The monitor I chose.

Feb 26, 2011
Well i was gonna be paying around $340 with overnight delivery for a samsung xl2370 but I did some research and the only thing I really care about in a monitor is input lag and I found a monitor that tested for many ppl in reviews with 0 input lag!! Yessss

I purchased this monitor for $363 new on amazon that is with overnight delivery this monitor sells on newegg for almost 450 bucks.. This monitor was made for gaming and it has a thru mode that you enable on the monitor and it takes all input lag out of the monitor. I feel I have made a wise choice in chosing this monitor.

120hz with my ps3.. I know I cant get 3d on my ps3 that would be awesome but hey 16:9 1080p monitor 120hz with no input lag what could be more better for a gamer?.

I was going to get the XL2370 but for 20 bucks more I got the LG W2363D-PF 120 hz monitor I think I made a wise choice seeing how all Im gonna use it for is gaming.
you can't hook up a 120hz monitor to a ps3
the ps3 only supports 2x60hz frame-packed 720p 3d over hdmi
you can't hook up a 120hz monitor to a ps3
the ps3 only supports 2x60hz frame-packed 720p 3d over hdmi

Um yea you can :). It can be hooked up to a ps3 :) you just cant use the 3d in which I did not plan to. But you can use HDMI 1080p 120hz and enable the thru mode which eliminates all the input lag :)
Well to all I will do a review on this monitor when I get it. And to the dude that said you cant play a 120hz monitor on a ps3. Yes you can :). This monitor is 16:9, HDMI, and 120hz :). And even if it isnt 120hz it will give me the smoothest gameplay possible that the monitor can give. I dont plan on using this monitor for 3d with ps3 I already know that wont work :).
Good. Finally. Maybe you'll stop starting these WMSIB threads which you get told same thing.
Good. Finally. Maybe you'll stop starting these WMSIB threads which you get told same thing.

What 2 threads makes me a spammer? Hmm ok how bout I just leave the forum then nerd. Seeing thats what you care about.
congrats you purchased the 120hz panel with the worst image quality.
Image quality is not subjective when the displays are calibrated and set side by side.

The LG has bad color presets, requires calibration and the only reviewer to get the color/contrast equal to the other 120hz panels was, every other reviewer got poor results while they pretty much get the same thing for all the other 120hz panels. All of the other 120hz panels except the 2233rz/W2363D come set out of the box.

The OP bought the LG not the Samsung. That tech radar review is garbage, there is no technical information in that review at all. Best to look at Digital Versus/PRAD/Flat Panels HD.
Well I believe the op stated in a previous thread that a zero input lag was his only requirement.