The most immersive game for you?


Make sure to enable capatability. Right click the icon > Properties > Compatability

Honestly, shouldn't have any issues on WinXp... I've played it straight out on an install. Make sure you get the patch for it too. If you don't patch it, I think it wouldn't run.

Metal Gear Solid (Especially the Sniper Wolf and Vulcan Raven battle)


The list goes on

While those battles were great you can't tell me that when Psycho Mantis read from your memory card and then had you put the controller on the floor and made it vibrate you didn't shit a brick.
Id have to say in recent time Baldurs Gate and other spinoffs of the series, and Neverwinter nights.
Diablo 1 & 2. Leveling was just awesome in those games
WoW (So immersive that it was a part time job to me. Glad I quit)
Red Alert 2 + Yuri
Call of Duty 2 & 4
Final Fantasy 7 & 9
I'm playing Fable: Lost Chapters on my pc right now. I'm pretty into it. Played like 7 hours straight last night. I'm kinda pissed that I aged so quickly though. I hope that's something they change in Fable 2.
River City Ransom, everytime me and my bro played we would forget to do our chores or homework. And would spend hours racking up money, then die and try to recoup are money back. Then when we realize reality, we'd spend an hour writing down the passwords and realize someone wrote a wrong letter or number down. -_-.