, search for the NV Silencer 5 thread in hot deals or something like that, I posted a few pics.
Well, i just couldnt wait to get started with the NVSilencer...I had to go and mod my stock cooler a little. You know that metal-like cover with the graphic of Nalu on it on most reference GT coolers? I cut it along the that arc'd silver line and around teh Nvidia logo and re-attached everything. Now not only does it look kinda cool, but it exposed most of the core's now my Vantec Fancard is blowing right on it.....which in turn lowered my temps by about 2C. :D

I would have taken off the cover completely, but i wanted to leave that base peice on with the arc so that the blower fan's airflow has some direction and actually HIT the heatsink.

I'll post up pics when I can.
paulmofyourhand said:
could you purchase that block alone?

would bit be cheaper than the DD versoin?

Yeah you can get the block alone. I got it from for about $129. They had a LED version, which puts a slim piece of plexi inbtween and lights it up with two LED's for like $150 I think.

So its about the same price as the DD block, without the LED's and plexi. I got it because, A) Dont like how the DD block looks, B) It would fit anyways.
hes a nub, just warn him. he prob got excited seeing all our uber cardz

Hehe....i guess that's fair. :p

Man, I'd really like to see the two water blocks put up against each other in a review. You'd think that at the same price, the all copper NV68 would be the better choice....but you never know I guess. Sometimes it WILL just come down to looks, and there's nothing wrong with that.....I just dont see how the Innovatek could outperform the DD block by any great margin is all.

Unless someone around here wants to buy both blocks and do their own comparison. ;)
I got it mainly because as I said, the DD block WONT fit in my system. I dont see how it would fit in any system with a NF3-250 and a fan on the chipset, or a waterblock. The DD block is just too thick.

It is what I had planned on getting, but it just wont fit. I also dont like the method they used to hold it on the back. Looks gaudy and covers most of the card. But thats my opinion.
fallguy said:
It is what I had planned on getting, but it just wont fit. I also dont like the method they used to hold it on the back. Looks gaudy and covers most of the card. But thats my opinion.
I agree, it is alittle too thick and I don't like the way the holder looks too.
fallguy said:
I got it mainly because as I said, the DD block WONT fit in my system. I dont see how it would fit in any system with a NF3-250 and a fan on the chipset, or a waterblock. The DD block is just too thick.

It is what I had planned on getting, but it just wont fit. I also dont like the method they used to hold it on the back. Looks gaudy and covers most of the card. But thats my opinion.

What mobo have you got? I could have SWORN I saw it installed on a 6800 in a system with a waterblock on the chipset of a MSI K8N NEO2.
Well i got bored so i dremeled up my old p1 coolermaster heatsyncs and came up with this after a little superglue and artic silver 5



sorry if there a little big :D
Haha, yeha man, can you guess what my favorite color is lol?

red _and_ blue actually ;)

But in all seriousness, i got those pcb colors because my case is canada themed, i have a wicked window design planed out i'll post it up here once i'm done cutting it ;D
Master said:
Haha, yeha man, can you guess what my favorite color is lol?

red _and_ blue actually ;)

But in all seriousness, i got those pcb colors because my case is canada themed, i have a wicked window design planed out i'll post it up here once i'm done cutting it ;D

Cool stuff, where 'bouts in Canada are you? I sure hope you're painting the inside of the chasis too. ;) you should paint the entire interior of the case red, and the drive cages and that bar below teh PSU white.....I think that'd look pretty cool.
I'm In New Brunswick.

I might paint the inside of the case, but i'[m not as much into modding as i used to be, i think i'll cut the side pannel and leave it at that, univiersity has started, and i dont have much time anymore ;(
Master said:
I'm In New Brunswick.

I might paint the inside of the case, but i'[m not as much into modding as i used to be, i think i'll cut the side pannel and leave it at that, univiersity has started, and i dont have much time anymore ;(

I hear ya.....but it would still be a very nice project. Painting a case interior doesn't HAVE to take that much time out of your life. You could just set aside a weekend to get the majority of it finished.

I still think you should go ahead with it....the red/white would look kinda cool. Do it for your country. :D
Just got my ATI Silencer Rev4 for my X800XT PE:

BEfore: 42C/78C @ 530/560

Now: 37C / 58C @ 540/585

I highly recommend this cooler if you have an X800!



looks great with my ic7, have wires all tidied up and black sleeving. its a shame i have to change it, ati's red pcb isnt anywhere as near as nice as this.
So black PCB is better than red PCB? And not anywhere near as nice? Ok... FYI, certain ATi OEM's carry black PCB cards as well.
looks great with my ic7, have wires all tidied up and black sleeving.

Gah, that makes me soooo mad.....your Inno3D 6800 has got the nice black PCB.....but my GT is "sporting" the reference green. :(
i traded my leadtek 6800 for a BFG 6800oc :) it looks great and i can see the little blue led fans through the side of my case!

Too bad, there is no SLI w/ AGPs. Well, let's bench the hell out of these cards (individualy).
ubern00b15 said:
i traded my leadtek 6800 for a BFG 6800oc :) it looks great and i can see the little blue led fans through the side of my case!

you ideot :p leadtek kicks ass, and even the single slot cooler owns the bfg cooler
With swiftech ran at 475/1235 (PNY) load 46C, idle 41C/ambient 33C.The other 470/1199 load 50C. Both w/ MSI 61.22 driver.
Ah as I thought, the mcw50 is a great block. Im hoping nvidia will implement a "tradeup" type program when they come out with dual PCIe SLI, then you could trade your AGP 6800s in for PCIe ones with maybe a small extra charge, that would be great, I might trade my 6800 in if they do that.
Yes, MCW50 rules. Imo single purpose block(only cover gpu) is slighly better than overall block as long as system has adequate air for mem.chips
centvalny said:
Yes, MCW50 rules. Imo single purpose block(only cover gpu) is slighly better than overall block as long as system has adequate air for mem.chips

Exactly what I was just gonna say. The fact that ppl have their memory burnin' right along at 1.2GHz + doesnt help the DD block much. It's still an impressive WB.....but at those kind of OC's its usually best to keep teh core and memory seperated.
I got the DangerDen NV-68 block last Saturday. Here is what it looks like:

Here's a comparison shot to what I was using before to cool my BFG 6800 GT OC.

Here's a before:

And after:

Let's just say I was very disappointed. There was no problem with the block or the installation of it. The problem was that my Koolance pump and radiator could not handle the increased heat load on the loop.

Although my CPU and GPU overclocks were maintained, their temps both increased over my previous 200-G + 180-G block combo.

CPU went up about 4 C and GPU went up about 10 C under load. Funny thing is that GPU ambient fell from before. :p

Since I can't let that beautiful copper go to waste, I've decided to add a second loop into the system. Just picked up my 1986 Chevy Chevette heatercore today and outfitted it with appropriate barb fittings I bought from Home Depot.


I'm now waiting on my pump and fan shroud. I'll post the results once I reinstall the DD NV-68 using its own water loop.
I agree, its best to keep mem and core cooling separate. I wish Arctic Cooling had done this on the NV Silencer 5 :rolleyes: Id much rather have some tweakmonsters on there and get better core cooling.