The Magic Jack


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2007
has anyone used one of these heard about it while watching big brother one of the cast had mentioned it seems legit but the website isn't very secure and they don't accept paypal if anyone has one and could please provide some feedback and where and how they purchased it i would really appreciate it thanks

not sure if its their official page but this is the first link that comes up on google
Is it just me or does that thing just look like a usb to old school phone adapter?

I haven't really looked at their service much, but I imagine it isnt much better than Skype or other voip progs, except that they give you that piece of hardware too.
You must have SKYPE installed to be able to use it. You can use a regular phone handset whereas with SKYPE you must buy theirs. The Magicjack software is in the adapter itself. Service is free the first year, $20 per year afterwards.

We carry it where I work but we are out of stock right now. Here is some more info
So it 20 bucks a year and you can talk anywhere there is a pc by plugging this into the usp and then just plugging your phone into it. Huh pretty good idea and it said that you get a phone number to pretty sweet. might have to look into this for travel.
yeah mine arrived today based on my first day experience so far if you live in ny and barely even use a home phone then this is a definite must buy

edit: it is unable to send faxes and without fax support its useless to me
I am re-opening an old thread. Anyone still using MagicJack since last year? How is the quality? I am trying to look for a cheaper solution than Vonage, with the economy as it is, I need to save $$ incase I lose my job.

I have one and its pretty damn impressive. I went oversees to Europe and brought the magicjack along with me to save money and make it easier to call family and friends back in the states. Sound quality was good (even on slower connections) and it was easy to use. I configured it so I could use a bluetooth headset with it so it was very convenient. Pretty much like a cordless phone.

I would highly recommend it. The difference between magic jack and a land line is negligible if you have a fast internet connection. Only draw back is 911 (emergency) support and if your internet goes out so does your phone. Also consider that if you want phone on 24/7 you will have to leave your pc on.... so that will impact your bills.
I have heard good things about them to. My parents use one for their business. My biggest qualm about them is actually the hardware. I like skype because it is software based, which means that if I am traveling I don't have to keep track of one more bit of hardware. I've sold tons of them at work, and never had one come back. It's a great advantage to people who want to drop a landline and pick up something cheaper, but don't want the monthly bill of a cell phone.
Only Problem I see: No Power/No Internet-> No Computer -> No Phone......

I got vonage right now, which means no power/internet = no phone. Thats why I have cell phone. For me it is mostly financial decision, magic jack is cheaper than vonage, but I am still somewhat hesitant after hearing the horror stories. Is it true they install spyware or some sort of ad-ware? One thing I like about vonage is that they do not have software to install in my PC.

A friend at work has one and he thinks it is great. He has bought several and gives them to family and friends. He calls some of his family members in foreign countries for way cheaper than a regular land line.
I've been using Magicjack for a year now.

It's a little flaky once in a while. Sometimes you'll get a call dropped or something. I had a weekend or two where it stopped working in the past year. Tech support is basically via chat and they are terrible just like most scripted outsourced tech support.

QoS on your router is a necessity if you've got a house like mine with a ton of stuff on the network (Tivo, 360, PS3, Wii, Desktop, Media Server, work laptop sometimes w/ VPN going, wife's Ipod Touch, laptops, etc). Otherwise the audio gets pretty choppy if something else is using the network heavily. I've got the Magicjack box at top QoS on the network along with the 360.

If you don't have QoS of some sort and you try to make calls while doing heavy downloads or torrents or whatever, you're in trouble.

I'm happy with it though. I'm about to renew for $20 for another year. I'd say, most of the time it works fine, once in a while you get an echo or a dropped call. But it's super cheap so I don't expect too much.

I set up a Shuttle K45 box as a media server/ magicjack server. It runs Magicjack, PyTivo and TVervisty 24x7 and runs on a 100w PSU. :cool:

The only spying/adserving it is supposed to do by the terms of the EULA is tracking the phone numbers you call in order to post ads in the magicjack phone interface itself. Eventually (no ads yet).

Let's put it this way. You only spend like $40 for the MJ and a year of service. It's not much risk. It's not like the $400-$500 for X amount of years plans, and then the company folds. If something goes wrong, it's only $40.
I'm happy with it though. I'm about to renew for $20 for another year. I'd say, most of the time it works fine, once in a while you get an echo or a dropped call. But it's super cheap so I don't expect too much.

Echo seems to be a part of voip for some reason. Some people don't mind it, others it drives crazy.