The Heat Is On


Jun 22, 2004
Marvelous Competition the last month or so.

You blokes are surprising us and have put on a notable effort, particularly given your summer weather.

Here's to good competition bringing out the best in us.

PS: We're still NO 1
Go kiss your own Bollocks.


It's on!

PS yea yea don't make us send KodiakStar back over to your house again.
You Australians are so damn friendly! :D

Good show!

marty9876 said:
PS yea yea don't make us send KodiakStar back over to your house again.

He is less of a pain in the arse than some of the other [H]erd dickheads who have hung around smelling like a dead goanna.
ezee said:
He is less of a pain in the arse than some of the other [H]erd dickheads who have hung around smelling like a dead goanna.
I retract my earlier statement. ;)
ezee said:
He is less of a pain in the arse than some of the other [H]erd dickheads who have hung around smelling like a dead goanna.

If they are being a pain, mention it to one of the mods here, or to Kyle himself. I'm sure that said dickheads will be dealt with by our mods as much as is possible.
Let's don't get too worked up over some friendly words... ;)

Just fold em under the table... speaks louder than words. :D
The title of this thread reminds me of the cheezy 80's (right?) song...

and i cant get that one damn line out of my head..

You guys are still over the top on the active comps.. surprising we are neck to neck on points/WU's with you guys having ~500 more active comps listed
KodiakStar said:
and i cant get that one damn line out of my head..
Is it repeating over and over again like it is for me? The more I try to stop thinking about it, the worse it gets.
Mattman said:
Is it repeating over and over again like it is for me? The more I try to stop thinking about it, the worse it gets.

Yup. DAMNIT. OCAU and their ploy to ruin our minds!
Hmmm... leave it to the Aussies.. first they try and get us with their vegemite... now they've resorted to crappy 80's music. :D

All in an attempt to take our minds off the task at hand... borging!

DamienThorn said:
If they are being a pain, mention it to one of the mods here, or to Kyle himself. I'm sure that said dickheads will be dealt with by our mods as much as is possible.

That person would be me. It has been PM'd to me at OCAU that it is just ezee that has a problem and that Iam welcome there. Apparently ezee is allowed to cross post but not anyone else.
Spectre said:
That person would be me. It has been PM'd to me at OCAU that it is just ezee that has a problem and that Iam welcome there. Apparently ezee is allowed to cross post but not anyone else.

Ah, I see. Wasn't passing judgement on you, but I know that a while ago there were some minor flames happening in the OCAU forums, and didn't know if that was about the exent of things, or if they'd ramped up past where they were then.

Spectre said:
That person would be me. It has been PM'd to me at OCAU that it is just ezee that has a problem and that Iam welcome there. Apparently ezee is allowed to cross post but not anyone else.

Yea I knew it was you he was talking about. Always makes me laugh as I can think of a few much larger asses around here than yourself----myself inclued.

Let's go kick them in the Bollocks!
marty9876 said:
Yea I knew it was you he was talking about. Always makes me laugh as I can think of a few much larger asses around here than yourself----myself inclued.

Let's go kick them in the Bollocks!
Throw another shrimp on the barbie! :)
marty9876 said:
Yea I knew it was you he was talking about. Always makes me laugh as I can think of a few much larger asses around here than yourself----myself inclued.

Let's go kick them in the Bollocks!

Thanks for the support. Speaking of beating the aussies I may be coming into more crappers if the pile is light.
marty9876 said:
Let's go kick them in the Bollocks!

I think we should start useing ezee's name instead!

Let's go kick them in the ezee!!!! :p
Or go and wipe your arse whith some ezee! :D

Mayhem33 said:
I think we should start useing ezee's name instead!

Let's go kick them in the ezee!!!! :p
Or go and wipe your arse whith some ezee! :D

Ok all, google Bollocks and you will understand why I use that name.

Ok, I'll do it for you.

"bollocks n. How do I put this delicately... bollocks are testicles. The word is in pretty common use in the UK (not in my house, of course!) and works well as a general "surprise" expletive in a similar way to bugger. The phrase "the dog's bollocks" is used to describe something particularly good (yes, good) - something like "see that car - it's the dog's bollocks, so it is". This in turn gives way to homonym phrases like "the pooch's privates" or "the mutt's nuts" which all generally mean the same thing. Oh, and this beer from Wychwood Brewery. The word has also slipped through the the State of Florida's censors in the wonderful form of this registration plate. We also describe a big telling-off as a bollocking, and additionally use the word to mean "rubbish" (as in "well, that's a load of bollocks")."
Indeed the heat is on... squarely on you aussies!! cause we're bringin the heat and you're gonna get burned....


<evil-laughter> MmmmmbbWHAHAHA!!! </evil-laugh>

Full Farmage restored! 14 CPUs back on-line, with 3 more to come.

I'm changing the name of this Tyan S2460, its now "That Cat Came Back". Three lives down (three PSUs have died from 24/7 FAH), hopefully the new 450w will live longer than a year.

As soon as Gigabyte gets off the stick and publishes the F7 BIOS for my K8NS Ultra-939, an additional 4.4ghz of X2 power comes to bear. Summer? WGAS? :D

I'm going to need the Farm when winter arrives, what with my fuel oil distributor forecasting a "fixed discount price" of ONLY $2.35 a gallon! :eek:

I am right behind you. 13 active, 4 to come, and waiting to see on 1 more (damn x)
Strikemaster said:
<evil-laughter> MmmmmbbWHAHAHA!!! </evil-laugh>

Strike, I'm coming full fold ahead... er.. in 368 days... :D

Doing some ramping, give those Aussies somethig to sweat about (they do sweat right?) :rolleyes:

DamienThorn said:
If they are being a pain, mention it to one of the mods here, or to Kyle himself. I'm sure that said dickheads will be dealt with by our mods as much as is possible.

The mods here have no power over what people post in other forums.
Sparky said:
The mods here have no power over what people post in other forums.

I think that, were people in these forums ruining the rep of hardocp in other areas, that Kyle would be less than pleased, to say the least. That said, apparently the Australians recognize the ezee is a bit sensitive to the friendly rivalry, and so nothing is likely to come of it.
