The Masquerade - Bloodlines


Jul 22, 2004
man that games comes out the same day as HL2.......but i think its gonna be great. :D

finally it is time for the PC gamers to have some fun :p
i just replayed redemption.. if bloodlines turn out to be as fun as redemption; we have a winner.
I'm gonna play HL2 first. FPS games are pretty short [except D3, shit that game dragged on].
is this confirmed?

the retailer release dates have been november for sometime but there was no official release date from the publisher
In some ways I'm more excited about this than about HL2. Don't get me wrong, they both look awesome, but it looks like they pulled off the action-RPG pretty well. Those usually aren't very good. Also except for KOTOR I haven't played a really good RPG for years.
Damn I just spent $60 on HL2 Silver. I don't really want to spend another $50 so soon for Bloodlines.
But I've been looking forward to this even more than HL2.

You guys are not gonna believe this! I played the first 1 day and night, the game was so addictive. I loved that game and plus it was so big.... cant wait...
Yeah, it looks really great, and I'm glad it seems White Wolf had a whole lot of input in the production process. They have the mannerisms and clan stereotypes down pat :)
Yeah, I'm more looking forward to vb:m than hl2 too. They both do indeed look incredible. But we've waited so long for hl2, what's a couple more months? Shame about the mp getting the axe but the sp looks to be very immersive to compensate.
I hope this game doesn't become lost in all the big name releases next week. Here is a clip from Gamespot:

"Activision and developer Troika have announced that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines will join Half-Life 2 on store shelves on November 16, alongside Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Need for Speed Underground 2, Call of Duty: Finest Hour, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, and several others."

That is some stiff competetion there...
MH Knights said:
"Activision and developer Troika have announced that Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines will join Half-Life 2 on store shelves on November 16, alongside Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, Need for Speed Underground 2, Call of Duty: Finest Hour, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, and several others."
Jesus H. Christ
That's alot of releases, mostly for consoles though. Wonder how much that cuts into PCgame sales?
BoK said:
That's alot of releases, mostly for consoles though. Wonder how much that cuts into PCgame sales?

Pretty sure game companies make a lot of profit anyways......
there are just way to many high profile games comin out this month! pocket book cant handle it :)
Man i have been looking forward to this game more so than half life 2. And man that is one kick ass lineup for this month. Call of duty finest hour is next on my list.

Shame you can't get it over Steam, it'll have to wait till I get time off work to get it :(
when i get paid on friday i think i'll get bloodlines, i ordered silver package a month or however long ago. i'll have to check at work today and see if we have any copies in stock :cool:
HL2 then VtMB then MGS3. I plan on having no life for the rest of this month. YAY!
The early play test reports on this game look fantastic.
A must buy if you like rps or vampires. Troika is a great company.
I can't wait.
I heard the game is very open, not as linear as people thought , which is good news imo.

basically you have an apartment, you can leave and go out where you want and things. Thought i'm not sure if it's restricted to the hub your in (there's like 4 main hubs to go through).

missions you get from various people and such, you get emails at your apartment on your computer and such to go through.

Also heard that playing as a nosferatu feels like splinter cell, because you want to stay in the shadows, makes me all giddy like a school girl :)
]|[ Mar']['in ]|[ said:
I've never even heard of these games! :confused: I've obviously got some research to do :p They look pretty badass.

What rock do you live under?
I'm eager to see how they handle some disciplines - especially Dominate, Presence and Auspex