The Hell Boss In DOOM 3


Jul 5, 2001
Can someone please tell me how to kill this sob becaue nothing i am doing is working :)

thnx in advance

You need to use soul power baby! You dig?

run around close to the hell hole so lesser demons keep climbing out.

kill 5 of them, throw the soul cube at big ugly.

Humm, I don't think anyone actually read your post. . . . you need to shoot the little things that are flying around with the lights on them. Once you kill them he will be valurnable until he powers up and more of them appear.
Jrmicon said:
Humm, I don't think anyone actually read your post. . . . you need to shoot the little things that are flying around with the lights on them. Once you kill them he will be valurnable until he powers up and more of them appear.

hehe your right i think they thought i was talking about the last boss :) but i have been doing that, do you need to hit in a certain spot on his body or just spam him with rockets?


after you kill the seakers you shot the hell outa that blue orb above the boss man. that'll do it :)
You only get the soul cube after you kill that boss you all you who said use the soul cube are cheaters :p
We're not cheaters...we just play on nightmare :p

Nah I thought he meant the end boss,whoops.
Dont use the BFG on that boss, I dont think it hurts him, just his little minions. Kill the minions, then shoot rockets at the portal he makes. If you do it right it turns red when it gets hit.
cool, thnx guys. i was killing the floating flash light guys and then just letting him have it with my strogest gun.

thnx again.

Mac[X-D] said:
cool, thnx guys. i was killing the floating flash light guys and then just letting him have it with my strogest gun.

thnx again.


Heh - You haven't met the *real* Hell Boss yet... :D