The Information Dividend: Why IT Makes You ‘Happier’

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
A new global study claims that access to information technology has a "statistically significant, positive impact on life satisfaction."

Additionally, the report showed women, those on low incomes and few educational qualifications benefit most from access to IT. Not only do women gain more than men from access to, and use, of technology, they also achieve greater increased life satisfaction from using it.
Of course it does..... Women don't need to buy expensive cookbooks to learn how to cook fancy meals anymore! Just go on the computer and look up free recipes online.

Back to the kitchen!
Of course it does..... Women don't need to buy expensive cookbooks to learn how to cook fancy meals anymore! Just go on the computer and look up free recipes online.

Back to the kitchen!

They'll also use it to find a mate that isn't a male chauvinist....
Of course it does..... Women don't need to buy expensive cookbooks to learn how to cook fancy meals anymore! Just go on the computer and look up free recipes online.

Back to the kitchen!

Haha... that reminds me of that time at church camp when one of the visiting leaders decided it was urbane and appropriate to tell the whole Why Women Don't Need Driver's Licenses joke...

Yeah, that was... interesting.:rolleyes:
gah i thinked that axcess to teknowlegy an googlies was suposed to mak us al moar st00pyd!! :) ! ! ??

Ah, thank goodness that changed and we're all actually supposed to be more happy and smart instead now.
Of course it does..... Women don't need to buy expensive cookbooks to learn how to cook fancy meals anymore! Just go on the computer and look up free recipes online.

Back to the kitchen!

Hahahaha, aw man! Showed your comment to my wife and she just looked at me….. Now she wants to sigh in to the H and respond……………… :eek: