The Consensus on COD:WaW

A few of the maps that weren't in the beta just have absolutely terrible spawn points. I don't recall the name of the map in particular, but you usually get spawned about 20 ft out in the open, stupid bastards just set up and spawn kill and one guy runs the flag. If you managed to spawn in a decent spot, their "earned" dogs and artillery are on the way for you.
Umm, you get XP for each dog you kill. Light em up.


Even so, you're playing S&D and you kill a few guys. They're dead until the next round. You get mugged by dogs, slash away at a bunch of them, and then turn to kill the guy shooting at you, only to have a respawned dog frigging dog run up behind you and rape you. That, or you keep fighting them off, only to get some loser sitting in a dark corner picking you off.

CoD4: rinse the chopper. It focuses on the people bright enough to do so, so it's a challenge, but it's feasible. CoD5: waste your time with the dogs, or let them kill you and drum your fingers until they're gone and you hit the respawn key.

you sure about this? i could swear i've played on teams where we eliminated all the dogs before the 60 seconds was up.

I'm not sure about it, no, but I am sure that every time I got attacked by dogs I munched my way through at least five, and most commonly seven or so, only to be given a ten or fifteen second break, thought "well, that's them done, then" and then been bumfucked. Whether they respawn or just save one or two for when you've worn yourself out fighting them off, it's not a very good mechanic.
I like the game. Game play is a bit slower which is fine with me. I like the idea of not having anymore nade spamming nade whores also, nades do less damage than in COD4. I had a problem with game play at first the FOV defaults back to 65 after each map but, a quick simple bind has cured that.
here is the bind I used in console type /bind f12 cg_fov 80
Its horrible.

Sound: 4/10
Graphics: 5/10
Gameplay: 3/10
Replay: 0/10

I am having to force myself to play through it to feel like it was worth it.

^This. The gore and mature language help realism, but all of it feels cheap. I quit playing and took a nap. Another $50 burn.
Single player is not that fun, but I bought it for the multiplayer, which I really like more than COD4's.
Except for every other FPS out there.

Atleast the ones actually made specifically for the PC.

Collectors edition? wtf do you mean collectors edition? what is there to collect? A 20 dollar slap in the face on top of the already painful 50/60 dollar kick in the nuts?

I'm tellin ya, games like these set the gerne back years. A good developer gets dictated to by a greedy publisher And you get these Call of duty rehashes every other year opposite the good ones, where Activison basically sub-contracts to treyarch to make a mod of a relatively untouched game and physics engine and takes what would formally be called an expansion pack or game conversion mod which mite have sold for $20-30s in the pass if not free, and make it into a 50 to 80 dollar commodity. It sets everything back because publishers are interested in profit, and Infinity ward, no mater how hard they try, can't repolish the turd which the call of duty series has unfortunately become faster than every other year.

Games used to be an artform, where traditional artforms fails, games challenge the individual, and you hope the next game looks more beautiful and is more challenging than the last. But this game challenges me the same if not less than last years game, and it seems like every year the difficulty curve gets flattened a little bit more, and it doesn't look any better than last years game, maybe a touch worse due to the type of environment. And the fact that I speak of this game as "this years game" should tell you how far it has fallen from art, Good games are timeless, Doesn't matter 10 years from now, they still play just like you remember, bad games you forget, just as soon as the next game arrives, maybe thats why so many people want CoD5.
Ok I deleted the game. The part with japanese/okinava and further on is just stupidly frustrating...

It's not right to die 20 times to a stupid banzai charge...
I knew this was pretty much a rehash/mod of COD4, but I still bought it. Is it the second coming? Nope, it's not. Was I expecting it to be? Nope, I wasn't. I'm enjoying it for what I figured it was going to be.

What do I like about it? I like using Molotovs. I like using the flamethrower. I like the gas grenades. I like unleashing the dogs. I like knifing the gazillion dogs that are unleashed on me. I like driving the tank, even though it is a very rudimentary thing. I like killing the tank, even though sometimes it seems like it takes about a nuke and a half to do it. I like the fact that I can team up with some buddies and actually keep track of them on my radar. I'm sure there's more but I need to stop and take a breath now.

What do I hate about it? Nothing, really. It's not realistic and it's not groundbreaking, but I find at least the MP aspect to be entertaining. I take it for what it is instead of trying to make it into something it's not and never will be.
i got it digitally thru D2D, installed but havent played yet. Ive heard multi is solid, but all this SP talk is making me a sad panda