the is My Westy 37" SE Defective Thread.


[H]F Junkie
Apr 10, 2002
Well as some of you know I had allot of problems when I received my original Westinghouse 37" 1080p monitor.
Allot of blame went to Nvidias Drivers etc. I spent almost 2 ngihts trying to get my display to work, and eventually gave up completely on the VGA cable I had. I was eventually able to get it working with the DVI cable though by overriding settings.
I was eventually able to get my Westy working under windows Xp by disabling the Nvidia Control Panel and using the classic display panel settings. I had to go under Nvidia properties and define a "custom" resolution (Although the resolution was actually listed under the dropdown). From there I was able to force the monitor in to 1080p mode, although it seemed to want to default back to 1080i a few times.

Anyways I just returned this Monitor. Late as usually, I finally decided that it was defective. It did work fine as a secondary monitor for a few months ;) but I didn't want to keep what I now consider a defective display.


So here are some easy ways to tell if your Westinghouse is also defective.

I will call them Westy 1 (left side of pic, and not defective) and Westy 2 (right side of pic and defective). Both have the same Firmware AFAIK and both are SE's.

  • 1) The Westy on the left is perfect (Westy #1). Even in the Dos / bios Screens I can see ALL the text. The other Westy as you can see stretches the text to fill the screen but also goes into 5:4 or whatever which means it chops off all the text on the left and right sides. I tried swapping DVI ports and cables but the Westy on the right displays the text the same way no matter which DVI it is connected in.

    2) After booting into windows Westy #1 is detected as the (LVM-37W3SE) where Westy #2 is detected as a 42" display (W4207) This causes a number of problems for Westy #2, and I have to use the Nvidia drivers to manually override the settings. I'm not sure what would happen if you plugged in another device that does NOT allow you to override the settings that the monitor is hooked up to (Such as a PS3, X-Box 360, HD or DVD player etc!). This really worries me.
    See this thread

    3) Finally while both of the monitors I have suffer slightly from this, the Westy #2 is the screen that caught my attention with the problem. it was MUCH worse than Westy #1. The screen is darker on the left hand side than the right. To the extent that the left side of Westy #2 with the backlight on 20, matches the right side of Wwesty #1 with the backlight on 0! So much for improved contrast ratio vs non SE !? (supposedly the SE edition offers 1200 to 1 contrast instead of 1000 to 1) but the contrast on the defective Westy was definitely lacking compared to Westy #1. Yes brightness and contrast are different, but since the whites were not as white and hence not as bright on the left hand side.

Finaly my Defective westy had a single dead pixel in the corner, not enough to make me return it alone.

I have no regrets returning this thing. Sure it was awesome having two and I was able to manualy get it to work, but it should be plug and play, and now that I am 100% it is defective it had to go back! So for everyone else who ordered a Westy that detects as a W4207 and suffers from a noticable change in brightness/contrast from right to left, your Westy is defective and you might considering returning it knowing that there are WESTYINGHOUSE W37SE's that do work properly even with Nvidia's drivers.
I don't think its a big enough issue for most people to return it considering how rare they are now. If they really wanted to get rid of it they could make a killing on eBay. But shame on Westinghouse for not supporting it, and doubly so for discontinuing it!
I don't think its a big enough issue for most people to return it considering how rare they are now. If they really wanted to get rid of it they could make a killing on eBay. But shame on Westinghouse for not supporting it, and doubly so for discontinuing it!
Ya i lucked out when i picked up mine, just before it got discontinued and pay 975! I was thing of selling it to but I like it to much...
Never had any problems with mine. It did default to 1080i but just switched it to p and it stayed that way. I do have one stuck pixel but its way at the top (3rd pixel down) right and never notice it unless i look for it.
I have xp so I cannot answer the vista question but hopefully someone will chime in. However you can tell if you have a bad one in the bios screen before windows or any drivers are loaded. You should be able to see all the text and it should not be cut off. your right about them being rare and not wanting to take it back, however I'd rather pay 300 more for another brand that I know will work when I plug stuff into it if necessary. If the Dos screen is not showing properly, and it's a PITA to set in windows, then what about when I try to plug something else into it in the future that cannot be configured to over ride it's detected settings.

As for changing from 1080i to 1080p how did you do it? In windows? I kept setting mine to 1080p and it would default back to 1080i. Anyways if yours is not detecting as the correcty westy in win xp, if it had to manualy be set to 1080p via Nvida Drivers (and not using Nvidia controll panel), and you don't see all the text on boot it is probably defective. Up to you if you want to return it or not.
I think i have a working 37SE then. What about hdmi? Have tried either the PS3 or Elite on yours?