The DAB Thread


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2009
Aug 29, 2001
Well, I have sent a few E-mails back and forth to VJ and Bruce. They are currently adding me to the DAB list so I can access.

I will be trying to get myself up to speed here over the next few days (once I can see what I need to get up to speed on).

What I want to know from you all:
What concerns or questions does the [H]orde have? Is there anything you want me to ask or find an answer to?

Depending on how this thread develops I might have a main thread linked to other sub threads, however at this point I have no clue what those sub threads would be, so and this point this is it.

One thing that has always bothered me is the organization of VJ's forums (folding) I never can find things when I want. Sometimes it is the latest console program sometimes other things. Just seems like it is difficult to actually find what Stanford recommends.

For instance. Try to find out what is the current nvidia driver approved for folding. There is a ton of threads and speculation on which driver is good, bad, or ugly. But nowhere can I find an actual answer from VJ/Stanford as to what is the latest driver that works.

Just one of my pet peeves.
I think it would be nice to have a sticky that is locked for posts (expect by the DAB Rep) that is for updates from the DAB. A nice weekly or more (something important has happened) update so that everyone who doesn't hit the forum as much can see what is going on. In there you can add a link to the relevant discussion if one exists. THE FOLDING NEWS

I don't always hit the forums and sometimes the big news has fallen away and I miss it.

Anyway glad to have you on the job.
ATI clients, all-in-one/highly fuctional FAH clients ala BOINC are the two things I hear are on the to-do list but haven't heard news on in forever.
For instance. Try to find out what is the current nvidia driver approved for folding. There is a ton of threads and speculation on which driver is good, bad, or ugly. But nowhere can I find an actual answer from VJ/Stanford as to what is the latest driver that works.

I just got the DAB forum turned on for me and low and behold this is being talked about. When something comes of it I will post and update.
I think it would be nice to have a sticky that is locked for posts (expect by the DAB Rep) that is for updates from the DAB. A nice weekly or more (something important has happened) update so that everyone who doesn't hit the forum as much can see what is going on. In there you can add a link to the relevant discussion if one exists. THE FOLDING NEWS

I love this idea.
Agreed on all points above, and one random (rambling) thought...
Could they possibly indicate which way they are leaning toward in the future? There are many rabid-but-broke folders (raises hand) that really want to to all the science possible and actually build their main system with folding in mind, but I wouldn't know right now if I should focus on more cores next upgrade, or more GPU... Plus, the lack of news on the Radeon/Folding/GPU flash stuff had me about to throw my main (read: school) rig out the window really sucks. I picked up a 6950 specifically for folding (NV hater, they shot my dog, long story) and get better performance out of a dirt cheap AMD720 unlocked. Basically what I'm saying is that if they are more transparent on their goals, those of us (huge assumption, I know) that only upgrade every other year or so will gladly try to provide better systems...

OK- going back to S+ study, sorry for the record number of parenthesis (not really ;) ), Glad to have you on the case Kendrak!
I just got the DAB forum turned on for me and low and behold this is being talked about. When something comes of it I will post and update.

Please do, this would help many of us. Also, any additional Linux or Unix-like OS updates for folding would be much appreciated, I know a lot of changes happen frequently.

Thanks for all of your help and good luck! :)

One thing that has always bothered me is the organization of VJ's forums (folding) I never can find things when I want. Sometimes it is the latest console program sometimes other things. Just seems like it is difficult to actually find what Stanford recommends.

For instance. Try to find out what is the current nvidia driver approved for folding. There is a ton of threads and speculation on which driver is good, bad, or ugly. But nowhere can I find an actual answer from VJ/Stanford as to what is the latest driver that works.

Just one of my pet peeves.

short answer, any WHQL drivers..

beta drivers have broken cuda support 99.9% of the time.
How about clients that detect bad, or units that are hanging and automatically delete them. So lets say when I'm working out of town my PPD isn't fucked until I get home.
How about clients that detect bad, or units that are hanging and automatically delete them. So lets say when I'm working out of town my PPD isn't fucked until I get home.

I'm just not sure there is an easy way of doing this without del a # of good units along with them.

Bad units are rare. If you are getting them often you prolly have a 99.9% stable system and the .01% is kiling you.
IMO the priority is putting out a user-friendly client. The complexity and the multitude of clients, tags and requirements is turning off a lot of potential folders.

A tray client that detects number of cores and receives appropriate WU (unicore, smp, bigadv, biggeradv, beta), with a few simple checkboxes options like "Pause" "Pause after completion" "Use all available CPU" "Always on PC" .. would bring in a lot more donors.

And if the client can autoupdate, do a WU check if current WUs are reported broken, automatically scale back to smp if there's problem with bigadv... then it removes the need for interaction.

I'm missing the days where I only had a tray icon which I could pause whenever I wanted, not having to worry what's going on behind..
IMO the priority is putting out a user-friendly client. The complexity and the multitude of clients, tags and requirements is turning off a lot of potential folders.

A tray client that detects number of cores and receives appropriate WU (unicore, smp, bigadv, biggeradv, beta), with a few simple checkboxes options like "Pause" "Pause after completion" "Use all available CPU" "Always on PC" .. would bring in a lot more donors.

And if the client can autoupdate, do a WU check if current WUs are reported broken, automatically scale back to smp if there's problem with bigadv... then it removes the need for interaction.

I'm missing the days where I only had a tray icon which I could pause whenever I wanted, not having to worry what's going on behind..

You do realise they are already pretty close to that with v7
I'm just not sure there is an easy way of doing this without del a # of good units along with them.

Bad units are rare. If you are getting them often you prolly have a 99.9% stable system and the .01% is kiling you.

there actually is a way to do it. in the V7 client setup a report button/option. when you select it have it auto transmit all the data/files from that failed WU into a database(for VJ/staff to check) that the WS can read and thus automatically remove the WU from the system when say 3 or 4 people report the WU as failing. (simple yet complicated but is still something do-able on their end) it ends up killing two birds with one stone though, one it cleans the forum up and two it also means there are less people needed to comb through the forum trying to find bad WU threads.
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You do realise they are already pretty close to that with v7
Not sure how much has changed since I uninstalled it, but I found v7 to be more convoluted than the current clients. Although it might be convenient to manage all clients in a unified interface, I remember certain aspects (especially adding tags) being more complicated than in the v6 console clients (I only use uhhh -advmethods and -forceasm in case I get certain uniproc WUs)
Not sure how much has changed since I uninstalled it, but I found v7 to be more convoluted than the current clients. Although it might be convenient to manage all clients in a unified interface, I remember certain aspects (especially adding tags) being more complicated than in the v6 console clients (I only use uhhh -advmethods and -forceasm in case I get certain uniproc WUs)

Was it that it was just new and you were used to the old, it is actually pretty simple just click and type. ;)